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Everything posted by GeneInAlabama

  1. I don't do RALs either but I wonder how this will affect the RAL market. Will the IRS make some kind of allowance to appease the RAL market? RALs are too lucrative for them to just give up. If this does kill the RALs, it will help those of us who don't do them.
  2. I have often wondered how long it would take the government to figure out a way to tax us on the money we save by mowing our own lawn instead of hiring someone else to do it. I really don't expect anything like this to ever happen, but. . .
  3. >>My principle on computer OS changes is to make the change as late as possible and let other people be the guinea pigs for errors, incompatibilities, and other problems. So far, so good.<< I'm still operating on XP and doing fine.
  4. Sounds like a new employee to me. One that hasn't developed thick skin yet. IRS employees I know joke about the IRS as much as we do.
  5. In all these years I don't remember ever noticing that. I guess we tend to see what we want to see. I have never had anyone want to pay more than they owe. I did have one client want to check the political contribution box.
  6. >> If he thinks he should be paying 31%, then all he has to do is write his check for that much, right?. << Would the Treasury Department be able to accept the "donation", or would the red tape prevent them from accepting it? Is there a precedure that allows the Treasury Department to accept donations. I don't know. Just wondering.
  7. The PlatinumProStudies is a cheap and easy way to get the credits.
  8. She cannot use her husband's FEIN. She will have to apply for her own.
  9. >>MA has been closed for weeks<< PA says that MA had better straighten up. The kids have to be taken care of.
  10. I am 76 and I can relate to everything that was said except I don't remember the price of gas until I was old enough to actually buy it, and it was 25 cents by that time. One night I was out with some of my friends and we put all our money together and pulled into a service station and bought 29 cents worth of gas. I also remember tokens which took 10 to make a penny. I think I may still have some of those around somewhere.
  11. >>you find it more prductive to devote all your mental energy to calculating their bill.<< I like that one. I told one client one time when I made a BIG mistake in figuring his tax bill that I wouldn't charge him any extra for the medical exam, that his heart was in good shape.
  12. Thanks John. I'll try that on the rest of the quizs. I did make 95% on the first quiz but I did guess at 2 of the questions that asked about form numbers and got those 2 right. I am pretty good at guessing. Kea, computers and calculators have ruined me. I find myself reaching for the calculator to add simple numbers and I no longer try to remember stuff like standard deductions, etc. since the computer does that for me. When someone asks me a question like that, I usually have to look it up (doesn't look very professional).
  13. Thanks GeorgeM. I ordered the course and used the promo code and got it for $15.00. JohnH, your posts prompted me to try it and I have found the first lesson to be very easy. This is a very cheap and quick way to get the needed CPE. I am using the Fast Forward Academy course to prepare for the RTRP test. My main concern in passing the test is that I can't remember form numbers, code sections, etc. When I prepare a return, I am constantly looking that information up and it takes me longer to prepare a return than it does most people. They say that something happens to you when you get old, but I can't remember what it is.
  14. Quitting chocolate is kinda like quitting smoking. I believe it was Mark Twain that said quitting smoking was easy. He said he had quit a thousand times.
  15. JB, the best thing to do is just relax with a beer (don't overdo it) tonight and get a good night's rest. You already know all that you are going to know so just get your mind on other things for now. Good luck. I've still got to take mine yet. I'm planning on about December.
  16. >>Doesn't that mean, for example, that if you increase the basis of a building by the cost of a new roof, you must also decrease it by the cost of the old roof?<< Looks like Jainen has opened up a whole new can of worms. I'm anxious to see how this tunrs out.
  17. One other point. I still like ATX a whole lot better, but I don't do enough returns to justify the high price. For the money, I feel this new program fills my needs best.
  18. I tried the new in house product and like it a LOT better than Tax Works. The worksheet type program gave me fits. I guess I am too old to learn all the hidden places where entries are to be made and the blocks to be checked on the worksheets to get the desired effects. I had used ATX since about 1992 or 1993 and for many years before that I used pencil and paper. I just couldn't seem to adapt to the worksheets. The new program resembles ATX and entries on the forms can be overridden if need be. Many times I would know what the final result should be but just could not find the right place to make an entry that would give me that result. I have not tried the new program out extensively, and do not know what the bugs are yet, but I sure do like the principle the program works on. I think I can deal with the bugs.
  19. I have not even remotely considered using it since they shut down the original one in early April several years ago suddenly and without warning or explanation. Left a very bad taste in my mouth.
  20. I agree with MAMalody. I have clients (as we all do) that provide a lot of unnecessary junk that I have to wade through to make sure that I don't miss something important in preparing their tax returns. I believe in making it as easy as possible for the IRS if I want a favor from them.
  21. I'm still stuck on doubling a penny every day for 30 days.
  22. I had no intention of using TaxWorks anyway. The more I use it, the less I like it. If the new program doesn't work out, I'll have to try something else. ATX spoiled me. It is the only other program I have ever used (used it since 1993), but I can no longer afford the price and I can't go back to pencil and paper.
  23. >>We are talking about BILLIONS here, folks, not mere millions<< I don't know the difference between a billion and a million. Both are impossible numbers for me.
  24. >>Maybe it's not a bad idea after all, Michael Phelps is expected to earn 100 mil in endorsements over the course of 10 years.<< If he does, he will pay tax on it as he earns it. (I hope)
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