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Gail in Virginia

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Everything posted by Gail in Virginia

  1. We had the same problem only with MFJ and $1000. Called support and they have reported it as a bug and are supposed to let us know when it is fixed.
  2. You might want to watch this video, Janitor Bob. http://www.thebigshow.com/video_day/videoN...?day=2009-02-09
  3. If only I could remember everything that I read! :rolleyes:
  4. My husband used to be with the fire department before we met. He told me the story of a call they got reporting a fire at a certain address. They rolled on the call, got there and there was no fire. They get back to the station, and get a call again at the same address. Again, they arrive and no fire. This time dispatch calls while they are still on scene, so they are able to relay that there is no fire at that address to the caller who wants to know why they aren't at her house which is on fire. Turns out that when she moved a few months earlier, she didn't want to be bothered to change her address so she took the numbers off the old house with her and put them up at the new house so she "could keep her address." It isn't just us they are out to get......
  5. The fact that he has a net loss does not necessarily mean he is not treated as a farmer, the rule is based on gross income. If 2/3 of his gross income is from farming (or fishing) he can elect to file his return by March 1 (the 2nd this year) rather than paying estimates and he will not be considered to be under-withheld. If his taxes are paid through W-2 withholding and underpayment is not an issue, he can wait and file by April 15. If underpayment is an issue, and he does not qualify as a farmer in 2008, he can also look back to 2007 and if he qualified then he would be treated as qualifying for 2008.
  6. I don't think that the poster was referring to anyone particularly on this board, just making a general observation. THe profession of tax preparation is like any other profession where human beings are involved. Some are very conscientious and work hard to maintain their craftsmanship, while others just want to make a few bucks without working very hard at it. This is true both ways of those with and without professional designations. I have noticed that a lot of posters to this board do not flaunt any credential, and yet sometimes their responses lead me to believe that they have either the EA or CPA designation. I respect most of the responders on this board, whether or not they have indicated their professional standing. Usually, the way they answer questions tells me all that I need to know about their professionalism.
  7. It probably does fall under that heading, but realistically it won't last more than 5 in a state with weather. We have done ours ourselves and needed to redo it within a year, or had it professionally done with not much better results. However, real life has very little to do with taxes.
  8. A belated I took Valentine's day off, and missed wishing you the best.
  9. But I like coconut icing. I can't wait to update this afternoon.
  10. "I'm going to go right back to the 2 survey emails they sent at the exact same time and tell them just how great they are. " Good Luck with that. At the same time that I received the emails to help me start up for tax season, I received an email survey about a support issue that I called about in early January. When I followed their link to complete the survey, after entering my customer ID, I got a message that no support incident existed. I think they waited so long thinking we would be too busy in Feb. to complete the survey.
  11. Amending the return did not make you eligible for the stimulus payment last year, but I believe that it will work for the recovery rebate credit ( or whatever they are calling that this year.) They work a little bit differently.
  12. Maybe those of you feeling left out got these emails earlier when they originally should have been sent. One of the ones I got was a checklist of things to do to get ready for the start of filing season on January 16. I felt like I had entered a time warp.
  13. Congratulations! and Thanks for every post.
  14. I have a hard enough time finding the time to read the posts on this board - when I glance at the other board, I just come right back here. I feel like I know the people posting on this board.
  15. I am a bit older than Kerry (49), but I remember a conversation that I had with my son about 10 years ago when he was about 7. I was telling him that I did not have a computer in my house when I was his age, that in fact no one had computers in their homes and most businesses did not have computers when I was seven. His eyes got bigger and bigger and he finally asked me, "Did you have electricity?"
  16. I would probably depreciate the flooring as A) Agriculture, 9) Single purpose structure which gives him a 10 year life. The farm machinery I would depreciate as A) Agriculture and 8 for a seven year life. Just my opinion.
  17. Maybe I am just lucky, but until all the discussion this year, I did not know this could be an issue. Our server is a dedicated server that no one works on except the programmer occasionally, or me when it is time to install a new software package. So I have been in the habit of doing everything from the workstation on my desk, including updates. E-files are usually done from my assistant's workstation but sometimes from mine. So far, knock wood, I have not had a problem with this.
  18. I usually just order the pub from the IRS each year, and order enough copies to put one at each desk. That way it is handy no matter where I answer the phone, and whether or not the computer I am standing beside is up and running at the time. After all, the IRS will send me as many as I want for free! ;)
  19. My family won't touch store-bought pickles, and I won't eat store bought jam or jelly. I still can tomatoes and green beans, too, when I have enough. Good thing this stuff doesn't get ripe and ready to can in January, February, March or April!
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