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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2016 in Posts

  1. Or take a calculated guess at it. I have found that Massachusetts will NOT give out withholding information -- but if you put something reasonable down and file, hey presto like magic they find the un-findable info, correct the tax due or refund amount, and send a letter. Since we are a flat-tax state, I simply calculate 5.15% of the wages over the exemption. It ends up being remarkably close most of the time.
    3 points
  2. Originally I bought a Nook, but it eventually became impossible to get library books on it, so I bought a Kindle which works fine both with library books and Amazon. Bookbub has a lot more Amazon books than Nook or other devices
    2 points
  3. Using GWX and N10 has relieved me of all the work in tracking down these updates before updating. Abby Normal told us about one early on (I had it memorized but now don't need it) that I kept getting. Thanks for the extra free time.
    2 points
  4. I have not, but I will check it out. Thanks, Catherine!
    1 point
  5. Don't forget to check out your library. I can borrow most any ebook I want for 3 weeks. I don't own it, but that does give me the incentive to read what I borrow, rather then buy a ton of books that I never get around to reading. And I can always buy it later if I decide I want to own it.
    1 point
  6. I love the sample book feature; I have avoided purchasing a load of turkeys that way and also took a chance on something out of my ordinary that turned out to be great. There are also lots of free books - but sometimes it's better to pay a small amount for a version with better e-formatting. I got Dante's "Divine Comedy" and opted for a paid version with reviews that lauded the formatting, as the reviews on the freebie version said navigating was hard due to the lack of e-formatting.
    1 point
  7. The Fire came in this morning and I have downloaded a preview of a book about Charlemagne. Looks like this will be a good purchase. Thanks to all for your input!
    1 point
  8. I just ran the NEVER 10 and when I did, I found over 1700 files for Win10. Last week I got the screen saying "Welcome to Windows 10", and I was able to decline it and return to Win 7. THANKS, Normal.
    1 point
  9. I do the same thing, but I suspect that once you've run Never10, installing those 'recommended' updates from windows won't actually do anything. But I'm always in the "better safe than sorry" camp.
    1 point
  10. First I installed Never 10, which disabled the exe program. Second I installed the GWX Control Panel. Despite that, my system keeps prompting me to install an optional update "KB3123862" which according to the MS website prepares your computer to upgraded to to Win 10. So now before I install any MS updates of any kind I go to the MS website to see what it does.
    1 point
  11. Probably will blow over, as BHoffman wisely stated, but never hurts to talk to your E&O anyway, just to get their take on what, if anything, you should say and/or do, as to contacts with the former clients. And as to your responsibility related to record retention.
    1 point
  12. Since you forced hinm to find someone else and pay more, I think you should reimburse him the difference. Good client relations and all that stuff, you know. After all, whatever happens to him has to somebody else's fault - may as wel be you.
    1 point
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