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Everything posted by FDNY

  1. FDNY

    Bad News

    I usually preface these situations by saying "this is the worst part of my job" and "please don't hate me, I'm just the messenger." A quick explanation so they understand and you're done. Showing compassion and understanding with their ranting and raving is good, as long as it is over quickly, you've got the next guy to listen to, unless it's wine per diem time, which you probably need.
  2. Very welcome girlfriend. Now if I could only guess the mega Bucks numbers right, I'm paying for everyone if we ever have the ATXcommunity end of season conference/party.
  3. Could it be that clients total income is below filing threshold? This is a guess.
  4. That's good enough for me. ALWAYS believe what the wife says.
  5. What a nice story. It really is a Happy Tuesday, for your new client thinking of her mother, and for us, thinking of our mothers. Thanks for sharing.
  6. If assets are moved from qualified plan to qualified plan and employer sponsor is the same no 1099R is required. Same as transfer from IRA to IRA or Roth to Roth, etc. Yes, it sounds weird, but that's all I got. But when you think about it, it probably saves a tree or two, so that's a good reason.
  7. I think it is the best you can hope for. My clients in LA (H & W) whose credit breach was also traced to Walmart, and a tax return was also filed in their names, asked me what to do. Since I've had excellent results with the credit freeze they went for it too. It's been 3 years for them and about 4 for me. Never another problem and my credit score I just checked is 850, so it must be good for something. You won't even be able to get a cable hook up or phone without lifting it for a day but it's very easy, takes a minute online or phone call. I recommend the credit freeze to family and friends because of all the hacking and whacking going on. The only problem I can foresee is when my brother misplaces his PIN they give you and he blames me.
  8. Thank you, would love to help but I've got my own problems. You could always ask all the Statues of Liberty jumping around with their signs.
  9. Thanks Easytax, I was wondering what I would do with all my spare time on 4/20.
  10. Very sorry Terry, I know first hand how frustrating this can be but you'll get through this fine. I've had a credit freeze with the three bureaus for years and it is very easy to lift it and put it back on. I usually only lift it for a day or two for a car lease or anything else. My credit rating eventually got back to near perfect, all you need is ACH withdrawals for all your bills and it goes back up fast. Just an FYI, I've had 2 clients down in LA whose credit breach was traced to the Walmart CC with Synchrony bank too.
  11. Now that you mention the big box guys, I have noticed the costumed Statue of Liberties from Liberty Tax with dress pants sticking out the bottom of their gowns. That's a little demeaning for our kind.
  12. When applying for the birth certificate at the hospital I think most state agencies share info with SSA. What proof did he have that the baby is his?
  13. That's what it sounds like. They don't want to give back a commission, or if it is an annuity it is past the 20 day free look period. This isn't over.
  14. Thankfully it's not often but eventually we all will hear something that is heartbreaking. Last year I heard of the loss of a young mother who has had a three year battle with cancer. The husband is a union official of an profession that mostly works at night and weekends (musicians), who was never home and when he was the wife was at work. He cried to me on the phone that he wished he spent more time with her. There's a lesson in there.
  15. I have a client who in 2015 moved his brokerage account to another and all of a sudden he's got a boatload of these things. Evidently they are a big cash cow for the advisor. I gave my client the best advice I could think of, tell the advisor you don't want anymore PTPs. I also sent client an article explaining all the disadvantages of owning and selling PTPs.
  16. Come to think of it, I believe NY is only online now. A sign of the times, save here, they need to spend it somewhere else. If we ran our businesses like this we would be out of business because quality goes down. But it's the government, there's no competition, unless the voters speak up. Good luck with that.
  17. The deferred gain goes away. 1031 exchanges are also used as an estate planning tool for that very reason. Also, if client dies during the 180 day exchange period the heirs can complete the exchange.
  18. There are two that nest in a tree on the side of a lake in the Berkshires, MA where I go often. I've seen them swoop down with talons out to grab a fish. They had a baby eagle ( a chick? I don't know, I'm a city kid) and I once saw it learning to fly from one side of the lake to the other. Being from the city I used to think all birds were pigeons and those little brown ones. One of my clients used to send me his W2 by carrier pigeon, well, maybe not, but he could have if he wanted to, now that's a smart bird.
  19. A song from the 60's by the Outsiders titled "Time Won't Let Me" comes to mind on this thread, I'm sure most of you remember it. For those of you who don't it goes something like this: Google it if you want to hear a great song. I, can't wait, forever, Even though, you want, me to, I, can't wait, forever, To know, if you'll, be true, Time won't let me, oh no, time won't let me, time won't let meeee, Can't you see, I've waited, too long, To love you, to hold you, in my arms, Time won't let meeeee, oh no, time won't let meeee
  20. I truly think they forget about us. All their docs are out of the house, so out of sight out of mind. Then it hits them...."oh ship, I forgot to call Bill with that, er...now what did he want? I'll call tomorrow and find out, I don't feel like working right now...oh, there's my keys."
  21. I thought I would go for maximum effect, even scribbling is more readable than writing on a salami. Sometimes there are doodles on her papers, wonder what she's thinking about?
  22. FDNY

    Long Sch SE

    I just think they never really know how good they have it having us taking care of them. That's the personalized service we give, there's very few of us left.
  23. All I ask for is one simple request, "Don't leave me hanging." Got one now who is a clinical therapist for wayward boys, keeps disappearing on me. So disorganized it looks like the sporadic notes she mails me were written on a salami. She's retiring this year so she can become, get this, a Life Coach! Tony Robbins has nothing to worry about.
  24. Please don't. Sorry, you've had it rough. If you cry, we all cry.
  25. I've used it a few times, especially on the phone while I flip thru it with one hand.
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