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Everything posted by joanmcq

  1. Hey Tom, I hung onto 1/3-1/2 of my CA base (quite a bit of them are moving out of CA) and picked up a few locals. Mostly CA transplants! I already had about 1/4 of my clients non CA when I moved. The clients I’ve lost I don’t care about; I do approximately 100 returns and that’s enough for me. I found an ‘extreme home makeover’ house that had literally every thing I wanted in a house right in my price range....well, except a hot tub. Still need to get a hot tub. I do have a big ole jacuzzi though.
  2. Tom, I ended up moving to Stagecoach because that’s where I found my dream house.
  3. I got a phone call today. 15% discount until May 30.
  4. The view of the Sierra from Verdi is what made me want to move! Having fast internet was my only restriction on where I could live. I ended up losing about half my clients & picked up a few more, but since I no longer have a mortgage it doesn't matter. I'm a desert rat so the wide open, bleak landscapes just make my heart sing. A pox on all you that prefer green humidity to the desert!!
  5. I started working on my van yesterday. It's been sitting for two years, since it came back from Burning Man in 2019. We are wondering if it still runs (1989 Ram 300). If there wasn't such a shortage of used vehicles, I'd look for a trailer & a pickup truck to pull it. Ah well, if it doesn't run, I'll figure something out.
  6. They’ve been keeping the partnership for tax reasons and health insurance..
  7. ILLMAS, your link worked. Thank you!
  8. I just tried again and got this..again 1377308\Admin AuthenticationType: UUMS-MFA-RegisteredDevice Logout On a nearly blank white page
  9. Now this wouldn’t be an issue EXCEPT she is an RDP. Hasn’t lived with partner for several years. So, community property: is there none & I file her in UT and partner in CA and it’s all easy peasy, or is there community on the CA person but none on the UT? I feel like I should know this! UT makes all the money, CA makes almost nothing. my brain shut down too. Not expected to reopen until May 18.
  10. I’m just a little bit tired right now. Just a wee bit.
  11. I go on because I need support. Got a weird thing with the form you gotta file if the irs disallows your EITC. anyways it won’t let me efile
  12. ok, now she says it wasn't a PPP loan it was an SBA disaster loan. Know anything about them?
  13. Log in & get directed to a page with basically a logout link.
  14. Well my clients are still in the spreadsheet zone. And I refuse to track it. The one with many, many pages of fractional transactions suggested I pay for the software that will track it. Nah, I don't think so.
  15. Cryptocurrency is a pain in the patootie. I have only two clients that did anything with it and one earned fractional coins by doing something, bought some, converted some into something else, some into USD.... I told him he would have to convert it to a spreadsheet with gains & losses next year.
  16. Yeah, I put in my letter this year that I wasn't going to do these this year, and here I have an email where a client got a $53,000 PPP loan & a $10,000 EIP. Just checking that 1) any forgiven loan is not income. 2) expenses paid with loan are allowed. Is there anything else I need to be aware of? I really really really didn't want to deal with these.
  17. That seems to be more tailored towards non-spouse POAs though.
  18. ATX automatically make the CA adjustment with code W.
  19. Use the FECWKS. Report the income, there is no SE tax and do NOT check the box to take it to the 2555.
  20. I am winding down, but have about 10 returns in various stages of done-ness. Working on a couple right now in which they have HUGE noncash charitable. I have warned them for years about donations. Now you need to get an appraisal of any amounts over $5k of similar items to get it through e-file. Yay, a reason to winnow it down. (Although you could say that some of it is 'art' & some is 'household stuff' and some is clothing)
  21. Expenses for real estate prior to actually buying a property are not expendable prior to actually buying a property & putting it into service. Any other “creative” types of stuff she may be maybe planning on doing also isn’t expendable because she hasn’t ‘opened the doors’ for a business. It’s all start up costs.
  22. There is probably a box you need to check somewhere. Look at the retirement income and make sure there isn't a 'tax this/don't tax this income' setup.
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