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Lion EA

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Everything posted by Lion EA

  1. I'm sorry, Jerry. I forgot which forum I was on! (Sometimes I forget which room I'm in at home.) Thank you, Billy, for explaining for me.
  2. Ooo, does your client have a brother! I think I'm in love. :wub:
  3. Thank you very much, Jasdlm, for sharing. And, thank you very much, Catherine, for providing the technical support. :rolleyes:
  4. UPE if and only if the partnership agreement specifies the partner must use his own car and will not be reimbursed by the partnership. Suggest they start an accountable plan for 2010 and forward.
  5. What if they audit YOUR business and not your client's business?
  6. I also will use the worst case scenario for tax planning. Can't predict this Congress very well. And, would rather pleasantly surprise my clients later than tell them to pay more in a later estimate or have them owing more next year.
  7. You can't exclude MORE THAN $1680 from the penalty. He can take out more, but he'll pay the 10% penalty, unless another exception applies.
  8. Lion EA

    Refund Cycle

    I've seen nothing from IRS QuickAlerts, but other preparers have mentioned delays when Energy Credits are in the return.
  9. Zillion forms has been folded into Intelliforms, whatever that includes. Don't have it, just overheard some CCH people talking behind a corporate display at a tax preparers' seminar in December. The product they were displaying was IntelliConnect, so Intelliforms was just mentioned in passing to someone else as now including Zillion forms.
  10. My hubby's from PA, Harrisburg actually, and schooled at Carnegie Mellon. But, son lives in the tiny town of Lakewood and works at The Inn at Starlight Lake in Starlight (the bear has emerged from hibernation, so it must be springtime!) and bought land in Hancock, NY. He also bought a used Ford F-150 truck and votes Democratic. I told him if he puts a rifle rack on his truck, he's outta my will. :read:
  11. Are there still large agencies like Berkheimer or White something that collect for lots of areas? Where my kids live out in the boonies, they go down the road to Mary Wenk who's open to collect taxes on Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., but don't go between 2 and 3 p.m. when the school buses bring her children home -- it says that right on the tax forms! She even gives discounts for early payments. PA has a very bizarre system. :spaz:
  12. Way too easy, and we're all ladies! :blush:
  13. I'm a sole proprietor, an LLC. Although, I formed the LLC before CT added a $250 business entity tax, so not sure I'd bother doing it over. I have E&O insurance. Would like to get off Schedule C since that seems to be one Tax Gap target. Husband retires at the end of the school year, so I was expecting to hire him for pickups and deliveries and bank runs and scanning and filing. (He's a fast typist, but not sure I'd trust him with data entry!) Anyway, I'm considering a partnership as a possibility with him, instead of employer/employee on Schedule C. Probably not an S, since distributions need to be in the same ratio as ownership. And, S-corporations seem to be a target lately, too. Not sure what I'll do.
  14. The Direct Deposit/Debit Report is a landscape sheet that draws its information from General-Basic-Direct Deposit/Electronic Funds Withdrawal. It prints out after Diagnostics and Carryovers and before Lists and Summary. ProSystem fx has a tiny label in the lower left corner of the printed form 903481 5-20-09. I like it because it has the deposits and debits all on one page for federal and any and all states with the bank RTNs and account numbers. I've been using it for the client to make one final check of their accounts as well as making sure that's how they want their deposits &/or debits handled, and asking them to sign it (even though there's no signature line) right along with Form 8879. One comes out with the client copy that's stapled with their return, but I print an extra copy to put in front of them for checking and signing and keep that signed copy. I keep it with other documents/info they gave me -- for now in their file folder, ultimately scanned into their .pdf file along with their tax return.
  15. Customer service continues to come through for me, fast, helpful, gets me back to work. But, as a sole proprietor, that's one of the things I'm willing to pay for. If that slips, I'll demo other software again. My bill runs around $5,000 for tax software only. But, last year I tried their research and drove down to the users' conference in MD and purchased some training and use their web site and...ended up spending over $9,000. Probably spending more on hardware in 2010.
  16. I pay the big bucks for ProSystem fx (pay per return to keep my costs down) because it has some features I'm willing to pay for. If I had a different clientele, I might have a different software. If you have very many NY business clients, and you can move their prices up, you might want to consider fx.
  17. I've been handing them the Direct Deposit/Debit Report (ProSystem fx) to sign along with their other signature pages to keep in my files. Do have client call the bank and ask for their help. And, don't worry about it. :mellow:
  18. I might dip into negative numbers tonight!
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