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Lion EA

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Everything posted by Lion EA

  1. I paid a very part-time assistant to do the data entry, essentially complete the simpler returns, on my old slow laptop, and charged the client the same amount I did the year before. My profit margin was larger! With desktop prices so low, I will buy a second desktop; but have been waiting until the next thing AFTER Vista. Both my desktop and older laptop are XP. I'd hoped the assistant would organize me and my files and my supplies and my ordering and assemble returns. But, she's sloppier than I am. So, I assembled the client's copy and had her do data entry and some deliveries to the elderly. She's a reasonable typist and proofreader and both of us have reviewed a return that she worked on.
  2. That's what I was thinking, file separate extensions to have the paper trail for filing if they go with MFS and not share info. As long as they can still choose MFJ, which I thought and you confirm and who has time to look farther at 6 p.m. on the 15th!. Thanks for putting my nagging fears to rest.
  3. Hey, Jainen. Always good to hear your comments. I even agree with this one. Actually, I agree with most of what you say, even a few of the tongue-in-cheek comments. But a SALY button, especially on extensions -- BRILLIANT.
  4. As I'm preparing extensions but took a break to read this board for a few minutes, what you said about separate extensions caught my attention. I have a new client who got married in December and figured he'd file MFS as would his wife, no kids; they've been together a long time and kept their taxes separate, of course, while single. But, it was looking like a nice savings MFJ; I don't have all her details yet. Similar to you, I urged them to extend so we can do a thorough comparison in a few weeks. Haven't e-filed their extensions yet (just starting those new clients who aren't in my system yet). Should I file an extension for each of them or one MFJ? Am I really committing them to a final filing status by how I file the extension(s)?
  5. ProSystem fx by CCH. Very nice software, indeed.
  6. My first computer was a PC clone my then-husband bought in Singapore and lugged home. It had two floppy drives, so you could load your operating system in one and your program in the other and not have to swap disks until you were ready to save data. No hard drive. Small, monotone monitor. Computer is long gone, but I'm sitting here at the old but very solid computer desk from J.C. Penney's. (I have a new husband, too!)
  7. It only seems fair to prepare my own return last. Fair to me to complete those paying clients first and earn some money. And, fair to my clients to put them ahead of freebies, including my own. I didn't even look at mine this year. Usually, I start it in January and then get busy and go on extension. The last couple of years, I haven't even begun my return. I did get my husband, who's a school teacher and home on vacation this week, to go through the checkbook, gather up charitable receipts, get his mileage and expenses in one place, total up household expenses for my OIH, etc. If only I could get him to open up and flatten out all that paper. He looks at something and puts it back in the envelope. Then I have fat, skinny stacks made even fatter by the envelopes instead of stacks of 8.5X11 paper that fit in the folders I use. Oh well, it's still a big help.
  8. Thank you everyone for being here for me. Have a fabulous post season!
  9. And, once in a while it's the first name instead of the last name or the beneficiary's name instead of the donor or the EIN or....
  10. I don't have multiple designations, but a couple of thoughts. If EA came first before CPA, why not keep both licenses current. If lots of out of state work in multiple states, perhaps the EA which is a national license was an expedient way to supplement a CPA which is specific to one state and would require meeting the requirements in each and every state needed.
  11. Boarding horses and selling horse meat. Your client is really hard on boarders who fall behind on their rents?!
  12. As long as it's below Kindergarten, then the educational component is not so big as to rule out its being child care. It's April, enough research, just take it!
  13. Hey, I have a plane ticket for anyone who wants to work in CT today and tomorrow!
  14. The name control has its own conventions. If a person's name is in the trust, it's probably the first four letters of the last name.
  15. And, if it's just one or two, go to the company's site, Investor Relations or a similar department.
  16. Can't find it now, but just read up to midnight your local time for IRS. States may vary.
  17. He can even mail the check directly if she faxes him the payment voucher or emails or gives him the address and the info to write in the memo of the check or...
  18. Well, that explains why I feel so poor!
  19. Jack, I'll pay your airfare so you can work for me Tuesday and Wednesday!
  20. Not using ATX this year, but used to be a check box in the upper left corner of L, maybe. Was there also a question inside asset entry? This probably doesn't answer your question but keeps you at the top so someone helpful sees your message!
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