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Everything posted by Carolbeck

  1. I have tried many different Refurbs for my HP Laserjet 3015D, from many different vendors. I always end up with problems printing the tax forms or any graphics. There will be a streak or line going through and I have to print the entire return over. Not worth it to me for $10 to $15 difference in price overr OEM. I use the 55X and it lasts me all tax season and a little more. I usually have a $50 coupon from Quill or Staples so it ends up costing maybe $150 a year. Sometimes I can find them on ebay, though harder to find. I don't mind the refurbs for Inkjet, but for the laser printer, and Tax returns OEM works better. Plus it prints at 56 pgs a minute.
  2. See the "Big" guy in my picture, I had to put him in our bedroom with our other GSD while I had 2 people arriving at the same time for pickup. He got a hold of one of my Farm Returns (of course it smelled like a cow barn) and shredded everything before I had a chance to copy the paperwork. I spent hours straightening and taping to get the documents back together. Thank goodness my client was very understanding about it, As long as he had copies of everything he was happy about it.
  3. How about those Farm Returns? Nothing like the smell of records that have been sitting in the Cow Barn for months. Don't forget those strange stains on the Calf and Cow sales slips either.. Blood, Poop. or what? The cigarette smell is the worst and it just sets off my Asthma. I actually received envelopes that smelled so bad I had to air them out on the deck before I could open them. Then I forget that I put them there... At least the dog didn't eat them.
  4. Thank you! i thought so too. This client is a PITA.
  5. I heard today from one of my clients of the following from his broker: Managed Account Fees. He says that fee can be declared on a Schedule D as a short term capital loss, if Schedule A is overloaded. The fee is the cost basis and the sale is zero. I have always claimed the Investment fees on Schedule A, is the above correct? Sorry to be a pain, I just never heard of this. Thanks, Carol
  6. Rub it in! I just want to see all of the snow gone! And the permafrost not be so muddy in the driveway... We may hit 40 today though... mid 30's tomorrow. Hope we do not run out of heating oil, it cost $1k in March to fill. So sick of Winter!
  7. Yeah the crazy clients that seem to know they owe and figure if they procrastinate long enough my Heavy Duty Magic Wand will make it all go away. "You have no life or other clients than me"... Grr They are coming out of the woodwork like fleas...
  8. What is on TV on Tuesday night anyway? Thursday is better, Big Bang Theory and Grey's Anatomy - That is when Tax Season is not in session...
  9. I agree with MsTabbyCats, I want it in writing! I do not mind for quick messages (yes or No) leaving on my answering machine, but Bank Info, $$$ info, etc. I want it in writing for the tax folder. Where I live is very rural, Cell Phone is spotty at best, messages left cut out, or they talk too fast (I suffer from the same affliction), that it wastes my time and their time. Drop off, email, or mail. Or leave me a time and number when I can call back to actually speak to them live. My cell phone (Tracfone!), does text, but try downloading to a PC. I can talk way faster than I can text.
  10. I have a client that I just finished and found out she owes quite a bit! Retired last year due to have (2) Open Heart Surgeries! Age 69 and received $28K in SSA (along with her half year W2 and 1099R's) with NO Withholding. Normally she has enough in withholding and itemized deductions to receive a refund. I am so afraid to call her (with her heart condition) and explain again that SSA IS Taxable (even at her age) if you go over the AGI threshhold. Not looking forward to calling her.
  11. I can't drink either. Never have Never will. Wave the bar rag and it is all over for me. Does SF Grape Koolaid count?
  12. This will be me at the end of this tax season from Hell... (Though a few years younger) It is not nice to joke about Alzheimers, but some days I feel like I have it! NYS DCJS Missing Persons Clearinghouse <[email protected]>
  13. Red Wine is good for your heart, right?
  14. Too many passwords, too many different time changes to require password change. If a hacker can figure out a password so easily, how could I in a million years outsmart one with a SuperDuper Password that I would actually remember and not have it tattooed to my arm. I would go for an eye scan or finger print just not to have to remember a stupid Frikking Password! If only all software and websites allowed this.
  15. Love the Hitler one too. At the end with him mentioning Outsourcing to India is a Deja Vu for me. That is exactly what happened where I work.
  16. I use a PDF Converter called Wondershare PDF Converter PRO. Not perfect, but it converts pdf's to excel then you save excel as a csv file. You do have to tweak, but it does save a lot of data entry. It just depends on what the pdf file shows. You can use a trial of it, but you are limited with the number of pages. the cost was $69 2 years ago. Now it is $80, I use it at work and at my home office. url http://store.wondershare.com/shop/ Hope this helps!
  17. Also staying in the Tractor Trailer Drivers Blind Spot (right lane) is not a good thing either. I see it all the time, someone gets in the left lane to pass a big rig and freeze. They stay neck and neck and the Tractor Trailer Driver can't see them. If you do not see him in his mirror, he can't see you. Not worth being dead. Either pull behind or increase speed a little and get ahead. No matter what speed you do on an Highway, there is always someone who wants to go faster. Not worth having an accident or loosing your life.
  18. I have one of these every year. 3 different accounts, all I get is a pdf that I convert (Try to) to excel. Import as a csv file. This year over 560 transactions, Net LT Gain $349! But "Investment Advisory Fees" over $4,000. Makes you wonder if people even look at these statements. This couple is not that old. You would think they would know better. Do Not get me started with the advise they decided upon with same advisor to convert every IRA / 401K to a ROTH. Mind you close to a $1M value. Yes 2010 was a good year to do it, but it still cost mucho taxes even spread over 2 years. They are at the height of earnings, and they will never recoup this cost in retirement. Best time to do this is in your 20's or 30's - not late 50's.
  19. Your layout looks better. Copy and paste sometimes only works so well.
  20. According to Page of the 8863 Instructions: Line 7 If you were under age 24 at the end of 2013 and the conditions listed below apply to you, you cannot claim any part of the American opportunity credit as a refundable credit on your tax return. Instead, you can claim your allowed credit, figured in Part II, only as a nonrefundable credit to reduce your tax. You do not qualify for a refundable American opportunity credit if 1 (a, b, or c), 2, and 3 below apply to you. 1. You were: a. Under age 18 at the end of 2013, or b. Age 18 at the end of 2013 and your earned income (defined later) was less than one-half of your support (defined later), or c. Over age 18 and under age 24 at the end of 2013 and a full-time student (defined later) and your earned income (defined later) was less than one-half of your support (defined later). 2. At least one of your parents was alive at the end of 2013. 3. You are not filing a joint return for 2013.
  21. I thought that in order to qualify for the "Refundable Portion" of AOC, they had to be age 24 at least?
  22. I didn't know what the Ditto Jeans were either. I had the Jordache Jean thing... (Maybe that was the 70's Disco thing...). But have you seen the "Daisy Duke" shorts that are the fad now? They make those shorts we wore back then seem kind of long... (Though having you car breakdown while wearing them back then did help).
  23. I save all my used paper in a box under my desk. I then shred it and use the shredded paper for all of our Rabbit / Hamster / Chinchilla habitat. (9 Rabbits, 2 Chinchilla's and 2 Hamsters use a lot of bedding and believe me after they use it no one would want it for something else...). Same thing with all of or Newspapers. It goes to good use and saves money not buying bedding.
  24. And now those Feathered Bangs help cover the wrinkles on the forehead! Me too being a young adult of the 80's (though HS Grad 78 - Loved "That 70's Show). Wish I could still do those 48 hour straight marathons of Tax completions with a 4 hour Nap in between those 48 hours. Brain says no now. My hairdresser (Sister) says she wants to get me out of the 80's...
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