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Everything posted by ILLMAS

  1. Just found this out yesterday, the U.S no longer will charge for delivery confirmation, it is now free and called tracking, for example if you send a package priority, the tracking is automatically added This is good for those of us who occasionally send tax returns via mail. MAS
  2. Just have your client fill out a miscellaneous police report, to support his claim with the bank.
  3. Call IDOR first, let them know what happen and take it from there, here is their info: IDOR also has a Business Hot Line that helps meet the needs of businesses and tax professionals. The Business Hot Line is available at 217 524-4772, Monday t
  4. Check with client to see if they made an election to be treated as a1120S, if not paper file and attach form 2553. Next year you shouldn't have problem. MAS
  5. Contact this lady if you have any question regarding the affordable health care act, she read all 900 pages http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6w-zoseqxUw&sns=em
  6. FYI police have killed one of the suspects, the manhunt continues for the second. One thing I dislike of the media "should they be considered foreign or Americanized terrorist?"
  7. What you were trying to do has me wondering? Anything can be back up to CD's if you have the right software, but if you are using windows burn feature that is maybe the problem.


    This guy for president enough said and thank you very much. http://youtube.com/watch?v=2utsjsWOWUA
  9. We had a couple of whipper snappers confuse this forum with ATX the software this year, I myself joined this forum because I had switched from ProSeries and didn't know how to use ATX. Most of us know the forum is for tax pros, but the name ATX does confuse. my two cents as they say.
  10. Scenario: Tax preparer relied on tax payer accounting records to prepare a partnership return from 2007 to 2012, return were always timely filed. In 2007 the partnership bought land and developed it at an approximate cost of 1.3M and the land cost was around 900K, somehow on the books only 600K was allocated for construction cost and 254K for land, the rest was expensed. Fast forward to 2012, building/land was sold for 3M resulting in a gain of over 2M, from looking at one of the partner 1040 he didn't benefit from the loss in the K-1's because his other properties were at a loss already. Can the partnership returns be amended to capitalize the improvement back in 2007 when everything started? thanks mas
  11. Don't feel sad, tell your clients the truth, "Hey you waited till the last minute to bring in your info and the system overloaded because of last minute filers like you". I have a couple still being transmitted but there is nothing I can do
  12. ILLMAS


    Well share your opinion and how you feel about illegals with your client, simple as that. He might not feel the way you think about illegals or you can just simply tell your client on how an ITIN works.
  13. ILLMAS


  14. Yes, so sad, my mother called me to let me know there was another explosion at the JFK library.
  15. Me: Did you sent out the payments with the vouchers I emailed to you? TP: Can I call you back, I am busy playing golf.
  16. +1 on the Fujitsu s1500, I have used this machine so much I think the roller wore out already and I do an occasionally system error that requires for you to reboot the computer.
  17. I had a similar case, e-file went through after inputting correct SS#, TP is suppose to notify employer.
  18. Is that how E&O insurance works? Pass the $5300 bill to the preparer or just penalties and interest, I see if it was done correctly the taxpayer is responsible for the $5300 anyway. Your thoughts?
  19. Wow, by any chance did she say "but he loves me"? Maybe you can recommend her to call the Taxpayer advocate group, they might be able to help her for free. http://www.irs.gov/uac/Contact-Your-Advocate!
  20. Really $35, I agree with Taxed, and I hate it when TP's try to itemize every little penny
  21. For TP use issued SS#, for dependents you will use ITIN.
  22. Thanks, I like the way you answer to everyone questions, I took a look at Pub 501 and I see no "JOINT" in MFS and the examples they give also doesn't give reference to joint. Based on the examples the a spouse can even claim HOH when the other claims MFS.
  23. TP dependent decided to get married during college and found out it wasn't a good idea, spouse moved to a different state filled her tax return as MFS, now the parent wants to claim the whipper snapper as dependent because of all the college tuition they paid for their son. I just want to make sure this is impossible to do and confirm it with the TP.
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