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Everything posted by Catherine

  1. That sounds like fun!! It would almost be enough to get me to buy a GPS myself!
  2. KC, thanks for fixing the link -- I tried yesterday and got nowhere, and didn't notice the missing character. While I don't remember any of these I still enjoyed it! Catherine
  3. You're welcome. You can also find online here http://www.constitution.org/constit_.htm the text of the US Constitution plus all amendments. Article 1, Section 8 enumerates the powers of the Federal government. Those were the _only_ powers conferred, and the express purpose was to keep government _out_ of the general affairs of the people. All else was to be left to the states and to individuals.
  4. http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/2009/0...constitutional/
  5. I figured interest, yes, but was hoping to ditch penalties and interest on the penalties. Thanks, I'll try this method using your suggestions and report back anything notable if/when such occurs. Catherine
  6. Hi all -- I'm finishing up a set of returns for a homeowner's association. There are four in all; 2005 through 2008. An elderly former treasurer neglected to send in the 2005 -- 2007, and the new board discovered this and had to go back, find old financial data, go through it, etc. Then they called me in. We think we now have everything done correctly and ready to send in. Usually it's a very bad idea to send multiple returns in together, but in this case I wonder. They don't have a big tax burden, but it's a small association and late payment penalties and interest on those penalties will be an issue. Rather than send each separate return in with a request to abate penalties and why, would it make more sense to send all four returns with _one_ letter, showing now full compliance once the situation became clear? Thoughts? Yes. No. You're nuts. Let me stop laughing first. Pray. This is a joke, right? Etc. Thanks!
  7. Ah, yes, the vagaries of wells and pumps. I used to fill clean rubber bins with water before any big storm forecast, and used water from those bins more than once! Then there was the time a lightning bolt hit the wellhead (about ten feet from the house!). Fortunately I got an emergency crew that time and had a new pump in just a few hours. Must say I don't miss that aspect of having well water at all. I hope that your pump man (or his brother) gets your new pump installed without a hitch tomorrow! Catherine
  8. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to solve your problem. But I really hope that you got your water back and had a chance for a shower at least!
  9. Hope you have a VERY :bday:
  10. A very to you AND your wee one! Friends, years ago, had their two year old asked, "And how old are you, honey?" Her response, "I'm two. It's very HARD being two."
  11. Taxbilly -- may you have as happy a day as it is possible to have!! A Very to you!!
  12. But, Kea, there are those who _like_ to feel used! :lol:
  13. There's a Form 6847 if you want to transmit stuff like w-2's to the SSA. And you have to sign up there, too. Catherine
  14. KC, you're the best. Can I grow up to be just like you, please? Catherine
  15. Many thanks to all for the good words!! I'm sure every one of you could have done _at least_ as well. In fact, you should all take some of the credit if I did a good job -- I've learned so much from you all. Catherine
  16. OK, now I think there's space.
  17. Here's a link (good for 14 days): https://rcpt.yousendit.com/724596997/54e341...8e8016202bfcdd8 And I'm about to upload the mp3 version. But I think I have to delete something else first; not enough space. They've asked if I'll be a recurring guest!! Catherine
  18. Thanks for the good words, taxbilly!
  19. They promised me an audio and a video link by email. Once I get them, I'll post them here for those with timing-impaired clients, like Margaret and, of course, my dear Booger. Catherine
  20. I have no idea -- perhaps there will be information at one of the two "listen live" sites I posted earlier. Or maybe they'll give me a tape.... Just finished my prep work and need to print out my notes for the host. Which means I have to disconnect from the internet and re-hook up to my printer. We've been having _horrible_ internet connectivity trouble since Friday and can't get a new modem before this Thursday. Maybe our good friends at VMSUS can talk me through some checks of our internal network -- but not before tomorrow!! All that blathering just means a) I'm nervous and I'm offline once I log off the forum. Thanks to all for the good wishes! Catherine
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