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Lloyd Hudson

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Everything posted by Lloyd Hudson

  1. Where do you find the USB Drives at that price? I have looked but all I find are $5 to $6 each
  2. We use Eset, paid version of Malwarebytes and CCleaner. As well as barracuda firewall. I am a bit concerned as last weekend my Netflix account was hijacked. Not sure how or why but could have had something to do with me using Netflix via WiFi on my Non-business laptop. PIA to go through and change passwords on EVERYTHING.
  3. I did not know how to set up for permissions. I know my local CBS news recently would not run on livestream. Something about flash.
  4. Eric, Are you indicating that as a rule we can do without Flash and/or Java? I see some news video sites etc that seem to say otherwise? Firefox or chrome?
  5. I had one client who came in about 15 years ago to interview us a change from current preparer. Never did see him or here from him for a couple of years. called one day and wanted us to do his return. Developed relationship etc, after a few years of him always being late and on extension, I asked him why he quit the other firm. " they always wanted to put it on extension". He passed away this spring and is on extension. Late to own funeral.
  6. First I heard of this. I do not process a lot of 1099's but have a few.
  7. Used to get a request for 8453's that failed to get mailed. Since advent of 8879 never had a question.
  8. I have used HP Laserjets since 2000. Always by refurbished from www.laserxperts.com. Oldest one is about 12 years old now. Have 2 multidrawer hold ream of paper in each drawer. One small color and one MFC. Also have a brother multi that we use for fax.
  9. i have and have had an insurance license as a life and health producer for many years. I DO Not sell health insurance because I do not understand it. No more than I understand all the tax ramifications of ACA. I too have a health insurance specialist I send inquiring minds to.
  10. Positive thinking. No change, just more rhetoric. Unless all incumbents returned to congress then they might start something.. But gridlock was designed into system. Hope that they do not do anything to add to the infringement or destruction of constitution. Leaving politics now. sorry about Jack leading me off topic.
  11. If you take this discount you pay in December. If you defer till February you lose discount. According to Sales yesterday AM.
  12. i looked at this briefly a few months ago. The 1499.00 is only to the end of February. And they get percentage ( i do not remember what). My initial reaction was it could be an opprtunity for some of my newbies to do simple returns. but, figuring that one f us would have to supervise that would detract from our on office and clients. If you are out there just to sell bank products to EIC returns then it might pay off. There were two location withing a couple of miles of us but just could not see the benefit. We do not sell bank products.
  13. Thanks, I actually started that then second guessed myself. LOL This return always confuses me. He reports everything in pounds and I have to do the conversion. Keeps me thinking.
  14. Client has a rental in Great Britain. Did kitchen remodel for 7K usd intended to increase basis in property but do not know how to do it it in aTX 2013. Just increase original basis is going to change basis for all years. I think. Any notions? I thought to add asset and reduce recovery to match property. Doable?
  15. what is a "post count"? Unless I have specific knowledge I seldom post anything.
  16. No opinion. Just keep the forum open. I read it a lot during tax season to learn things to avoid.
  17. Had a "kid" the other day working on doctorate in computer sciences. Needs to pay the IRS $6.00. Says "I guess I have to get my Mother help me with this". I am thinking that you do not have $6 with a $100K trust? No he does not know how to write a check. Got a little brighter when he saw the letter that he could pay on-line. Modernism.
  18. Thanks, AZ does have a schedule S that gives you a lot of options for sorting stuff out but does not seem to flow to anything. more of an info only. Will do it like you suggested.
  19. thanks, I was tired. however I still do not know what Arizona wants. found the proforma 1040s So I think I just paper file two AZ with the proforma 1040s. Just hate starting letter writing with state 4 years from now
  20. I Am stuck, I have a Same Sex couple. MFJ,, however AZ does not recognize Same sex marriage. Intructions for ATX say check the box to create "Proforma" 1040 to attach to state. This one has large schedule A, Large 4797 losses. And adopted one child. How do I split this on AZ return and or am I reading things wrong.
  21. Shucks, only going to be in HIGH 80's this weekend at Rodeo. Tucson
  22. I had one of those yesterday, ATX did not insert my ero info. No preparer
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