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Everything posted by Catherine

  1. The hardest thing that I keep having to re-learn is that I cannot allow myself to care more about the client's taxes than the client cares. That way lies madness. Grey hair. High blood pressure. A maniacal look about the eyes. And more!
  2. Well, as it turns out, I e-filed my last extended return yesterday. One other is done and ready -- but the client is in Europe until this weekend; she'll have to paper-file, late. And a good dozen others are still missing information. I sent out reminders a month ago and heard from -one- person -- two days ago -- who told me she can't find X, Y, and Z. Clients. Gotta love 'em! (Because it's bad form to strangle them, LOL.) Good luck to all of you in getting those last returns out the door today! Catherine
  3. In the details given, it sure didn't sound like there was -anything- of value inherited by anyone. Nor would the daughter have known about any tax liability until long after the medical and burial bills had been paid. If all that was left was food in the pantry, well-used clothing, some run-down furnishings, and family photos, she didn't inherit anything of "value". And she probably paid (will pay) cpabsd, our colleague, for preparation of that final return out of her own funds. Based on the information as given, I cannot say that the daughter personally owes one penny of the $750.
  4. Hope you have a VERY :bday:
  5. JohnH got there first -- but figured I'd say "Hi Booger!" Catherine
  6. In another forum with a similar question, the advice was to send the IRS the decedent's current address -- cemetery and plot number. The implication is that in such a case where there is no money and no one inherited anything, the IRS is SOL (the other meaning; not statute of limitations). YMMV
  7. He's having one heck of a lot of help with that -- almost 535 nitwits and nincompoops with no principles other than their own power and re-election. Anyone here read up on the history of the Weimar Republic? I have. I recommend it -- but it's not pleasant reading, especially when you start to look at current events. As for the comment that it's "too hard" to skip these topics, I politely disagree. There are plenty of topics in this forum that I skip completely as they do not intersect my practice needs or field of knowledge where I might help. Just don't click on them, and you can even mark the entire forum as "read" (under "options" at the top right side) so there are no stronger-colored items to catch your attention.
  8. Regardless of when the VOTE was, the NOMINATIONS still closed barely two weeks after he took office. There was NOTHING he had done in those two weeks to qualify him even for nomination. And that is plain fact.
  9. Gee, after -one- call from CCH/ATX a couple months ago 'welcoming" me as a TRX/ATX client, I've heard -nothing- from anyone. Should I now be worried? Went to a Drake seminar this morning; they've made lots of improvements the past couple of years. I'll do some extensions on Drake and see what it's like in "real time" -- who knows, next year I may jump ship to them! The price is sure great. Catherine
  10. Catherine


    It looks like Mel should be OK - but it would be nicer to hear for sure! Here's an excerpt from an AP article: Hawaii and much of the rest of the Pacific were placed under tsunami advisories for a few hours Tuesday following the earthquake. The warnings and watches were canceled by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Honolulu after the threat of a tsunami subsided. Still, the center said sea level changes and strong currents could occur along Hawaii's coasts, posing a hazard to swimmers and boaters. As a precaution, a couple of schools closed because of their proximity to the shoreline. The whole article is here: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/articl...5vzDvwD9B1DNJ80
  11. My site is a CCH site with the ATX users' discount - which is very nice. You can take a look at it at www.grant-financial.com and see what you think. There are dozens of templates that change the look and feel of the site, but the content is pretty much standard. There are extras you can pay for, but what I've got is the standard-issue. You also get email at your domain; I forget how many accounts. Catherine
  12. I'd recommend you talk to someone about that. The worst that happens is that they tell you you're OK.
  13. Thank you. I thought that was what you meant but it could also have applied to someone with POA who is not family (bank trust officer, say). Catherine
  14. I'm seriously debating this year whether I even bother notifying people about the upcoming deadline. One reason against is, if I do, then they expect me to race to get stuff done. Part of me figures it's fine to let them go past 10/15 and then just have to mail stuff in. OTOH, a quick email note could save me Thanksgiving/Christmas time headaches. Hmmm. It's always a dance, isn't it? Catherine
  15. Thanks taxbilly and Zeke both for ideas and kind words. I know this couple has relatives in a nearby town but I don't have names or addresses. I'll need to mention the HIPAA release, too. Or the person with the durable POA for health care possibly won't be able to get info from doctor. But liability insurance for whom?
  16. Hi folks -- Going to see a couple on Friday; he's mid-90's and she's a couple of years less. Talked to them both on the phone yesterday and he's failing. He's had some falls and his hearing is even worse. Still sharp (once you can get through the hearing problem), but decidedly weaker. He's worried about his estimated tax payments; a tree fell on their house and damaged the area where he keeps his records. They've asked me to come over, and I'm bringing a new POA so I can find out what they've sent in already. Can anyone advise me on anything else I should bring up with them? I have some ideas but so many folks here have so much more experience. I'm really sad to hear the changes (inevitable but still); I really like this couple. TIA, Catherine
  17. Mistakes get made, but here at least one can sue. Doesn't bring someone back, but can make sure the family left behind doesn't suffer financially from the loss of their loved one. You can't sue the NHS. There is NO recourse.
  18. :bday: to all those whose days I missed while we were away this weekend: Jill Kubiak, Peggy, Ed Bray, Teri2414, jainen
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