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Everything posted by FDNY

  1. That last year's preparer must have a sign on his desk..."If you're willing to risk a little jail time, I could save you a lot of money."
  2. I checked, QPP is reported on our SS worksheet.
  3. Canadian Pensions go on the worksheet titled FECWKST. The exchange rate I have from US Treasury as of 9/30/16 is 1.3160. If NR4 is from Service Canada Old Age Security it goes on the Social Security worksheet. I think you may need to check that the Quebec Pension plan is not considered social security.
  4. I'm moving along but a little slower than last year with about a dozen waiting on info and the fact that I need driver's license info for about a hundred NY returns. I failed to put the request in my letter because I didn't know about the requirement on 1/2 when my letters go out (actually all set up in Dec.). I do include a sentence in the letter to please remove all documents from envelopes, but only 75% compliance. At least I have a cleaning lady and assistant, but don't say anything, if she heard me call her that I'm dead, uh oh, here she is, gotta go...
  5. I notice every year that before 3/15 the conscientious people get their work in with very little additional problems, after 3/15 everyone has an issue and it always takes longer to get the return done. The worst of them drag it out without any regard for your time, as if their return is your only concern. Hang in there Black Bart, don't lose any sleep, although I see you are up early this morning. I agree with how you are handling this situation.
  6. That's funny. My wife still knows the Rheingold Beer jingle since she was a kid. I just asked her to sing it for me. Think of Rheingold whenever you buy beer.....It's not bitter, not sweet, it's the extra dry treat......Won't you try extra dry Rheingold beer.... Happy St Paddy's Day everyone.
  7. Yes, I had it on my own. Was also $3. But when I went back into the return the amount was $3 lower than direct debit so I assume ATX corrected this. My return was not marked complete. Not sure how it got changed.
  8. Glad you mentioned this. Tomorrow is a big day for all of us, about a month to go and how appropriate, St. Paddy's Day. Corned beef and cabbage and a cold one. IMHO I find Sam Adams to be the best beer in these parts. In the northwest I always go for an Olympia on draft and a fresh Coors in Colorado, and there's nothing like a cold Schlitz in Milwaukee.
  9. I should have clarified a little. Since I start very early (sometimes before 6am), by 1pm it's like dinner time for me. After that glass of wine and "Linner" I go back up to the office and make all my phone calls, no computer work. It makes those calls a lot more pleasant. You may want to try it someday. I find it ups my patience tolerance and my hugging standard for those who deserve it.
  10. What better way to get through tax season, wine, Elrod, Rita, and everyone else keeping smiles on our faces, it's us against them out there.
  11. Absolutely, how else to get through the day with some of these shenanigans. If you expand out my picture (click on it, then click it again) which was taken during my lunch break you will see what I mean.
  12. FDNY


    If the lights go out in Georgia you'll know who to blame.
  13. Back in the 80s it was widely circulated in FDNY (I think by the union) that we could deduct "destroyed meals." The thinking was if you had a fire call in the middle of the meal and returned in too long a time the meal would be inedible. I don't know if that would pass muster though. Can a police officer deduct a half finished donut (no pun intended), or a nurse deduct half a salad from the commissary, I don't think so. One particular experience I had in a not so pleasant neighborhood, was when we had a fire call, one of the guys forgot to close the apparatus door upon leaving. When we returned, our shoes were gone, the kitchen TV was gone, and a tray of lasagna was gone. I would think that would be a deduction.
  14. I can't look away and stop laughing....I'm done for the day!
  15. And Happy Birthday to dear Albert.
  16. FDNY


    That's the most amazing thing, we all have generally the same experiences with life, have fallen and made mistakes, but some people never learn and continue to repeat the same behavior. Someone should write a book, "How to Succeed and Learn About Life from Your Tax Preparer, Just Follow the Instructions."
  17. FDNY


    You would think the more successful, the smarter people would be and understand this basic tax tenet of the more you make the more you pay. My particular client is quite ignorant of this fact. She's a real estate agent with good income, paid off rentals, a pension, and husband with 2 pensions, and she runs all over town getting the best deals on 100K CDs. I admire her fortitude when I see her 1099INTs. But no tax withheld on anything other than $300 on one of the pensions. Total income 165K. So I explain every year and it never sinks in. I know her over 25 years. Calls me about every new crazy investment scam she hears about. So I've given up other than to just tell her the tax bill and listen to her rant and rave. Just so you know the outspoken person she is, when she met my wife for the first time she said to her "I don't see him with a blonde." I won't tell you my wife's answer. She called again yesterday answering my question about a missing bank interest that she didn't give me this year. She said the bank told her the interest was under $600 so it's not taxable. Whatever, I have no time for this, I'm just adding it in, one less phone call for me when she gets the deficiency notice. But she also laughed and said to me, "you know, I like your thinking on the implants, I might go for them this year". Her husband has one foot out the door so I don't doubt she'll go ahead and try to deduct it for this year. I'm bracing for a rough 2018 for me. I should tell her to read some of Dr. Seuss' quotes.
  18. FDNY


    Ha! This place can be satire, vaudeville, slapstick, schtick, and hilarity all rolled into one. Not to mention the therapy value that comes along with it.
  19. FDNY


    Yesterday PIA client who calls me all year as if I were her brother has a 35K tax bill because she refuses to pay estimated tax reasoning that "something might change this year." No itemized deductions, but she asks me if her $30K implants she is getting this year will be deductible. I said no, unless maybe if you were an exotic dancer, it's really cosmetic. She argued with me back and forth for a few minutes until she said, "but I need them to eat." Then I realized she was talking about her teeth. At least we both had a good laugh.
  20. FDNY


    This week for the first time I am charging "Loitering Fees" for those that I am waiting on information. This is in addition to my "Numerous Telephone Call Fees" to the same people. For some reason this year I have about a dozen all with various excuses as to why they have left their returns with me in a nearly finished state for weeks, even a month. But it's my fault, I need to get tougher on them with higher penalty fees, not just a phone call saying, "are you mad at me?" or "did you forget me?" I'm thinking of going with "hey knucklehead, I gave you an easy task, I guess I can't fix stupid!"
  21. And here's to you for making my Friday into Martini Friday. Cheers, Bill
  22. When I lost my last dog little Miss Meggie, a friend/client of mine sent me a plaque with the following words: It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are. Anonymous. Here's to Mr. Toody and Meggie in dog heaven, I'm sure they miss us too.
  23. Yes, you have suffered long enough, gone above and beyond for this client (I know the type, have one of my own). But you can't let him get you down and I would make this negative into a positive for you. Going full pop on the 1040 is a good start. Here's what I do. Find a way to add on an extra $100 to the bill. Donate it to Best Friends Animal Rescue. Feel good about yourself. Next year, your charitable deduction makes you feel good again. It's win, win for you...and the animals.
  24. Sorry for the double, now I need a good night's sleep.
  25. Yes, get a good night's sleep and start it as early as possible tomorrow morning. Before you know it, it will be lunchtime. Have a good lunch, easy on the carbs, don't want to get sleepy, then when assembling the return hike up the bill a little. Works for me every time, and I feel good about it.
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