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Everything posted by BulldogTom

  1. Pleasantly suprised so far. Only the EIC with no child issue cost me one return (and I don't like that client anyway - he is the daddy of my great nephew - so I do the return - but I charge him full price and will continue to until he puts a ring on my niece's finger - but that is beside the point). Supposedly the EIC thing is fixed as of today. All my other Fed and CA came back likity-split. May be some salvation to this year after all. Tom Hollister, CA
  2. Dude, not trying to be mean, but Turbo Tax is a competitor to all of us on this board. We could give you the answers, but almost every person here will expect to make their living off of the amended returns you are going to have to do after you hose this return using TT. You don't know what you don't know, and that is what is going to get you in trouble. Tom Hollister, CA
  3. It was a bug in the EIC form according to ATX board Michelle. She says they fixed it and when you download the latest form it should not happen again. Will check and see later today. Tom Hollister, CA
  4. It has to do with the EIC form and 8867. There is something in the form the e-file does not like. They are having big problems with this at ATX right now. Tom Hollister, CA
  5. Same set of rules as for any other business... expectation of a profit?, appreciable assets? run in businesslike manner? books and records look like a business set of books? advertising? expertise in the field? prior success in other similar endeavors? significant amount of personal pleasure or enjoyment? degree to which they seek professional help? These are the factors that they look at for any business that they suspect is not being run for profit. I have been told that IRS does not believe anyone who is operating a horse racing or car racing endeavor is in business. Tom Hollister, CA
  6. Taxpayer is low income and qualifies for EIC even though no children. The return rejected in E-file for no children associated with form EIC. Anyone else have this rejection? Tom Hollister, CA
  7. And now it works....at least on the one return I have where Sch. C depreciation was incorrect, it is now correct. This is a simple sch. c return. Tom Hollister, CA
  8. I think we ought to, as a matter of principal, file and amend every one of our client returns this year. With the new MeF, we can e-file the 1040X, so why not test their system to the limit. I think 3 or 4 amends per return would be a good workout for those A-holes in Washington. Let Congress know that they really screwed the pooch this year. Break their system and let them live with the results. Tom Hollister, CA
  9. But the IRS is not issuing refunds (or so they say) on the test returns. Tom Hollister, CA
  10. We have been finding the same thing. Rolled over billing does not work. Must delete and reselect. Also could not make the billing work when I tried to customize it to always bill by form and print forms on the invoice. Made the software shut down, so I am clicking the boxes every time. Then tonight, I was reviewing my billing for the day, and one of my invoices came up with a totally different amount for my EIC form charge. The other 4 returns had the right amount, but this one was $5 more. Weird stuff happening in CCH LaLa land. 5 returns with the same form in them, 4 charged correctly, one for an extra $5. I really hope they get some of this crap fixed soon. I can't charge enough for this kind of frustration, and it is not my client's fault the software sucks. Tom Hollister, CA
  11. Printers are old, but drivers are up to date. Had to update the drivers to get them to work with win7. Came up with a work around. Use PDF Complete which is on my computer and not the delivered ATX 2012 PDF printer and it works fine. But can't get it to show that printer on the filing copy in the print mangager, so I used the preparer copy, picked the PDF Complete printer, told the software I did not want to use the ATX 2012 PDF printer when the caution came up, and it worked like a charm. This software is really quirky this year. My wife had a good quote a few minutes ago "It seems like we are working harder for this software than the software is working for us." We did 6 simple returns today. Very simple. Took most of the day. I am bushed and these were very simple returns. Tom Hollister, CA
  12. My ATX PDF is coming out as scramble forms. Nothing is legible. Any suggestions? Need to send these returns to clients for review for e-file. Tom Hollister, CA
  13. 2012ATXSUCKS, Is the software ready....good question. I have about 6 very simple returns waiting to go up this weekend for e-file on the 30th. Are they correct? I hope so. The tax and credit amounts look right to me, but I did not check them by doing the return by hand. Is the software ready to do a complex return...I don't think so. I am barred from filing my own return because of fixed assets. I have a couple returns 90% done, but they have depreciation and it is wrong. Will the software be able to perform by the time the IRS lets us e-file - my guess is yes it will. I think they are using the time they have right now to make the other forms work and pushing off the things they know can't be filed anyway. This software has a history of good performance, but the new package is not getting high marks. Tom Hollister, CA
