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On the top right corner, pull down the menu from Christian and then select profile and then change profile and you should be able to change the picture. As a general rule, you should place a picture of yours that was taken 10-20 years ago.

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HEY!!!! This IS me - -really - -and not more than - - um - - 4 years ago - - Santa FINALLY saw my letter from about 50+ years ago, and delivered the BEST stress relief EVER - - a DRUM SET!!!

Seriously - -I can go down to the basement - - put on some classic rock , and bang away - - - best therapy ever!!! :spaz: :spaz: :spaz: :spaz:

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Someone recently asked for my bio for a brochure they're doing. Here's what I sent (I wish the pic would have copied in--I used a photo of Millard Filmore):

Jerry S is a world renowned chess master (to even the odds, he often plays with one arm tied behind his back!) and also was the first to ever scale Mt Neverest while blindfolded and with one hand tied behind his back. At the tender age of three he pioneered the one-handed method of playing violin (he plays the Minute Waltz in 53 seconds flat!).

You’ve heard of the 1976 war between the US and Andorra? Of course not! Jerry single handedly averted it through a masterful combination of shrewd diplomacy and shameless pandering to special interest groups on both sides. He declined consideration for the Noble Peas Prize due to his distaste for legumes.

As you have no doubt deduced, Jerry is an accomplished fabricationist and is also adept at abject obfuscation.

He is a 98th degree holder in the mythic Order of Fahrenheit. He denies having introduced John to Yoko, but admits to playing a minor role in the demise of the Beatles by having failed to purchase the White Album. He was the first to envision the charismatic Amish movement now sweeping the region. He speaks, reads and writes ESL fluently.

In his spare time he enjoys hosting outdoor ping-pong tournaments at hurricane parties and dabbling in neurological microsurgery. Fabulously wealthy by the age of sixteen, Jerry gave it all to charity and is now relegated to taking part-time jobs and volunteering at church food pantries (mainly to scarf leftovers at the free food centers).

Jerry is married to the extraordinary Jeanie S. At last count they had five children and fourteen grandchildren, each of whom has accomplished exploits that far outshine Jerry’s. If you don’t believe it, just ask him. He’ll talk about his grandkids all day!

If there’s anything else you need to know just call 555-1212 . . . ask for Jerry.

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