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My usband was trold by HRB person that since he's retired we should file separately and I should do Head of Household...WI is a community property state! I said maybe he came from a state that was different - and what's up with the HOH thing..why does everyone think they're entiltiled?

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Oh, and the guy advetrtising $27 for 1040 and $15 for adltn forms... Well, if you're filing 1040 you have additional forms..but he's charging for forms that aren't required - WI EIC-A is for peeps that have more than 2 dependendants...Schedule 1 Form WI is part of formWI @! why separate charge

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Dealing with this right now:

Clergy member calls, says existing client recommended me, his tax pro of 14 years retired.

Me: Well, I'm really slammed, not really taking new clients. Are you well organized, or please forgive me for saying this, will you need a lot of hand holding? (Yeah, really, I said that.)

Clergy: Oh, I'm organized! We have this down to a science. Been doing this for 14 years. It'll be a cake walk.

Shows up with a computer summary of EVERY expenditure, personal and business, for the year. I'm serious. Has a category for "health and beauty supplies". The list is four pages, single spaced. Category titles do not necessarily give me any clue as to whether business or personal.

Me: (stunned is not a strong enough word) Uh, this is not necessary. I just want to know your business expenses.

Clergy: Well, this is how I've done it for 14 years.

Me: (Looking at his W-2 from church) The W-2 preparer should not enter your wages in box 3 or box 5. Just pass that along.

Clergy: Well, this is how it's been done for 14 years.

THEN he started gripping about the amount of taxes he pays.

Me: You know, you get a nice break on your housing costs that I don't get. I'd like to deduct my housing costs.

Clergy: Well, you know I have to pay SS/MC tax on that housing allowance.

Me: Yes, I'm aware.

Started gripping about Obama. Wondering when he'll rip away his deduction for housing allowance.

Me: (say what?!) Well, you know, I didn't vote for him, but I believe we are instructed by your boss in Romans 13 to respect him and pray for him...

Blank stare.

The good news is, the other tax pro charged him $50 more than I normally would, so he gets my new rate...

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I keep raising my rates on my P.I.T.A.s but they keep coming back.


I know! What is it?! Like the guy above. I was actually pretty rude to him. I hope I don't see him again after this year, but I betcha I do.

Another pet peeve: Why do some people bring their two W-2's and one 1098 for mortgage interest in an accordion file or other beautiful, brightly colored file folder? What's that about? Can they not round up a paper clip?

I also love it when people bring their receipts for $320 in church "tithes", or $412 in medical expenses, but they have no other itemized deductions. Of course, I go over it with them for two or three years, explaining standard deduction vs itemized, 7.5%, blah, blah, blah. Then, I just fill out the schedule A and don't say anything. It's not worth the headache.

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and what's up with the HOH thing..why does everyone think they're entiltiled?

Haha! Had one 20 year old male, living at home with mom and dad, never married, claiming dependent (who lives with ex-girlfriend) every other year.

"I want to be HOH" he says.

I wanted to say quite a few things there, but I didn't.

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I've got one . . .

Been my client for 24 years. Has a somewhat deadbeat 45 year old son who lives with her. Granddaughter, too (at least she's a sweetie.) I do all I can within legal parameters to maximize the household's fed refunds.

They dropped off on 1/31. Called 4 times during the week to see if returns were done. That 4th call was the last straw as her son suggested the returns be taken somewhere else. I told her to tell him that if I hear one more peep their paperwork is going to the bottom of the pile and that would mean 90 returns ahead of them!

Finished the returns last evening and attempted to call. Phone is disconnected! #*@!!! (Not once during any of those 4 calls was this mentioned.) Since they only live a few doors down I figured I'd zip there and knock. House is deserted. Neighbor thinks they went away for at least a few days because suitcases went into the cars earlier in the day.


I've fired clients in the past but never did I think I'd consider doing so one that's been loyal for 20+ years.

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Have a client whose wife owes back child support. She doesn't work, he has minimum pay job (bartender) and is being treated for cancer. State is going after wife for the CS...only about $2000. Client calls the CS bureau about setting payments with them, and still getting tax refund. The advisor at CS tells him to file HOH, take his wife as a dependent along with his 2 children (not the ones she owes CS on) and he'll get EIC, etc. and none of his return will be able to be touched by CS. Thank God, he believes me, not the advisor.


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Ok PITA client shows up last year after not seeing her since 2005. Friend but incredibly disorganized procrastinator (see trust post somewhere below and some one pleeze give guidance!) Thursday evening phone was on the charger and I didn't hear it ring. Forgot to take it to day job on Friday. Get home Friday afternoon with just enough time to pick up sick kitty and take him to the vet...and there are 6 increasingly hysterical messages from client,,I stop listening after 3 and call her as I'm rounding up the cat and getting into the car. I explain about phone and state there are no adverse tax effects of your problem (except you never filed the final trust return), but I really don't know the details since I'm in the car driving to the vet. AARRRRGHHHHH!

Then she brings over all the copies of the stuff and the trust closed in 2007, not 2008. still no final return filed. And, except for possibly suing YOUR attorney for you getting screwed over, this is my problem because????

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Called 4 times during the week to see if returns were done. That 4th call was the last straw as her son suggested the returns be taken somewhere else.

Actually, a couple of times last year, when clients called to "see if you have done my return yet" or "see how it is looking" or "wondered if you needed anything else", (you know how they do) I just said, "No, I haven't been able to do it yet. Would you like to pick up your forms and take them somewhere else?"

"Oh, no," they said.

I think it worked. They've been more considerate this time. With some people, I think they just don't get it until they realize that they need YOU more than you need them.

