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Jack from Ohio

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Everything posted by Jack from Ohio

  1. I know the page is on the IRS site but I'll be hanged if I can find it. I am counting on the expertise, (and maybe less stressed minds) of my fellow preparers here. Simply a link would be fine. I love the way the IRS makes some things so "easy" to locate!! :unsure:
  2. Thank You everyone for your answers. Child was born 12/08/08. It USED to be that you could enter "Applied" and it would be accepted. That is how long it has been since I dealt with a client with a brand new baby. I did find the information in the instructions for 1040. Here is the text, and it does not mention any way of filing without the SS#... <<<Social security number. You must enter each dependent's social security number (SSN). Be sure the name and SSN entered agree with the dependent's social security card. Otherwise, at the time we process your return, we may disallow the exemption claimed for the dependent and reduce or disallow any other tax benefits (such as the child tax credit) based on that dependent. If the name or SSN on the dependent's social security card is not correct, call the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213. If your dependent will not have a number by the date your return is due, see What if you cannot claim that Cannot File on Time? on page 7.>>>
  3. That did not work either. I really don't want to call customer service, but if they changed it, how would we know?
  4. I did that already. I know I am missing something simple...
  5. Client has new baby 12/08/08. Still waiting on SS#. What am I missing to get the program to accept this dependent. This is the first one I have had like this. I await the wise and experienced answers...
  6. Greenville, Ohio Origin was Fort Greenville where General "Mad Anthony" Wayne negotiated the Treaty of Greenville between the tribal confederacy and the United States, which was signed on August 3, 1795. The treaty gave most of what is now Ohio to the United States, and cleared the way for that state to enter the Union in 1803. My house/office sits inside the original boundries of the fort (That may win you a trivial pursuit game someday...) Birthplace of Annie Oakley (We have a statue of her at the end of Broadway) The MaidRite sandwich shop. (Known nationwide for the gumwall on the east side of the building and the best ground beef sandwich east of the Mississippi. Our city is mentioned in the song "Comin' To Your City" by Big and Rich. Birthplace Zachary Lansdowne, Commander of The USS Shenandoah the first US zeppelin to be produced by the Navy. Count seat of Darke County. Home to the Great Darke County Fair. By far the best county fair in the country. Approx 40 miles from Janitor Bob. (I saved the best for last)
  7. That is information that is not completley accurate... Apple has an application that allows MAC to run ANY Windows application. I have seen this in operation, and it speeds up the applications and integrates all the MAC features that make MAC so attractive these days. My son, (a programmer for a a world wide multi-media communications company) recently received his new laptop from his company. It was a MACBOOK PRO. I chided him for falling to the "dark side" until he demonstrated for me how much more user friendly the whole computer was, and how it flawlessly ran every Windows program he had been using, and all that I gave him to try. Even Quickbooks 9 for Windows, ATX MAX for tax year 2007, ATX MAX for tax year 2008, Power Point, Front Page, Dreamweaver, Office 2007 Suite, etc., ran smmothly and seamlessly. The Windows apps created files that were ready to be read by any other Windows machine, so compatibility issues just flew out the window. (pun intended) Apple has corporate leadership that is intending to be around for a long time, and have hit their competition in the solar plexus several times lately, by simply providing a better product with features that computer users recognize as better. The cost for apple is substantially higher, and since my son's demonstration, I am seriously considering my next upgrade to be Apple. It will save me many hours of wasted time not having to reboot. Oh, by the way, the Windows emulation program has been around for at least 3 years.
  8. Jainen, I bow to your advanced and experienced tax advice many many times. But I have to wonder... Which "public" have you been listening to about VISTA? I have 5 computer customers that chose to buy new laptops with VISTA. (against my recommendation) Every single one has been very vocal about its user "unfriendliness", and major compatibility issues with peripherals and software programs that they have become accustomed to. Apple's marketing was revolutionary in that it simply told the truth. People are switching to MACs because of its user friendly interfaces, lack of needing to "reboot" several times in a day, and ease of startup, program switching, and shutdown. My daughter has had a MACBOOK PRO for her Graphic Design major, at college, this is her second year having it. Total times needed to reboot in nearly 24 months.... 3. The evidence cannot be ignored. VISTA is a sick and poorly designed operating system.
  9. You are correct. But when the replacement has so many glitches, compatibility issues, difficult learning curve, 5 time the size on your hard drive, and requires most users to upgrade hardware to use it, it is NOT WORTH THE HASSLE!! <<MOST people run the most advanced operating system successfully.>> It is significant to note, that Microsoft re-released XP PRO, and Apple sales have increased drastically since the introduction of VISTA. The percentage of returned computers due to Vista is exponentially higher than when XP was introduced. The evidence supports the fact that people want a USEABLE system. The public speaks loudly, and mirrors the feelings of us techie types that have tried VISTA. STICK WITH XP PRO!!
  10. I have used Fee Collect for 3 years now with great success. Those who forget their checkbook... "Well that is OK, because it seems that i have misplaced your file. If you want to run home and get your checkbook, I will find your file." It seems harsh, but I instituted a Cash Up Front policy for people that I trusted, and they were very late paying me. The next year, I asked for payment before I started. That seemed to fix their memory problem. The thing is, I have about 150 personal clients, and only 5-6 ever do that kind of thing. Most have checkbook in hand when they pick up their return. RANT OVER!!!
