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Everything posted by WITAXLADY

  1. nasty to you! anyway how do I copy and paste to send this on!!! love it - but it hurt me to even watch it! and that is after 5 children..
  2. undercharged... $100 - $125 /hr - still have to collate, file and be responsible for plus you did it so quickly cuz you are SO GOOD!!!
  3. in between taxes, I thought I'd check them on my laptop forgetting it was now part of the server and didn't work on the road.. as I rode with my Husband hauling lambs ready for market... slept - needed that also. But then I said I'd look at the last pup as I do not care for the mess of them growing, chewing, training, etc plus our other pup at 9 mo is a moose.. you got it - we have a 9 week old border collie to play with the other one! and they are in and out of the house - were in a huge penned yard and the garage but the pup fit thru the bars of the gate and with the high snow, the other one jumped over. so I can't keep them outside unsupervised! add to that the lambs are a week or 2 late so hubby stole my office help and also have a bottle lamb in the kitchen with the program issues, bottle feeding, puppy training - I think I will have a nervous breakdown or lock the doors and quit doing taxes and go visit my grandbabies!
  4. I'M GETTING one right now - can't even type as the retry keeps popping up and cannot work!
  5. so son purchases cows and buys in to father-in-laws farm. Now they ship cows - long term capital gain - and he owns/receives 34% of sale but wait some of those are the purchased ones and some of those are the raised ones from the original cows She cannot seem to understand they are no longer all raised.. on the farm. What /how is the basis figured? I have always calculated by how many were raised at 0 basis and how many were purchased, farm wife says " he gets 34% - but of what cost?! Do you understand what I am asking? He doesn't even know how many were shipped... I cannot even say 14 at an average purchase price of $1500 and sold for $800 = huge loss when it might be 1/2 raised and no loss for those! help please - missing something? Thx
  6. I sort of explained that to her.. sent her back to give me line and form AND year... Thx
  7. new client very disappointed as friend received $6000 on their 2013 tax return from Turbo tax for a new home this year! And where was hers? ok - what did I miss.. I asked her to call him and let me know the line and form. Only credit I am aware of is in the financing or mortgage interest % back. anyone? Sincerely D
  8. THAT is an understatement! by continually clicking and going back and forth to the tabs - I am figuring it out but it is vveerrrrrryy time consuming - 1 page to 8 pages = overkill!
  9. I feel your pain - I told them I was going to post the ABC's like in kindergarten and at the very least could they sing the A B C song!
  10. well I sent him thru with "the" soc sec number and it was accepted so he must be all legit? so I guess I will amend now for EIC... That will make them vveeerrryyy happy! They are nice people and he works hard - 5 girls tho age 11 and under.
  11. $15 FOR 1096, $5 per person, etc plus additional $5 per phone call or W-9 we have to retrieve for them - never had to but man some of them this year!
  12. not married - just got ITIN in 2012.. so for 2012 - was he a non resident alien until he got ITIN? even tho he has been in US for 10 years? And now for 2013 he can qualify for EIC? Thx D
  13. so if feecollect rollovers - I am having to redo the return without it in the 2012 rollover!
  14. YOU MIGHT HAVE TO RE ENTER IT by hand.. say I have a farm ho buys 30 cows but only sells 5 of them or 2 die - I then have to go back in and break out the purchases.. I print the information of what it was and then split it out so it is correct at the finish. Hope this helps your situation
  15. so using the ITIN - it seems the return has to be paper filed but now he has a social security number - so if this soc sec number was issued after the ITIN was assigned - I can use that instead and e-file and as a resident alien he is also eligible for EIC? Correct? And if this is a former soc sec # from - let' not go there... - should he be automatically issued a soc sec # or should he now apply for one and he can wait or amend and be eligible for EIC? Thank you, D
  16. it is not in red... I just ignore it
  17. ok since last night I keep getting the error retry server and it locks up my program - doesn't always save where I was, need to reboot program, locks up and sometimes reboot computer.. in the middle of apptmt, all day long - like 2012's longest day ever! cannot handle this like yes over xxx drop offs and wanted last week! and cannot even work on returns. help!!!
  18. so did tax return, will not let me do feecollect - check the box for feecollect will not show up! duplicated, etc went into 2012 , rolled over, can't even rollover the client now when it opens, info and Forms not even all there!!! what is up!! of course there are the ones that said people are knocking on our day and everyone else has already received their refunds.
  19. pretty hard to do ahead when they turn it in the 31st and then the 3rd!
  20. nope WI doesn't print duplex... thought for sure it did at first.
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