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Everything posted by zeke

  1. Depends on who you do it with. Booger - I do believe that you done been got! :lol:
  2. Since the 42a was recent, IF you can honestly say that all 42a are of reasonably equal value, and that all 42a are comparably wooded, then I would suggest that timber from 6a be valued as sold and show no gain/loss. the rest of the values can be easily computed therefrom. IF, however, the land &/or timber is not closely equal for each acre, you really need an appraisal.
  3. i would tell you my problems but i am too busy with my print menu jumping around...
  4. >>I made a favorable comment regarding ATX price and quality a year or two ago<< they must to have to use dated comments since they don't have current favorable letters... BTW, I agree with you & J.B.
  5. >>"I don't know what is so important or secret that we need to change our passwords CONSTANTLY"<< I have a little better understanding of their thought process since I learned that the same password game is used for bank products users. I don't use bank products & this does not help me, but I can see the logic... >>"Does ATX actually notify you when your password is about to expire? "<< Are you kidding??? >>"My day must be coming soon...wonder if I should monitor it myself... "<< git er done!
  6. zeke


    My client is a farmer & must submit return & check by March 3. I intend to ignore the form 4852 date of March 15 & submit 2/29/08. My decision is easier since the employer is not only out of business, but actually in hiding!!
  7. if they weren't not there, what would we bitch about?
  8. J.B. - cockles are just frikken bananas from england.
  9. zeke


    ;) ilove this board!
  10. Sometimes when I am most serious is when I NEED a change of pace or a laugh. Therefor, I would prefer to just lable as NT or OT...
  11. Gail - Have you tried delecing the VA master form & then reinstalling from web?
  12. Gail - Have you tried delecing the VA master form & then reinstalling from web?
  13. The same rational can be used to suggest 1099 to corps because one may be improperly formed, or disolved... I suspect that banks report 1099-int info under $10 even tho not required. I will make a reasonable attempt to follow the law & regulations, but I refuse to become paranoid.
  14. That would go well with frikken banana.
  15. LOL agin! JB - better check your potassium.
  16. Put up a sign - peanuts 5 cents. then you can buy more...
  17. zeke


    just the monitor dummy!
  18. I didn't do computax, but I do remember typing 3 carbon copies! - 1965
  19. Sue - Sorry - I use MAX, I cannot answer your question. I am sure someone else will be on shortly, please hold..... Please be advised that ATX (CCH) is equal opportunity. They are not picking on you, they consistently ignore all of us! and - There are those on this board that feel ALLCAPS TO BE SCREAMING.
  20. zeke

    1041 K-1s

    program default is 20 but you can easily add as many as needed.
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