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Everything posted by mcb39

  1. A few of these this year so far. I create a copy of the accepted return. Select Amend return. Create the amendment and e-file the amended return. I have had no rejection of these so far.
  2. I would file for a minimal fee just because you never know if the IRS will recognize two plus two minus the loss.
  3. Many Government and Public Assistance grants are not taxable. See Quickfinders; Page 4-5. Also included are some Volunteer grants. If there was no 1099; I would certainly try to find out if it is indeed taxable.
  4. mcb39

    ACA Issues

    Oh yes, we certainly did.
  5. mcb39

    ATX Error

    No problems here except at the very beginning. Since we have been restarting every day, we have had none of that.
  6. My IT person told me to restart my computer every single day right after starting it. So far, no known issues.
  7. mcb39

    ACA Issues

    Married in October 2022; forced to file MFJ and pay back all of ACA because income is too high. We have tried every which way to resolve this, but instructions are sketchy. MFJ puts them over the 400% and MFS is not allowed according to ACA.
  8. mcb39

    ACA Issues

    Am I the only one having ACA issues this year. Nobody has posted a word on the ACA board.
  9. mcb39


    Wasn't that nice of them to take that away from the Seniors who are working to supplement their Social Security? That was one of the nicest perks about last year.
  10. I am getting that on my Wisconsin returns as well. Can't find any messages.
  11. I should add; and envelopes with windows for the Uni-forms
  12. I keep a small supply of ATX Uni-forms for just this reason. Few and far between. Only a handful each year.
  13. I have a client who installed his own and wanted to deduct cost of installation. I haven't seen the paperwork yet, but apparently he works for the company. Oh well, it never hurts to ask I guess.
  14. What if the mother doesn't have any income? Then he should just go ahead and claim them, but as S instead of HOH.
  15. Yes, it is. I call him Padre and he calls me His Angel!
  16. The Priest whose tax returns I have prepared for many years is not considered an employee of the Church, but as a SE Sole Proprietor. This presents many issues and headaches. On the rare occasions when he presides over the funeral at the funeral home instead of at the church, he receives a 1099 from the funeral home. He is also Head Chaplain at a local hospital. From there, he receives a W2 as an employee. This is probably one of my most difficult returns because he has his fingers in many pots (ie: rentals, CG., etc) What I can say in his defense is that he agonizes over his return right along with me. He trusts and relies on me totally. He was not born in this Country and is in total fear of the IRS. You are perhaps wondering why I don't "fire" him. Because, I morally can't! He was born and raised in Poland and is the sweetest, holiest person that I know. I do charge him for what I do and the plus side is that he prays for me, constantly!
  17. That is so cool. I just this week purchased two on Amazon for $9.
  18. Have you ever had a client say "All you have to do is put the numbers in the computer!" I haven't had that happen in a long time as more people are realizing that tax returns are more difficult than they think. They seem to have begun to realize how we (think, research and agonize) over their returns. If we aren't doing those things, we should not be calling ourselves Professionals. Just the fact of reading and contributing to boards like this one (which is excellent, by the way) proves that we are not letting the software do the work.
  19. mcb39

    FORM 1099

    I mail black/white laser printed copies and/or efile as well.
  20. For the hold outs, the last time I checked, Microsoft will support Windows 10 until (at least) October of 2025. If getting a new box, there is zero reason to get anything other than a current OS. I find this totally encouraging. I know time flies, but this allows me to stop worrying for a while. I just saw this morning that it is ten years since I took a 200 mile trip to take and pass a test that turned out to be redundant. The good side of the story is that I don't have to be tested every year to maintain AFSP status. This is a quirky and difficult business in so many ways. I wonder if we have to be a different breed in order to stick with it. Good luck to all this year!
  21. My client is splitting his between three charities. It will be interesting to see what his 1099 looks like. He consulted me about this several months ago and has it clearly documented.
  22. Good Question. I have a client donating in excess of $30,000 this year; his entire RMC. Strange that they wouldn't have a code as these seem to be becoming more popular. Document! Document! Document!
  23. I purchased the old computer with Win 10 Pro. Then I updated the Win 7 Pro computer to Win 10 Pro. I am only concerned about the one that came with Win 10 and that I use every day.
  24. I have been told that you cannot update 10 Pro to 11 Pro due to the fact that the 11 Pro system requires an entirely different chip and you need an entirely new computer. What is the real deal here?
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