  14. ATX2012SUCKS, This may be a question of symantics, but are you "importing" or "rolling over" the returns from 2011 to 2012? And are you talking about the fixed assets in the tax program, or do you use the stand alone fixed asset product? Knowing these answers will help with answering your questions. There are lots of problems with 2012 depreciation calculations right now. However, I am not personally seeing any changes in the conventions or methods in the fixed asset worksheet on rolled over returns. It is just that the software is not currently calculating the right depreciation amounts. Tom Hollister, CA
  15. Actually, it is now called a line of credit. Up to $1000. But it locks the taxpayer into doing the return with HRB. Slick marketing. And if you don't like the results of the return they prepare when you do get your W2, you have to pay back the $1000 plus pay them the fees associated with the line of credit, and pay a minimum fee for the unfinished tax return. Tom Hollister, CA
  16. The problem with CCH is that I don't go in there from March through December. When it is time to order, I go to the website because they make me. I get all set up, get my bank app done for fee collect, and if the software works, I never come back except early in the year to check on form release dates or to see if a particular problem is solved. I can't remember to go in every 90 days for a once a year vendor and change my password. They should recognize this and work with other enhancements. I don't have to change my bank card PIN every 90 days. Tom Hollister, CA
  17. I can still do simple payroll (5-10 employees) on a spreadsheet. For how much longer is the question. Tom Hollister, CA
  18. Thanks for reminding me. It is getting close to asparagus season and bacon wrapped asparagus is one of the greatest dishes ever created. Tom Hollister, CA
  19. KC, Have you moved to CA yet? Are you still in AR? When you get to Modesto, give me a shout and we can go to dinner again. I am in Lodi every Saturday. Tom Hollister, CA
  20. Hey...could you all send some of that snow to the Sierra Nevada mountains. Could I order about 6-8" of fresh powder? Tom Hollister, CA
  21. It is very unfortunate that you came to ATX this year. There is no denying you have a legitmate gripe. There was a time when ATX was a great product at a fantastic price with outstanding Support and Sales. Those days are gone. This is my 12th season with ATX. May be my last, but it is too late for me to switch. I Hate CCH, but the software has been good and this board, not the other CCH maintained board, has been a great help to getting the software to work as it is intended. Good luck with whatever you decide. Tom Hollister, CA
  22. I am just saying that if you want to prevent fraudulent preparers from accessing the IRS e-file portal, make all software that can access the portal required to be registered as either a professional (PTIN required) or an individual (SS# required, no duplicates, only one submission from that license of the software). It would not cost much to implement, and the Turbo Taxes of the world should love the idea that their software cannot be pirated. Besides, I come from California, where every person is guilty of purchasing items on the internet and not paying sales tax according to the FTB. I have been conditioned to "know" that all my clients are trying to steal EIC from the government because the IRS tells me so. So why would I not assume that the majority of underground preparer returns are not coming from a penciled in copy of the forms (remember package X that we had to have to start the tax season?). Face it, the software and the access to the fast lane (e-file) for refunds is what is fueling the fraud at the low end of the taxable income spectrum. It is only one of many places where "liberties" are being taken with the tax code. But if Congress really wanted to end this social welfare cheating scandal, they could in a heartbeat. Tom Hollister, CA
  23. Congress could require the registration of all purchases, including SS#, of all self prep software before activating the software. Tom Hollister, CA
  24. The drive for 6 is on. It was so good for so long, then it was so bad for so long, and now they are back. I am so happy I could kiss an IRS auditor. Tom Hollister, CA
  25. It is similar, but the program for 2012 has bugs. It is not very fast. I have new computers with quad cores, 8GB and win7 and the software runs very slow. If you can live with that, yes, the program is working. Not all forms are available, but most are. I think everything you have up there is available in draft form right now. Tom Hollister, Ca
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