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Jack from Ohio

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Everything posted by Jack from Ohio

  1. The increased standard deduction will be added to next years stimulus check, and will only be available after filing the 2008 tax return by April 15, 2009. Otherwise the deduction will be forfieted.
  2. Just e-file it as is. His account at the IRS will have a credit to offset the amount owed on the return.
  3. Jainen, can you post a link or a referral to the reg? This is very relevant to many of our clients here at my firm. Thank You!!
  4. My complaints have never been with the program, or the designers of the program. The program is very powerfull and complete. No program can supply 100% of everyones needs. It loses some speed and agility when you get over 500 clients, but the other benefits outweigh that issue. My complaints have been with the new parent company and their attitudes and actions. Throwing out all the technical help staff that had years of intimate experience with the program was as big a blunder as it gets. Dumping a new program on the TaxWise support staff without proper training and information was simply cruel. The support staff for the 2007 did as good a job as they could being blindsided as they were. CCH needs to bring their upper management decision makers back out of some alternate dimension and get a grip on the real business world they are operating in. ATX program is an awesome and wonderful! CCH management and decision makers get a -1 rating on a scale of 1 to 10.
  5. I totally 100% agree with you KC (don't faint!!!)
  6. At the firm where I work, we e-filed approx 2,100 returns. Another 700 were paper filed by client request. I am the person who fixes the "glitches" and takes care of notices. Total issues due to problems with e-file = 12. 6 in the first two weeks of February. No notices received by clients for these issues. All handled in house by e-mail or fax. Average of 15 minutes to research and correct. Total issues due to input errors at the IRS = 6 in the last 10 days. 6 notices received by clients (and more on the way I am sure) showing a past due amount of anywhere from $150 - $6,000. Average of 2 hours per notice to research and correct. Most were due to Line 58 and 59 numbers not keyed in or put on the wrong line. You do the math.
  7. For all out there that don't understand the procedure I offer the following explanation In the beginning there is a Plan and then come the Assumptions and the Assumptions are without form and there is darkness upon the face of the workers and they speak amongst themselves and say "This is a crock of s**t and it stinks And the workers go to their Supervisors and say "It is a pail of dung and none may abide the odor And the Supervisors go to their Managers and say "It is a container of excrement and it is very strong such than none may be able to put up with it." And the Managers go to their Directors and say "It is a vessel of fertilizer and none can put up with it's strength" And the Directors spoke amongst themselves saying to one another "It contains that which aides plant growth and is very powerful" And the Directors go to the Vice Presidents and say "It promotes growth and is very powerful." And the Vice Presidents go to the President and say "This new plan will actively promote the growth and efficiency of this Company. And the President looks upon the Plan and sees that it is good, and the Plan becames Policy. Now you know..................
  8. There are still computer companies that will build a desktop PC with XP PRO as the operating system. I have access to one such company. I think I heard that MAC sales have increased 37% since Microsoft rolled out Vista. Neither I, nor the firm I work for, will have any computer with Vista on it until there is absolutely NO other option. The kicker is, some new laptop manufacturers are using hardware that is not XP compatible, so downgrading is not possible. I also have a MAC I am investigating as well. I think Vista will die a slow agonizing death like BETA video, and HDDVD.
  9. You may refer them to me. I am trying to increase my business! E-File has been good for my business.
  10. I am TOTALLY impressed!! Knows his Sci-Fi as well as he does his taxes!!
  11. Proof that Trekers are everywhere!!! Does anyone know how HAL, the computer in 2001 a Space Oddesy was given his name??
  12. It was handled very well the last time. Jeezz it's only been a couple of days...
  13. OK, no one bit... This is the command from a commodore 64 to start the first program on drive 8. My first was a Vic 20. 20 characters across the screen. It and my 64 had a tape drive as well. It was device # 7 1980
  14. I remember... Load*.*,8,1 Does anyone else remember that?
  15. Way to go JB!!! Congratulations!! Let us know when the big event is!!
  16. Mel, I understand your position and always positive outlook, but an official 30 day extension is not just "give a couple more days if people would ask" scenario. This is another example of the consistent incosistency of CCH decision makers. It appears that the management of CCH have: 1) Discontinued listening to their customers for customer satisfaction. 2) Eliminated any customer loyalty benefits. 3) Making decisions base on long term proven business practices. 4) Forgotten who pays their paychecks. 5) Make decisions with a "Don't care if it angers our customers or not" attitude. Just My Observed and Not So Humble Opinion
  17. If you are a member of the "Conspiracy Behind Everything" church, facts do not matter.
  18. If I had already renewed, I would be ticked!! Draw a line, or don't. Make it black, not gray. Another "smart" decision by CCH upper management.
  19. Turbo-Tax and the FreeFile on the IRS site have added to my clientell every year for the past 3 years. I tell folks that use the FreeFile progam, that it is worth every penny they spent on it.
  20. Well spoken and very eloquent. We can agree to disagree, and still debate our differences without it being personal. That is the difference between a closed mind, and an open one. The ability to listen and consider differing opinions than your own. I disagree greatly with some of the members of this board on several issues. I also will fight tooth and nail for their ability to state their ideas and opinions without fear of personal attacks. I always learn from intense debates on issues. I have even (don't speak too loudly) changed my ideas on things in the past after considering others views and information.
  21. Tell me who forces people to go to Wal-Mart instead of the mom & pop stores?? Seems to me, that here in America, we have CHOICE as to where we spend our money. If you have ever purchased anything at Wal_Mart, you have NO GROUNDS to paint them as playing unfairly. You could have bought whatever product it was at another store. The "Big Boxes" being villianized as the reason for mom & pop stores closing is ABSOLUTELY WRONG!! If people TRULY cared about mom & pop stores, they would continue to do business with them, and then they could continue in business.
  22. That is an interesting theory you propose. Think about this... If every business were required to pay every employee $40k/year, no one would/could pay the resulting higher prices for goods and service. Are you willing to pay $15 for a big Mac? How about $2 for a can of soda? Milk at $10 a gallon? Gasoline prices would be higher than ever due to the increased cost of labor at the pump. One of the driving forces in our global economy is the American public's desire to pay the cheapest price possible for everything. This is proven by people flocking to a new Wal-Mart instead of continuing to give their business to the local businesses. Yet, Wal-Mart (who has NO control over where people choose to spend their money) is portrayed as the evil big business that puts small hometown businesses out of business. As Americans, we have a double standard concerning wages, responsibility, and prices. We want ultra-cheap prices, but we want high paying jobs just because. <<<"Most jump to the scary thought of 50% unemployment rates. However, consider this: What if instead of using half as many people to do the remaining work you used the full amount of people and worked them half as hard. If the improvements made to allow this increase efficiency enough you could work a 20 hour week, and get the exact same pay you get working 40 hours now.">>> The unions at GM have been using this method for years. The results are very real as GM is closing more plants every day. Other car makers expect workers to provide 40 hours work, for 40hrs pay, and compensate their people for productivity and quality. Check who is number one, two and three on the lists of car sales, and customer satisfaction with their cars.
  23. You must definitely live in a different dimension... From the Declaration if Independence... "That all men are equally free and independent; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." I did retain some of my High School History and Government classes... Show me the document that establishes the rights to anything except the PURSUIT of happiness. Yet, the "entitlement" mentality is poisoning the very fabric of what made this county great for 230 years.
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