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Abby Normal

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Everything posted by Abby Normal

  1. Just installed them. Not sure of their usefulness yet.
  2. I gave up paper sources in the 90s when I saw how easy and effective search was in digital versions. Plus, trees.
  3. I have the discs too but I also have the install files on my hard drive and I include them in my backup. Discs can get lost or even fail.
  4. 14. I left all the dividends in my brokerage account so I never received that income.
  5. Try running the Admin Console: C:Program Files (x86)CCH Small Firm ServicesATX2013Sfs.ServerHost.AdminConsole.exe
  6. Edit this link and put the year in place of YYYY: download.cchsfs.com/tech/atx/atxYYYY.zip
  7. I used it all last year with no problems.
  8. You probably just have to manually browse to it. It should be in: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server Doesn't a window pop-up after it fails to connect?
  9. That's why I don't want good printers. I like to replace my printers every few years to stay current with speeds and technologies. This isn't as important as it once was but I rarely pay more than $200 for a printer, and usually closer to $100. You can get really good deals when they're changing models.
  10. Did you view Task Manager to see if ATX 2013 Server is running? Or are you trying to run 2014? Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open Task Manager. I found that running ATX Admin Console will start the server service if it is not running.
  11. You can't just click on the link. You have to copy/paste it into browser then replace YYYY with the year you want. I'll see if I can edit my post to make it not a link to make it easier to copy. Edit: Success! Double clicking on the link will now highlight it. Then copy/paste into your browser's address bar. Then edit the address to replace YYYY with the year you want to download.
  12. Support gave me the direct download link: download.cchsfs.com/tech/atx/atxYYYY.zip Just replace YYYY with the year you need. Right now this works for 1996-2012. Happy New Year!
  13. If you scanned the documents you could easily access it and not need paper copies in client files. I may eventually do away with client files. They contain less and less every year.
  14. Download link doesn't work. I get a blank 1 page pdf. Can you upload it, please?
  15. I recommend running ATX on an SSD. I recommend SSDs, period. Two years from now, I expect I will only have SSDs in my computers. ATX doesn't run noticeably faster on an SSD drive, but I doubt you'll get a server connection error.I only got the server connection error a few times this year and every time I popped up Task Manager (Ctrl Shift Esc) and my HD was maxed out at 100% every time.
  16. That makes me nervous. I like to wait awhile before applying updates. I let others be the guinea pigs.
  17. The 14th!?!? I guess you like the excitement, Rich. We do it on the 1st.
  18. You have to check the credit anyway, so I don't see the lack of 100% automation as much of a problem. It's always the last thing I do on a multistate return. Edit: I've used software that supposedly automated it and found that I had to override the calculations a lot of the time, anyway.
  19. My entire office is on Win8 since early this year. We have had exactly zero issues with ATX and most other newer programs. QB 2012-2014 run fine as well. QB2011 works but sometimes won't close properly. I told all my clients it was time to update to at least 12. I honestly like Win8 better than Win7. I boot directly to Desktop environment and don't use the new interface for anything... but games.
  20. You should recommend that they implement an 'accountable plan' for at least the mileage. This will save both the company and the sales rep taxes. It's hard to have a cellphone reimbursement in an accountable plan because most cellphone plans are flat rate, so the employee incurs no additional costs.
  21. I have several out of state clients I've never met.
  22. Free IRS webinar 11/13: https://events.na.collabserv.com/portal/wippages/register.php?id=d746261d5e&l=en-US
  23. We use it like it a lot. It's nice not to have to pay a monthly fee during months where we have no charges. I bought a touch screen pen so people don't have to sign with their finger.
  24. I email password protected organizers to all 1040 clients (about 250). I only have about 25 that I have to mail. My clients start calling me if I don't send them out early enough.
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