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Max W

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Everything posted by Max W

  1. I checked out the site. It could be very useful as it really breaks down the occupations and even has it by state.
  2. Client receives $4500/m "Child Support" for three children who live with custodial parent. This is something the attorneys dreamt up and looks to me like an attempt to circumvent calling it alimony. Ex-wife is very wealthy and client is struggling with business. Has anyone run into something like this before?
  3. Reagan: "Government is not the solution to our problem government IS the problem"
  4. The problem with these cases is that they have to be dealt with as they are, not what they should be. Since the client receives direct expenses, the use of the car would be for depreciation. The depreciation rate is 22cents/m. and can be taken on SCH C or C-EZ. The client could talk to the employer or file an SS-8, but that could cause friction with the employer and become counterproductive
  5. Max W


    There are nine different circumstances under which the Split account can be granted. The most common is Bankruptcy. For a death situation - " Exam agreed / unagreed cases — when only one spouse agrees to the tax deficiency, while the other spouse does not agree, but does not appeal or file a petition (this could include a deceased taxpayer and neither the surviving spouse nor the executor sign the Revenue Agent Report).
  6. Yep!. John Rigas and his son looted Adelphia Communications. http://money.cnn.com/2005/06/20/news/newsmakers/rigas_sentencing/
  7. Nor even by the standards then. Former presidents had done other things just as heinous, but got away with them because they had a majority in congress, or had the FBi cover up their deeds, which BTW NIxon tried, but was Unable to do.. Nixon didn't profit from Watergate and with his misguided loyalty ended up getting impeached. Had he had a majority in congress, as some of his predecessors did, there would not have been an impeachment. There were many dems that wanted to get even with Nixon for his senatorial campaign in 1950, where he defeated Helen Gahagen Douglas (Wife of Paul Douglas), The Claim was that he used the "red scare" to paint Douglas as por-communist. The fact is that she just was not a good speaker, candidate, and did not have the support of major dems, including Pres. Truman, who call her a pain in the butt. Even JFK supported Nixon in that election.
  8. Madoff is missing from the list. It is considered to be the biggest accounting scandal in history, $65B, slightly larger than Enron. then add three suicides to it.
  9. This might help to orient an get a little background on the subject. http://turbotax.intuit.ca/tax-resources/inheritance-tax.jsp
  10. Max W


    The taxpayer can request that the IRS Split the account. That way he would only be responsible for a smaller amount. It does take someone who is experienced in this to get a Split Spousal Assessment. http://www.irs.gov/irm/part21/irm_21-006-008.html
  11. The text is generic and could apply to any one of the thousands of emails that were sent out. It doesn't address Catherine by name. It says 'my clients are new in town", which would imply his town. It also says "in your state" instead of MA. I would hit the Spam button on this one.
  12. Marriage records are public and available at the county recorder's office. A lot of them are on line. Divorce records are on file with the court where the divorce was filed. These may be harder to get. Search sites like Intellius and others might also have the info, but the reliability is sometimes questionable as you might have a gotten someone with a similar name. Is it worth the hassle? Don't think so. I would just have the questions in a tax organizer and have both sign it.
  13. If she is a foreign citizen (and not a green card holder), she could be exempt from US taxes.
  14. Thanks, Jack. Will do.
  15. Got back an efile rejection that reads -" Form 1040, Line 6c, for each dependent provided, if eligible for CTC is checked, then that dependents age must be under 17. There are three dependents. The oldest was born 1998, making age 16 in 2014???? Has anyone run across this?
  16. It was working fine yesterday. Haven't had to access it today.
  17. Under no circumstances should the client call the IRS agent/RO or whatever. Most clients feel intimidated and will answer any questions asked of them. NECPA, despite saying the contrary, can get a POA that covers most possibilities. Form 1040 going back at least 10 years (we use 20). 941 all quarters going back 10 years. Civil Penalties - same as 941. If the client is a corp, then you would want the same, so maybe two POA's.
  18. Max W

    PTC Repayment

    GREAT! That did it. Thank you.
  19. Max W

    PTC Repayment

    All months are the same - only used line 11.
  20. Max W

    PTC Repayment

    All forms up-to-date. Still get error even after deleting form and re-entering info and rebooting software. The forms update report Version 17, does not list this return and see that some others are missing from the list.???
  21. Max W

    PTC Repayment

    Client is over 600% of poverty line and has to repay All of tax credits ($16800) because of income. With 8962 filled out with the 1095A data, check return gives an error message that lines 11- 23 of 8962 should not be filled out. If the data is removed. then Line 46 PTC Repayment - 1040 shows zero. Is there another way to enter the Repayment?
  22. There is another possibility. The ES payments were earmarked for the wrong year, or no year was even indicated. I don't usually use or recommend the Taxpayer Advocate, but I would in this case as there are too many unknowns and too much red tape to cut through. Going to the field office? That would be the last place to go. They would just pass it up the chain, if they don't misplace it, and cause more delay. I have too many horror stories of clients coming to us after going to a field office and having returns lost, payments misplaced, returns prepared incorrectly, etc.
  23. I would be leery of downloading this. It only had one hit and the en. extension requires additional software to run it.
  24. I would try the taxpayer advocate service 877-777-4778. They will be able to access all the records and find out what happened. It may take some time, but I wouldn't hesitate requesting a status update, every two or three months, from the person assigned to your case.
  25. Here is a list of IRS phone numbers. HTH. IRS -PHONE LIST.pdf
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