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ATX repeatedly crashing


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I'm not a programming guru.  But I've heard ATX uses a spreadsheet type of program.   I think this is generally slower.  I think it just gets hung up in itself and doesn't know which step to go to next, then gives you the warning to close.  I thought about switching a few years ago but just don't want to go thru the learning process.  I only have a few years left so I'll just stick with ATX and put up with it.


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I have tried to go into the memory that was supposed to fix my problem with crashing.  But it has not.  Here I am at 10:30 in the morning crashing.  I find it happens regardless of having adobe or any other program open.  This is on a brand new PC.  I'm really disappointed in ATX for not getting this fixed.  I dealt with it enough last year but think it's worse this year.


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20 minutes ago, cbslee said:

No, 2011 was the last year ATX was a compiled spreadsheet.

The 2012 ATX Program was rewritten using a poorly selected shareware database called "Raven".

Thanks for the update.  I'll have to update my own memory.  Ha.  I'm not familiar with Raven, but apparently it is slow too.

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1 hour ago, schirallicpa said:

I have tried to go into the memory that was supposed to fix my problem with crashing.  But it has not.  Here I am at 10:30 in the morning crashing.  I find it happens regardless of having adobe or any other program open.  This is on a brand new PC.  I'm really disappointed in ATX for not getting this fixed.  I dealt with it enough last year but think it's worse this year.


Don't hold your breath. The company overhauled the entire program using the Raven database in 2013 for the 2012 tax year, so the company has had 10 years to fix this.

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3 minutes ago, Abby Normal said:

If it's a brand name computer, it may have come preloaded with a ton of crapware that starts automatically. This is why I always build PCs from scratch with only windows on it.

I agree with this observation.  I have had my last 6 computers custom built without any crapware by my computer guy - for 25 years now.  If anything goes wrong, he can fix it because he built it.  I also have it go in for 'spa treatment' every fall before the season to be sure nothing has sneaked in or is causing problems. It may be a coincidence but I think my program has crashed fewer than 5 times in all the years I've been using ATX since 1996 tax year.  And I cannot even remember the last time.  (Now I've probably hexed myself, right?)

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Nothing shows up in the task manager other than ATX so I don't know if there is other crap running or not.

And - as I mentioned - I had tried to change the memory configuration as directed earlier, but apparently, I do not have rights to it and cannot change it.  I don't know how to change that.  Why don't I have rights?  This summer I will look at different software.  I have been loyal to ATX for a long time, but I just don't have the time to re-boot over and over each day.  And as the returns get more complicated the worse ATX gets.



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I am having the same problems as Schiralli, and I, too, have followed the memory configuration changes (had my IT guy do it), but it still crashes (8 times yesterday) in the middle of returns.  Literally 'blip' and it's gone ... no warning.  Other times, I get the 'program needs to shut down' and can use Abby's trick of shutting it down with task manager and restarting.  If it 'blips' and is gone, I have to reboot my entire machine.  I'm now running 2 machines because I can't have anything open other than ATX.  I really like the way the ATX program works, but I hate this part of it.  Grrr.  2013 was an AWFUL year in terms of the software.  This one ranks second in my book.

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23 hours ago, schirallicpa said:

Nothing shows up in the task manager other than ATX so I don't know if there is other crap running or not.

The first time you start Task Manager it's in 'Fewer details' mode. Click on the link at the bottom that says "More details,' if you haven't already.

Also, Services is the best place to change tasks from automatically starting to manual starting.

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New computer, Windows 11 and few problems (knock on wood) this year but the only things I've put on it is two years of ATX and Adobe. I do save frequently if I'm in a complex return as that's the only time I've experienced shutdowns.  It may be if you are doing complex returns you need to go to a top shelf program (and charge accordingly).  But beware of going to another software just because you think their tech support is better--I've never seen so many complaints about Drake before.  And the stress level of new software is significant.

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3 hours ago, BrewOne said:

New computer, Windows 11 and few problems (knock on wood) this year but the only things I've put on it is two years of ATX and Adobe. I do save frequently if I'm in a complex return as that's the only time I've experienced shutdowns.  It may be if you are doing complex returns you need to go to a top shelf program (and charge accordingly).  But beware of going to another software just because you think their tech support is better--I've never seen so many complaints about Drake before.  And the stress level of new software is significant.

So far this year I have no new complaints about Drake.

I think I have called into Drake Support twice this year and I had to upload my return to them and my problem was solved quickly.

Sometimes their diagnostic messages can be a bit hard to decipher.

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  • 10 months later...

Wolters Kluwer needs to clean this up!!!! This  has been a problem for decades I know I have been with them since 1995 when it was SABER ATX


I cant figure it out.  I go to the task manager and I set my priory for the CPU to high  Doesn't work.

I re wrote the software code to stop the program from Limiting me on the amount of Memory It will allow me to use.  That solved the crashing of opening up more than one file at a time so I can have the S corp open and the Individuals open to do direct entries.  

Also, I ave called countless times and put on hold with technical support for a considerable amount of time just on hold when they answer I explain the problem and for some unknown reason I get disconnected.

I looked at other software options this past year and I had too much going on to pull the trigger.  However I will and am jumping ship next year.  looks like Drake will be the winner.  I prepare over 900 returns each year. and look ATX just cant get this problem solved and its every year.


Sorry for he rant but it literally just crashed again and needed to vent

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