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Everything posted by GeneInAlabama

  1. I don't know about now, but years ago, the auditor ALWAYS asked information about the preparer. I assume they still do.
  2. Sounds good. Where do you buy the snow?
  3. I would a whole lot rather pay $80.00 for something than to pay $79.95. The 95 cents makes me feel that someone is trying to deceive me into thinking that I am getting something for a bargain. I despise the nine tenths of a cent that is added to the price of gasoline. I thought years ago that when the price of gasoline would reach $1.00 a gallon, they would leave the nine tenths of a cent off. But they didn't. I guess if gasoline reaches $100.00 a gallon, they will still add that nine tenths of a cent. I just don't like anything that looks like deception.
  4. I quit using those envelopes for mailing because the post office now charges more for envelopes that are higher than they are long.
  5. Right! I hadn't noticed that.
  6. Don't be too sure about anything. A number of years ago when Alabama required employers to withhold a portion of unemployment insurance from employees, they passed a law increasing the amount from I think .5 percent to I believe 1 percent. THE LAW WAS RETROACTIVE BACK SEVERAL QUARTERS. Employers had to withhold the extra amount for those quarters from the employees salaries for that period, and even in cases where employees were no longer working for the employer, the employer had to pay it himself if he couldn't get it from the former employee. Employers were unhappy, employees were unhappy, everybody was unhappy except the revenue department. Since that time I am not surprised by ANYTHING the government does.
  7. I remember last year it took a VERY long time to receive acks on 1099s.
  8. You need to check with your state. In Alabama, if a couple holds themselves out to be married, they are considered to be married by common law. If they file a tax return together, buy a house together, or list themselves in any way to be married, they have to go through a divorce if they part.
  9. I just delete the word "FEDERAL". This leaves just "INCOME TAX RETURN" which I think anyone would assume means federal and state.
  10. When I called sales the other day to renew, I got through on the first ring. I guess sales is a lot more important than tech service.
  11. I ordered the $300 package last summer and of course got switched by our beloved CCH to TaxWise. I received the program sometime back, but don't like it. I bit the bullet and ordered ATX Max last week, but haven't gotten anything from them yet (they did charge my credit card though). The reason I changed from ATX to TRS was to get away from CCH. It didn't work.
  12. Cathyan, I purchased the TRX $300 program for 2008 and they sent me a disk for the 2007 program so I could convert my files (this was before CCH bought out TRX). On the paper work I have. it shows a location ID of 990001434. I have no idea if that is a common number or if it is different for each client. But, maybe it is worth a try . . . BTW, after purchasing the $300 program, CCH bought them out and they switched me to TaxWise. I don't like the program and wound up purchasing the ATX Max program. $300 down the drain. I have been with ATX for about 15 years.
  13. Years ago, I saw a construction company that was a C corp where the officers filed for unemployment and got it during the time when they had no work.
  14. What is a warm boot and a cold boot. I have never heard these terms before, but I assume a warm boot is when you hit the restart button and a cold boot is when you turn the computer off and then start it. Does it make a difference which way you do it? The more I learn, the more I don't know. I can't afford to learn very much more.
  15. You mean your program doesn't already have the forms you listed? What about state forms? I don't believe states have even been mentioned so far. Are you developing a real tax program, or just something to play with?
  16. This guy is worse than Betty Sue and Jerome.
  17. Got my program Friday by FedEx. The install instructions said that the codes would be on the Confirmation Slip, but there was no Confirmation Slip with the program. I emailed TaxWise and they responded within just a few minutes with the codes I need. There was a conversion disk with the program and I assumed it would be from ATX to TaxWise, it didn't say. When I bought TRX earlier in the year, they converted all my ATX files to TRX so I guess I can just convert those to TaxWise.
  18. I don't understand the re-booting problem. The only time I ever turn my computers off is when thunder storms are predicted (I had lightening damage two computers, my copier, telephone and several other items a year or two ago). Then I turn off my computer and unplug everything. It is very seldom that I have to ever re-boot.
  19. I just now received my package by FedEx. I haven't had a chance yet to look at it.
  20. <<I am ready to write everybody a check for $250, no questions, no arguments.>> Since you are in the mood for writing everyone a $250 check, I will accept one. Gene In Alabama
  21. I got the e-mail, but I'm through with ATX. I have already bought the TRX program.
  22. I opened up a return yesterday and all the information on it was gone. I closed it out and reopened it and all the information was back. Computers do some weird things sometimes.
  23. I just received this notice from Amazon.com. They say that tech support will still be available through 2014. <<<Dear Amazon.com Customer, As someone who has recently purchased software from us, you might be interested to know that Amazon.com is one of the few places from which you can still purchase Microsoft Windows XP. Whether you need the excellent multimedia features and security tools of Windows XP Home Edition or the added computing power of Windows XP Professional Edition, you can rest easy knowing that Microsoft has extended technical support of XP through 2014.>>>
  24. Sounds like a schedule F to me. There is no minimum amount of income or activity to be a farm. Of course if he had had a loss, the IRS would call it a hobby. Kinda like a race car. If there is a loss which there almost always is, it is counted as a hobby, but if a profit is made, IRS wants a schedule C.
  25. You work on tax returns while on vacation???
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