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Everything posted by Julie

  1. Just add the 2007 organizer to each tax return. There is one there. Then be careful when printing, to just print the engagement letter page. Normally it will print two copies.
  2. I had a difficult time with this too, for a number of reasons. It was solved after a half-hour on the phone with a very helpful gentleman named Billy, who didn't know the answers, but took the time to find them for me. As I recall, the menus didn't work properly because I didn't have a credit card number on file with them. I don't remember whether that was all it took to get the printer configuration menu to open. I wish I could tell you what was required, but there were three or four things that had to be changed before it would let me print checks. Julie
  3. Julie


    rfassett has the right idea. Read the instructions for the NOL worksheet. Carefully, line by line. I misunderstood it myself at first. There are some entries that, at least last year, we needed to fill in by hand.
  4. I'm having trouble getting the letters to format correctly this year. Every year I've customized the letters, changing (among other things) the main font. This year, the instructions for the federal return are refusing to change. It looks fine in the edit screen, but when I save my results and open up a dummy return to look at them, it has several paragraphs of TNR in the middle. Anyone else figured out this one? Am I missing something obvious?
  5. :rolleyes: Seasoning a cast-iron pan has little to do with spices.....it involves heating it with grease until (like oil paint) it forms a hard, non-stick surface. And it does help a great deal. And the bacon leaves a sticky coating because it's not pure grease. The proteins and sugars in the bacon make the eggs stick, but also make them taste good. I just accept that as the price of bacon and eggs. Soak the pan for ten minutes before washing it with a mild soap and a plastic scrubby pad.
  6. Does anyone know anything about the Salmon Disaster payments? Here's a link: http://www.calkingsalmon.org/pdf/DFG_Dista...ing_9-11-07.pdf What I need to know is whether they qualify as disaster payments under §139: http://www.fourmilab.ch/ustax/www/t26-A-1-B-III-139.html -Julie
  7. Julie


    Thanks....I've been shopping for a backup drive for a little while now....I'd been looking at an Iomega drive, but now I'm reconsidering....Just spent some time looking at the MyBook World Edition and it looks pretty good, for the same price I was considering for the Iomega.
  8. Julie

    new atx login

    I have some problems with that three-hour time difference, too. The last time I needed to call them, I got up extra early and called them before work. May not matter anymore, though. I seem to have lost my "day job." And I'd already decided not to work there during tax season.
  9. I think you need to do some research on "imputed interest." I don't remember all the details, but some of the purchase price will be construed as interest income.
  10. Julie

    Final disc

    Just got mine today.
  11. I still have two clients who need to pick up their tax returns and one return that isn't finished.
  12. I believe that second line is a slight paraphrase from Churchill: "That is something up with which I will not put."
  13. At this point, not having had time to review even the demo disks I asked for, I will almost certainly renew with ATX (although I'm still waiting for the last minute!). That said, any software which made community property splits easy would certainly get an extra look from me. It's a slow manual procedure in both ATX and LaCerte....what about the others?
  14. No, you're not the only one.
  15. But Jubal Harshaw was a self-employed writer who needed the secretarial service.....they wouldn't be Sch H, because they weren't (primarily) performing household services, but were employed in the normal course of his business.
  16. They're not, from a federal perspective. From a state perspective, "registered domestic partners" are required to file MFJ. Whether they got married or not, since the marriages were disallowed by the state.
  17. He can often be found on the NAEA WebBoard....if you are (or know) a member, check out the "Cracker Barrel Lounge." Yes, they gave him his own forum. Julie
  18. I haven't really had time to consider all the options. Between having a part-time "day job", an almost full-time business, and co-managing my husband's art career, I'm swamped. I've ordered demo CDs from three different companies, but haven't installed any of them. There's a good chance I'll stay with ATX just because I haven't had time to consider the alternatives, let alone convert all my clients.
  19. Interesting that it says you must file this form if (among other things), "Your pay from the firm was not for services as an independent contractor..." Seems like that's the issue being disputed, isn't it? I agree with jainen, though....I wouldn't use this lightly. I've always told clients that challenging their employer's treatment of them will most likely lose them their jobs. This is no exception.
  20. Uh....I've only been to Santa Cruz a couple of times, but it didn't look like a "small town" to me. 'Course, I was born and raised up north in Fort Bragg, so what do I know? And why is it that people from other states insist on calling this place Cali, anyway? I've never heard that from a native Californian.
  21. I'm thinking about that Siberian mammoth who got frozen to death one spring morning while he munched on buttercups. And stayed frozen for many thousands of years. It seems as though, when it comes to Nature, the unexpected can happen very suddenly. Umm.....haven't we been in a warming period for about 10,000 years? Wouldn't that mean it's about over? We may yet go the way of that mammoth, then. Regardless of global warming. So....maybe we get a few years of a warm, tropical-feeling earth, with high sea levels drowning our low-lying cities, then we suddenly freeze to death. Sounds like fun.
  22. Not far at all....I live near Stockton and Broadway, and my office is near 35th and Broadway. So that last storm was pretty spotty, then. Like a late (very late!) spring shower. And yes, it has been nice. If you're not doing anything tomorrow night, my husband is having an art show at Artisan Gallery on Del Paso Blvd....I'll be the unofficial hostess.
  23. Certiainly the climate has gotten screwy....anyone who lived in California in the '60s and '70s can tell that. But we only got a trace of rain in Oak Park ....maybe a hundredth of an inch. Similar to what the weatherman said. You're somewhere near Elk Grove, right? You must have gotten a heavier local storm than we did. Sacramento is big enough now that we can talk about microclimates....that's almost as scary as global warming.
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