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Everything posted by mcb39

  1. Thanks for the memories. Yes, I am older than dirt and remember them all. I was actually born in South Bend, Ind, where they build Studebakers. We owned one in 1961 (newly married and living in WI, where I grew up) I think it was called a Golden Hawk and was real "class". We actually made a cross-country trip in that car, with a baby and no air-conditioning. Nobody had air-conditioned cars in those days, that I know of. Oh, I could go on and on. And, yes, I knew it was a sprinkling bottle as soon as I started reading. :D
  2. :bday: my friend, from Wisconsin!
  3. It's also very contagious! :rolleyes:
  4. I have split it manually for so many years that I never thought about there being an easier way. Maybe somebody else may have looked for and discovered it.
  5. Often they are out of business, or not cooperative. I believe the depreciation schedule belongs to the client just as well as his w2 and other information.
  6. I agree with KC and Deb....You don't have to try to impress anyone by including every form. However, if you have ever had to try to build a depreciation schedule for a client who has come from another preparer; it can be a nightmare. I give them as much as I think they might need just as I would like that to come to me. I also bind them into a booklet with the letter, the invoice and all necessary supporting schedules. Over the years, countless clients have commented on what a professional return they receive. Of course, very simple returns only get the basic cover sheet with the letter and the invoice. I do put an e=file sticker on each return that it apples to. IMO
  7. NO........they come in all shapes, sizes and ages and tax brackets of inconsiderate and impatient clients.
  8. Just two more reasons to call this Black Monday......besides the phone, appointments, drop-ins, people that think I have nothing more to do than talk about THEIR problems..........and now you tell me we have 6 more weeks of this horrible winter and ten more weeks of tax season. I wonder if I can survive! Oh, yes, and as someone else pointed out, they are already asking if it's done yet and how much is my refund? Have a great second month of tax season everyone!
  9. Thanks, jainen, for putting it all in a nutshell. Ultimately, it IS their call. I know that the purchase of a home should not rely on tax credits, and this one didn't because nobody even knew about it then. I would, however, feel terrible for all people who take the credit this year and have to pay it back, if a new bill goes through and purchases in 2009 would be exempt from payback. Of course, this is the age-old dilemma of having to draw the tax law line somewhere. Thanks again.
  10. Thanks taxbilly; I agree that common sense has nothing to do with it. This whole thing makes me very uneasy. I have a young couple who are leaning toward taking the credit. Their 2 year old will be driving by the time they get in paid back according to the present law. However, $7500 is very tempting to a young couple in the present economy, who just bought a house in October. How are we supposed to know how to advise them? Prior to the publicity on the new bill, I would have STRONGLY advised against it. This is like rolling dice.
  11. Does this mean that filers that opt for the "Loan" in 2008 will also be forgiven the payback if they don't sell the house for three years? This is very critical as to how we advise our clients, pro or con. They are starting to ask about the $7500 credit.
  12. mcb39

    1099 ACKS

    Just received my first ever 1099 ACK. That doesn't mean I never filed any before, I just never got an ACK.....IMO, the program is overall working very well for this early. I have really had no problems that I couldn't deal with, thanks to the help from all of you. B)
  13. Happy belated Birthday Catherine! Happy real Birthday Kyle! Mine is in June so not too many are on the board. But that's OK because I would just as soon stop keeping track. Happy Birthday to everybody that I missed. :bday:
  14. Except for tourism, which is dramatically down, things are pretty bleak in WI too. :dunno:
  15. I already had chips and a can of beer, cuz I know he's going to make it.
  16. I know about 6th street; my son went there the night before his brother's wedding in Kyle, Tx at the home of very good friends of ours. We love Tx Hill Country but have not been there for a while. Some of our best friends are there. Even though we live in WI, our son chose to be married in Kyle on the banks of the Blanco. And, yes, San Antonio is very nice too. San Marcos is where George Strait got his start. And don't forget Willie's ranch in Dripping Springs and the impressive Johnson Ranch.
  17. Wausau, Wisconsin; Marathon County 1) Wausau Insurance, the Company that announced its demise last week 2) Paper Mills and Lumber Barons 3) Cheese and Cheese Curds 4) County Seat 5) About 100 miles South of God's Country
  18. So how is that going to make the people feel who opted for the loan in 2008 and have to pay it back because they bought their home 6 months too early.? I, personally, am not encouraging anyone to take advantage of this $7500 interest-free loan. I think it will only cause more problems because so many will use it for unnecessary things. IMO
  19. Good Luck!! Wisconsin hasn't exactly been Wonderworld lately. But this bad weather kind of makes it easier to be stuck inside doing taxes...... :(
  20. I have been transmitting several times this evening. Perhaps you are just hitting peak times when several people are trying to transmit. Try again.
  21. Yes, if she lives with them and is there dependent. And, of course, all other EIC guidelines must be met as to income,etc.
  22. I also have it in my favorites so that I can check on some clients before they come for their appointments. So far, one person has brought in the breakdown from the IrS. I checked it anyway. She got $54 more. Isn't tax season fun?
  23. None here.....same as last year. Makes one wonder where they go.........or if they go anywhere.
  24. mcb39

    Debt Code

    Strange....no debt codes even when you expect one. Empty column here.
  25. Thanks KC.......that makes sense. I always knew I had to export, import to move the files, but never did understand the difference, either. I export all files as I work on them to zip disk. I export them to a flash drive in order to work on the laptop if I am going to be out of the office.; then restore them to the desktop in order to e-file. Is it not correct that all returns should be e-filed from the same computer?
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