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My pet peeve is still the client (actually a couple of them), who will sit down and proceed to hand me their paperwork one piece at a time: "Here's my w-2, and here's my wife's w-2, and here's my mortgage statement, and here's the interest from the credit union (is that all the interest I made last year?), and here's my goodwill receipt, and here's my...".

I'm still trying to figure out the best respose - somebody help me out here:

1) "Wow, so that's what a w-2 form looks like! Thanks for pointing it out to me."

2) "Don't you want to read me all the numbers before handing me the papers?"

3) "Z-Z-Z-Z Oh, sorry I dozed off there for a minute"

4) "Gimme that #$%$* pile of forms and sit there quietly! If I have any questions I'll ask you!"

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My pet peeve is still the client (actually a couple of them), who will sit down and proceed to hand me their paperwork one piece at a time: "Here's my w-2, and here's my wife's w-2, and here's my mortgage statement, and here's the interest from the credit union (is that all the interest I made last year?), and here's my goodwill receipt, and here's my...".

I'm still trying to figure out the best respose - somebody help me out here:

1) "Wow, so that's what a w-2 form looks like! Thanks for pointing it out to me."

2) "Don't you want to read me all the numbers before handing me the papers?"

3) "Z-Z-Z-Z Oh, sorry I dozed off there for a minute"

4) "Gimme that #$%$* pile of forms and sit there quietly! If I have any questions I'll ask you!"

#4 is my personal favorite, although I like them all. I gotta say, I just wanna yank those papers out of their hands and whack them over the head with 'em!

#4 also reminds me of the non-client caller who says, "I have a question for you."

I always want to say something smart like: "Oh, that's ok, I've already had one today. Thanks anyway! Click.

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I have taken papers out of the client's hands. Mine is the early April client that is tallying up the rental figures while they are in my office; like I have time for that in April!!! And when I say, sorry, but you are going on extension, he asks "Is there an extra charge for that?" No but there will be if you don't get out of my office and let me do my job!!!!

Jeez, its only February???

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I have taken papers out of the client's hands. Mine is the early April client that is tallying up the rental figures while they are in my office; like I have time for that in April!!! And when I say, sorry, but you are going on extension, he asks "Is there an extra charge for that?" No but there will be if you don't get out of my office and let me do my job!!!!

Jeez, its only February???

Good grief! YOU GO, GIRL!

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Had a client call me this morning at 7AM wanting to know if I received his "tax stuff" that he put through the slot in the door into my office sometime yesterday, Sunday. Wanted to know if I looked it over already and did I have any questions. Like I'm going to drop everything and work on Sunday on his stuff!

We will NOT call him back and the tax stuff will be put on the bottom of the pile.


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---> #4 also reminds me of the non-client caller who says, "I have a question for you."

I always want to say something smart like: "Oh, that's ok, I've already had one today. Thanks anyway! Click. <-----

I've been working on a reply to the "I have a question for you."

So far it goes something like this:

Caller: "I have a quick question for you."

Me: "I answer one question for free, but I charge for the second question and everything after that ."

Caller" "How much do you charge?"

Me: "$110 per hour. What's your second question and your billing address?"

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Had a client call me this morning at 7AM wanting to know if I received his "tax stuff" that he put through the slot in the door into my office sometime yesterday, Sunday. Wanted to know if I looked it over already and did I have any questions. Like I'm going to drop everything and work on Sunday on his stuff!

We will NOT call him back and the tax stuff will be put on the bottom of the pile.


Left for the weekend so I could get some work done away from the phone. (office in home) Came home this AM to 14 messages, 6 from the same person. She called again this AM and said we will drop our stuff off on Friday afternoon. My answer, "No, I am booked through the end of Feb!" Silence..........."Well, how about Wed, FEB 18?.........and so it goes. I did get a lot of work done over the weekend. Just importing from flash drive, creating e-file and ready to go! What is with these people and Sunday? What part of Sunday don't they understand?....Hubby is taking me away again next weekend...he will ice fish and I will get some work done and if I want to take a nap, the phone won't bother me.

I also like #4!

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I'm working on switching to 'pick up' meetings rather than 'drop off' meetings. Staff members tell clients when they call to drop off all information; I will call them if I have questions, and I will meet with them after the return is complete to go over it with them. So far, it's worked out great. Most don't want to meet after the return is done, and if they do, it's literally a 15 minute meeting, max.

Of course, there are some clients I have to meet with, but I know who they are and get it set up. Truly, no one has seemed offended.

Caveat: Staff training - I heard a staff member giving 'the spiel' to someone on the phone the other day. After she hung up, I asked who it was. "I don't know. A new client. He was referred to you by 3 or 4 people. I told him to just drop off his stuff and you'd call if you needed anything. He said okay."

Hmmm . . . maybe a bit more training.

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At least your clients open and look at their mail. I have 1 that brings in the mail unopened, never has all the stuff I need, and always wants whatever the limit is or the same as last years deductions. Medical bills come from some place in is head along with real estate taxes and mortagage interest. Always send him home to find it. He comes 1st week in April. Yes I do file an extension and I do charge for it plenty.

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At least your clients open and look at their mail. I have 1 that brings in the mail unopened, never has all the stuff I need, and always wants whatever the limit is or the same as last years deductions. Medical bills come from some place in is head along with real estate taxes and mortagage interest. Always send him home to find it. He comes 1st week in April. Yes I do file an extension and I do charge for it plenty.

I do the same thing here....Repeat clients drop off and pick up when done and sign forms and pay....I only seee most for 10-15 minutes.

New clients still get the old interview.

...and I am happy to see that it is not only my clients that drop off envelopes...never opened....aren't they the least bit curious?.....One actually gave me an unopened Time Warner cable bill....I hope she was not under the impression that I was going to pay that!

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