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Everything posted by joanmcq

  1. The ones I filed thursday just got accepted. I hope the rest of em go soon. I'm still preparing extensions like a madwoman...
  2. Ok, I have an RDP situation. For federal purposes, one partner is done and filed. The other partner had a big mess with COD income that had to be extensively researched and so at this point he is on extension. Getting refunds. The CA return will be filed joint, and CA offers an automatic extension if the federal one is granted. So....does the 4868 filed for partner 2 cover partner 1 since a joint return will be filed in CA?
  3. me too. are you filing to fresno? someone said they were all backed up.
  4. Don't file in same envelope; the return on the top will get processed and the other one will be stapled behind it and lost. NEVER file two returns in the same envelope. Just file both; the parents will get processed and her X will get processed and then no one will get a letter saying requesting one of them be amended, because it already will be.
  5. Mine probably go to fresno; I'm in CA. Thank you. Any indication when they might go thru? Is it ATX or Fresno? Are the transmitted to Fresno, or fresno can't take them in?
  6. I've gotten acks for returns, but not for 4868s. filed thursday.
  7. I had it written on my packing slip. Unfortunatly its buried somewhere on my desk I guess. I thought I had it in my business reciept file but its not there. I'm especially wondering about the 4868s I efiled and haven't gotten acks for, and drain times etc. Just a LITTLE bit stressed this morning.
  8. Can we have a thread to keep those of us that are unable to access important info posted there? I just don't have time to go through and try to find my freakin' password, and I'm guess in the phones arent' open.
  9. Well I just got a NY extension accepted. No federal ones. or returns.
  10. Anyone know what's up? Its such a pain accessing the ATX site, I try here first. And now I've lost the piece of paper where I had my password written down, and I can't remember if I set it with january or february as the date I put in a password i need to update continually.
  11. Me too. Although a few do get the union dues deduction. Same thing with medical; then I can point out what they'd need for the deduction and how short they came. Sometimes we talk about bunching expenses. My investment expenses gave me $27 this year!
  12. I started efiling my extensions last night and they are all stuck in validated by EFC. Anyone know what is happening?
  13. So my boyfriend doesn't have to pay his $8 due?
  14. There is a limit on what the IRS will send a CP2000 out for. Stock sales, almost always because they don't know the basis. a piddly little 1099-int like described above will not cause a CP2000. However, if they leave off something that WILL trigger one, the cp2000 will have every dollar in interest that wasnt' there.
  15. The land goes on part 1 of the 4797 and the rest on pt 3. I haven't done one of these in a couple of years, but you did use to have to overrride on the 4797 to get the exclusion to work on the 4797. Its supposed to be in part one and you exclude the amount of gain less depreciation. maybe the program will handle it now.
  16. I found it immediately because I'm on another board that KC is on and Eric posted there about this one. Glad to see we are being found! And there is no censorship here.
  17. I woke up with a sore throat. feel like CRAP! 5 days left. Just filed some extensions...and a new clients stuff just hit the desk. He gets an extension, but I gotta figure out if he should pay something.
  18. I don't drink, so please drink one for me.
  19. EFC transmission failed and the support site is 'down for maintenance'. Any one got a clue? Any of those tech staff online can tell us? This is a day I go to my day job, so I can't call in; was just checking acks before I went to work.
  20. Yeah, that's the one. Why am I reading this stuff since I decided an hour and a half ago that I'd take a break, have some dinner, and see if the burnt crumb that was once my brain will jump start again.
  21. I don't think recapture happens until you sell, unless its listed property that you 179'd.
  22. Yes, currency trading isn't usually on either; if the proper elections are made its on another form entirely (which one has conveniently slipped my mind) but it is for 'something, something and straddles'. so if you type 'straddles' into the forms selection box, you'll find it. Then you get to reseach these things deeply. definitely too late in the season to do in any depth.
  23. The client got the number! Yeah! Tell them they can't efile without it and it gets 'em cooking.
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