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Everything posted by Eric

  1. The nice thing about having separate monitors is to be able to physically split your applications. You can maximize an application in one monitor without it overflowing to the stuff that's on the other.. if you split them up side by side in a single monitor, maximizing one of your windows would make it take up the entire screen. That just seems like it'd be a pain to me. Also, I'm going to guess that you're running your 17" monitors at 1024x768. Two of them gives you a horizontal space of 2048 pixels. Your average 24" monitor runs at a native resolution of 1920 x 1200, which is actually less horizontal space, but a bit more vertical space. You can get a 22" monitor and a 19" monitor for about the same price, or maybe just a few more bucks than a single 24"
  2. My advice would be to have someone open up the computer and see what type of card you should get. It sounds like you probably need a PCI Express video card, but I don't know if you have a PCI Express 16x slot or a 1x slot. Lots of budget systems only have the 1x slots and regular PCI slots. And if this card is just for work and no games or movie watching, you shouldn't have to spend more than $65 for a good video card.
  3. What are the rules of the competition? What are the details on that rifle?
  4. The Conficker Eye Chart http://www.confickerworkinggroup.org/infec...cfeyechart.html
  5. I like "ATX Jedi Master".. I think I'll add that one!
  6. Congrats on reaching "ATX Guru" status.. holy cow that was fast!
  7. Doctoring log books and forging toll receipts? Just a guess based on most of the truck drivers I know. :D
  8. I personally don't feel that X% of the population paying X% of the total income taxes is a relevant statistic. I think that X% of income would be a more "fair" way to look at things. (not that our current system is any more "fair" in that respect) I agree that tax cuts alone right now would be irresponsible. They were irresponsible when Bush made them, primarily because the size of the government ballooned during his administration. He had 6 years of republican control to reduce the size of the federal government, but instead it expanded more than under any presidency since FDR. (in terms of federal spending as a percentage of GDP) I've given up hope in ever seeing a lean federal government, and a modest foreign policy.
  9. It's not much, but this year's birthday gift to the Community is to increase upload capacity for file/picture sharing. It was a measly 2mb per user last year, and I'll be upping it to 10mb. After tax season, and after the next major version of this forum software is released (fairly soon, I think), I'll start working on adding the option to change font size. :bday:
  10. You can also do the larger version the same way. In Photobucket, when you are given the option to share a photo, use the address from the Direct URL box.
  11. Eric

    NT - How to?

    Also, if the picture is already hosted up on photobucket, you can avoid having to upload it again by using the image button in the toolbar of the post editor, which looks like this: It'll ask you for the address that points to your picture, which you can find on almost any website by right clicking on the pic, and choosing "copy image location" in firefox or choosing "properties" in internet explorer and copying the whole website address from the box that pops up. Also, sites like Photobucket usually also have a feature that lets you find out the link so that you can share it on forums or e-mail. Once you have the address copied, you can paste it when prompted by the forum when you click the above mentioned image button.
  12. So I get an e-mail last night at 10PM from what looks to be a legit CCH e-mail saying they want me to give up the atxcommunity.com domain. My first response was a reply asking if it's an April Fool's joke, but it really did look like it came from CCH, and I didn't get a response, so I was left to wonder about it. If it turned out to be real, I was ready to tear the guy a new one for trying to pull your community out from under you folks at the end of tax season AGAIN. But as it turns out, it WAS an April Fool's joke. From what I understand, KC and Bulldog Tom put Kyle up to it! I guess I had it coming You guys were thiiiiiiiis close to getting moved to www.taxcommunity.net I must say, that was a good one. I'll think twice before messing with you guys again, haha
  13. All this talk of BBQ sure does make me want to grill tonight though.
  14. Haha sorry about adding stress to everyone's tax season, even if only a few moments worth :P
  15. In that case, it was all Kyle's idea.
  16. Isn't it awful how close to the end of tax season April Fools day is?
  17. The title says it all... I can't say much about the situation in public, but feel free to e-mail me.
  18. YouTube is all upside down today when you look at any of the videos. They also offer these tips for improving your viewing experience: http://www.youtube.com/t/new_viewing_experience
  19. Just to clear things up, I did not mean that the Fed is an official government entity, but I do think they are at the very least 'influenced' by the federal government.
  20. I didn't vote for either of these knuckle heads. These people are killing our country. I'm not talking about democrats and republicans, I'm talking about politicians. Special interests. Corporations. A currency based on nothing - a currency completely controlled by our government. I don't want to piss anyone off with these videos, but if you're not looking for a distraction, then by all means, skip them. The content within may be quite unpopular with any card carrying republican or democrat. Foreign Policy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIaqmF5IXV4 Economy / Federal Reserve: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpQlB3f9Al4 I'm going to go back to keeping my mouth shut now.
  21. Howdy all! I'd like to try something new... If a thread is political in nature, please prefix the thread title with "Politics". I know that a thread can be both tax AND politics related, but the prefix has more to do with the tone of the thread. If it's preachy "Obama this and Bush that", then I would appreciate the addition of the Politics prefix. You know what your intentions are when you start a thread, so use your judgment as to whether it's necessary. People feel strongly about their political views, and political discussions on forums tend to get out of hand quickly. I don't mind the debate, but I understand that some would like to skip it. I'm a Constitutionalist/Libertarian, so I disagree with at least half of just about everyone's political views, although I try to keep my mouth shut. Thanks :)
  22. Brandy's my wife She says thank you. (she signed up to help me do some testing on the forum)
  23. I have got to find where to buy that sign.. although my dog is terrified of guns. It's really quite embarrassing.
  24. Well, having your resolution set low will make everything look bigger, so you probably will want to keep it the way it is. I don't dare change anything during the tax season, but I will make an effort to either modify this template to allow font size changes, or to offer an additional template with larger fonts.
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