  11. It has been my experience that the "blue screen of death" is ususally hardware related. The most common thing is bad RAM, or a dirty RAM connection. Here is my recommendation: 1) Remove and reinstall the current RAM chip(s). The amount of corrosion that can cause a problem is very minute, and microscopic. Removing and re-installing will break any microscopic corrosion and may fix the problem. 2) Do the same with any other boards plugged into the motherboard for exactly the same reason. If that does not solve the problem, remove the RAM chip(s) and have them tested by a reliable computer technician. I have never experienced a blue screen of death that was not hardware related. If the RAM tests good, then a complete hardware diagnosis is in order.
  12. I will stick with my copier. I can scan 40 pages into a pdf file in 1.2 minutes. I timed it. It will do 40 pages in one file, or 40 individual pages in 40 files, and will number the file names accordingly. Check your copier. If it has network capability, it probably will do this as well.
  13. Either Young, or lived a very sheltered life??
  14. Network here at the firm. I have a copier that scans to PDF lets you choose resolution, name the file, and puts it on the server for anyone to access, and does it at 25 pages per minute. We are going to start keeping more copies of information that seems to be needed in two years and cannot be found by clients. We have lots of room on the server HD. All I need is Windows to manage the documents.
  15. Age 52 here and I got 17, but only because my old-timers symptoms are kicking in. I simply could not remember the others, but used to know them. Boy am I an oldie...
  16. I was just thinking the same thing about being married... :rolleyes:
  17. 05 = $5,000 loss (first year in business) 06 = $200 profit 07 = $8,000 loss The auditor did say that she had a business, based on the information we provided. We did not prepare any of the returns discussed here. We would have prevented the issue with some lengthy dialogue and discussion about business expenses.
  18. I am hoping for some help/guidance from all the knowldgeable people here. Client was audited for 2006 and 2007. (we did not do her returns) IRS challenged her business expenses. First determination, she did not have a business, all expenses were disallowed. We collected and submitted to the auditor information that supported that she did have a business. Examination report just received today determines that she does in fact have a business, but reduces her expenses (all expenses well documented) to the amount of her income resulting in a $0 profit or loss. This lady has had this business since 2004. There is no doubt she is doing it as a business. Below each item in the explanation is this: Schedule C has the indication of a business, but expenses were excessive - ordinary, necessary, & reasonable, we have pro-rated your expenses to income and disallowed your loss. The deduction had been adjusted to the amount verified, including carry forward expenses from 2005. Has anyone had this situation happen? I have never seen the IRS agree there is a business, but not allow documented expenses. Your help and advice is greatly appreciated
  19. We have a server and 13 workstations in our office. Networking is the ONLY way to go. We have been networked since 2003, and I think I have dealt with every possible problem that can happen. If you need any assistance, my experience is available to you. Just drop me a message or e-mail and I will give you contact info. 2007 tax year I only had 3 calls to tech support all year. We have done 2,953 returns for 2007. Just let me know. Jack
  20. It would appear to me that his return has already been filed.
  21. Forwarding you some venture capital, may be the best investment strategy going right now. I would rather loose a couple thousand on your venture, (which I do NOT believe will happen,) than feel safe about some bond fund. Even if the return doesn't come for several years. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  22. The rep you spoke to is totally igorant of the technical aspects of DSL. I have had 3 of my computer customers with exactly the same problem. If you contact an upper level technician, he can test the line for noise that will interfere with DSL, but is out of the human hearing range. I have made 3 different technicians apologize when my diagnosis of line noise was fixed by a technician cleaning a connection between my customer's home and the node. They will always try to blame the router, because it is an easy out. The router will NOT cause the modem to lock up. The technicians that recommend that usually are out of their league in the diagnosis and give scripted answers. Call the DSL division of your phone company, demand to talk to a level 4 technican, and don't let him go till you convince him to have the service techs, check your line thoroughly.
  23. Only full year resident OK forms can be e-filed. Paper file the rest.
  24. Final audit report was issued. This was an audit of numbers on Sch C pertaining to her business for 2005 & 2006. At the initial audit we provided all information requested. The auditor rejected some and then asked for additional information. We then provided all the additional information she requested. Here is where it gets absurd. Final audit report states that the lady has a hobby instead of a business for both 2005 & 2006. There was NO discussion of the question of her having a business in the audit process. She also declared that business claimed in 2007 was disallowed as well. The audit never asked for any info about 2007. Now it gets outrageous. We filed for consideration by appeals. Filled out all the documentation stating our disagreements with the auditors findings. We were waiting on an appointment time to get this settled. We received in the mail today, a letter from the auditor denying the appeals request on the grounds that there was not enough "disagreement" to go to appeals. Question 1) Can she arbitrarily audit 2007 without notifying the client? Question 2) Does she (the original auditor) have the authority to deny the appeals request? I have several very special names for this lady that are not proper to post here. Any experience or advice from you seasoned veterans here would be appreciated.
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