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I am the Head of my household

Janitor Bob

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....She is INSANE!!!.....Client is upset because instead of a big refund like her friend got, she is going to owe. She tells me that since she works at the same place as her friend and they do the same job, their refunds should be the same.

I point out the obvious flaws in her reasoning and re-assure her that, despite the unfavorable outcome, her taxes have been prepared correctly...and that if she wants to avoid owing next year, "do not withdrawal money from your 401k to pay for your trip to Florida to see the NASCAR race."

....So client calls back today (after speaking with her friend on complicated income tax issues) and informs me that she will stop in to pay me and pick up her copies, but will NOT sign the 8879 because she does not want me to file them. She will take them to the guy that did her friend's taxes "cuz he can file me as Head of Household" so I will get a big refund.

...again, I point out the flaws in her argument and inquire as to why she thinks she qualifies for this status....Since she has no dependents or children living with her...just three dogs, a fish, and two cats.

She tells me that "Since I am the head of my household, I obviously qualify to file for it".

I give up

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The unbelievable part of your story is that she's coming in to PAY you :rolleyes: . If you get the money (I'd ask for cash rather than a check) let her take the return and do what she wants to with it. Just be sure to put a note in your file that says she refused to sign and that you did not efile the return.

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I have had a couple of clients do things similar. However in my case unfortunately they do come back and have me file.

Each year I get one or two that I really would rather they not come back. But they do and each year they question the correctness of their returns. Each year I go through the same explanation and like Janitor Bob try to explain what they can do to minimize the damage however each year they choose to ignore the recommendations.

Our job is one in which we rarely receive praise for a job well done! If we tell client they will receive $5,000 refund they complain it isn't $6,000 and if we tell someone they owe, they try to make us feel like it's our fault. There are days that I wonder why in the world I chose to go into this profession, and then someone really nice comes along, someone with a difficult problem and you are able to assist them and they love you for it! That's when it becomes worthwile for me!


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How about the newly employed TEACHER who called and wanted to know why she got a bigger refund than her boyfriend...I DIDN'T DO HER BOYFRIEND'S RETURN!!! Don't even know anything about her boyfriend! How the heck do I know? After all the software gave a notice that she was over-withheld! Does that count? Okay, I feel all better now!


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How about the newly employed TEACHER who called and wanted to know why she got a bigger refund than her boyfriend...I DIDN'T DO HER BOYFRIEND'S RETURN!!! Don't even know anything about her boyfriend! How the heck do I know? After all the software gave a notice that she was over-withheld! Does that count? Okay, I feel all better now!


I like the ones who call up and say they got a notice and they do not understand it and could I explain it to them. I ask them if I could get get a copy of it and they say they didnt realize I would need a copy to explain it to them.

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How about the newly employed TEACHER who called and wanted to know why she got a bigger refund than her boyfriend...I DIDN'T DO HER BOYFRIEND'S RETURN!!! Don't even know anything about her boyfriend! How the heck do I know? After all the software gave a notice that she was over-withheld! Does that count? Okay, I feel all better now!


I like the ones who call up and say they got a notice and they do not understand it and could I explain it to them. I ask them if I could get get a copy of it and they say they didnt realize I would need a copy to explain it to them.

These people also vote and procreate... :wacko:

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