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Everything posted by barosser

  1. I think the service bureau would basically be like when those who switced to TRX.. YOur support and other factors would go through this "service bureau" Once I couldn't get the 40% off I lost interest. She is supposed to call me back in May hopefully have more details.
  2. I called this morning to check on the 40% for loyal users and was told that it could not be done. And that the 10% will end for sure on the 31st of May and it will not be extended this year. I was also told that the people getting the 40% are being placed with a service bureau and will have to get support from them and their RAL fees will go to the service bureau????? Was told that it is better to be a stand alone and not in the service bureau??? I think there might be a duck in here some where.. sounds like, walks like..
  3. Well I am back in the saddle for 1/2 day. 1 meeting this morning- see if I can get some of the 62 acks that I am waiting on then go and check on my cows and start on all the neglected ranch duties for a few days. Thanks to all that hvae contributed to this board this season.
  4. Now getting error when I send in a extension or return.. getting worse??????
  5. This really bites.. I only have a few to send today but dont really need this aggrivation.. THANKS CCH for being prepared for the big rush.
  6. Sent 4 returns yesterday. 2 were rejected for the PIN error. 1 had the PIN with no telephone number, other was blank other than preparer. Never have seen this error before.. oh what a day.
  7. Client has 6k in box 1 of 1098-T with over 16K in box 5. This creates a taxable amount. How does this flow within ATX to line 7 with the SCH on the dotted line. Thanks in advance
  8. TP has a simple IRA for his employees. Does the Company contribution (2%) get added to the total wages (line 3) of the 940 which would require the employer to pay Unemployment tax on the contribution? Thanks in advance.
  9. Need to update my "Draft" came off yesterday afternoon.
  10. I am sure that I have seen this but can't locate it. Spouses in community property state operate a LLC can this be reported on Sch C (or F) or does it have to go on a 1065. Thanks in advance
  11. Yes the IRS will be using the phone to contact the taxpayer(s) concerning audits and other issues that might easily be corrected by a phone call. Have had this happen twice in the last several months. There is also a big push for revenue agents to demand that they be allowed to interview the taxpayers under audit. This happened (or tried to happen yesterday)auditor insisted she meet with the taxpayer. I inform the auditor that I will be able to answer all her questions concerning the audit. No she has the right to speak with the taxpayer, I state unless you have re-written the Tax Payer Bill of Rights you have no such right and if you by-bass my POA you better have a good reason. Auditor- ok Fun dealing with them-
  12. My wife teaches high school seniors, so she is going to make sure that all her students view this clip. If she can get it passed the school IT guy who blocks almost every web site in existence. I only hope that it might help 1 kid realize that they are not captive of their stupid phones. Thanks for passing it on.
  13. Thanks you very much
  14. have a K-1 (1065) with Box 15 code P Alt Motor Vehicle Credit. I need this to flow within the program. I look at the 8910 but looks like the figure would go to the K-1 which I have. So where do I put this on the 1040? Any help appreciated.
  15. So sorry to hear about your loss, I will add you and your family to my prayers. I am watching my fathers health go south and dread the day that he gives up his fight. May God be with you and your family. Brett
  16. I feel as if I missed somthing. Is TRX selling the exact same program that ATX will be selling for Tax Year 2009?
  17. I guess I go back to Loyalty. I have used the program since 2002 and have the back years to 1995. I have had good to great (as we look back in time) success with the Tech support at ATX. BUT since CCH has no loyalty to us as comsumers of their product why do they or should they expect us to be loyal to them. I will take the jump and save 1K. And will make another donation for the use of this board. I rarely post questions but I read as many as I can and learn alot from some really smart people and for that I am greatful. (I lost my mentor 2 years ago) And if they shut down ATX.. then here I come Drake
  18. I have not decided yet, my fear is a deal to good to be true usually is. I have for the most part had good luck with ATX and their service. But pulling the original ATX board still sticks in my gut. To the 9 who state they will buy from ATX what reasons are you not choosing to go with TRX. I will save about $1000.00 from my ATX renewal quote, which they are e-mailing and calling me to renew at this time. Just wondering why 9 will not switch.
  19. Thank you.. beginning to feel stupid because I cant figure it out. now I get it
  20. Can a Non Resident/Part Year Resident E File in Indiana?
  21. TP lives in Hurricane IKE disaster area. After the storm she took 5 K out of IRA and put 2500 back within 60 days. I have a IRA contribution slip that shows the $2500.00 contribution. Form 5498 shows no contributions only the FMV of the IRA. 10-99 R shows box 7 code 1 with 5K gross distribution and 5K taxable. Is there a exception to the penalty on the 2500 that was put back in? If so what code would that be since I cant seem to find it. Thanks in advance.
  22. I have sent and had accepted 8 1120 and 1120S with no problem, but also filed them last year.
  23. I had similar problem because I was not opening the return in the 2008 program after the rollover. At least I think that was the problem
  24. I got about 6 dated mid January..
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