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Everything posted by grandmabee

  1. I don't for my state (OR). it is automatic. after federal is accepted then state moves to created manager and I just hit transmit. I have had no problems.
  2. Even if you are on a payment plan with IRS and current they will still take your refund. I think he will not get the refund.
  3. so what software did you go to? and you are right the official ATX board is for only ATX users
  4. I am trying to print labels off my 2012 program and it crashes every time I say print. my 2012 program is up to date. Are you printing labels in ATX 2012?
  5. standalone, I think I only have avg anti-virus. I don't know about my router and I am using win7 but it's not PRO. I don't know if I have internet security suite software running. I am going to see if you can help me on Saturday
  6. I have made no changes regarding accessing the site since last season too. and I have other sites where it remembers me and I don't have to log in. BUT small potatoes . I am more concerned about how SLOW ATX is still this year. I thought that was something they were working on for improvement.
  7. I have to log in every time this year too. I have tried to save in favorites. it's marked remember me nothing works. I just have to log in everytime.
  8. I have the HP 4050 too but it now says to do maintenance and I don't know if I will be able to do that or need to take in for maintenance so that is why I thought should just get a new one.
  9. I am having problems with my printer. I am going to buy a new one. I would like suggestion on which printer to buy that works good with ATX. I have always gone with HP printers and have been happy. I don't want a color printer prefer one that does printing only but open to others. Thanks
  10. I haven't hear nothing from ATX or my CS rep.
  11. from my extension and returns filed on the 15th. BUT I filed a return yesterday 16th and received ACKs for both fed and state this afternoon. Hmmmmm. I will be leaving town in the morning for a 4 day weekend with my kids and not changing plans. just hope no rejects because I won't be back till Monday.
  12. I for one would like to keep the name. I don't care what anyone post as long as label NT go for it. If I don't have time or see what topic is I just skip. how hard is that to do? We all need to vent once in awhile do it and then move on. sometimes is nice to see I am not alone with the same problems. FLORIDAMAN did seem to take off for awhile but I just went past his post. Some I read were funny and did relieve the stress. KC stay with us!!
  13. you have ack's for 4868 filed 11:00 pm on the 15th. all mine still show transmitted. even from Sunday
  14. WAS IT the extension or return? Because I have had rejected with wrong dob on return but 4868 goes thru without much checking. I had one go thru with wrong ss number and it was accepted
  15. trying to do last minute extensions and now all of sudden its prints out landscape . WHAT THE HECK !
  16. BUT Can I undo an election with amended return?
  17. if client had loss on 2011 tax return and the election went with the return to forego the carryback and send it all forward can that be reversed? this taxpayer won't have any taxable income in any near future years. I don't know why prior accountant carried forward. there is money to get if went back. Thanks
  18. isn't it silly we can mail an extension without signature but if we want to efile we have to have an signature. I should just mail all and let them process them by hand. but I like have proof we filed extension
  19. minute to open return, add form, create efile, close return, and efile. really? you machine must be real fast. opening is so slow now with all the returns rollover and in manager.
  20. Can I ask how you handle the 8879. I do the return create efile print out including the 8879 and call client and then when they come in for pick up appt. they sign the 8879 then I open return and change date of signing and recreate efile close then send off. with the program so slow this year it takes me so long to get this process done. Is that how you do it?
  21. mine didn't work that way closed program rebooted never came back until they imported for the second time.
  22. grandmabee


    both husband and wife have hsa thur w-2. but I can only get one 8889 to come up. don't I need one for both? found it page 2. time to quit for the night.
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