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Margaret CPA in OH

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Everything posted by Margaret CPA in OH

  1. I apologize if this is resent...I didn't see that it went anywhere the first time! A client and friend is being forced to sell his house to a university which is expanding. The situation is complicated because he is legally blind, works for the university, and bought this house 20 years ago to walk across the street to work. Most issues have been somewhat settled except for his transporation. Anywhere he moves will involve something more than walking across a low traffic street. The best place for him to move is about 8 miles away in a town where his brother lives. The university has offered to pay for his transportation. Cab fare will amount to about $11,000 annually plus some amount to account for the increase in tax. They propose to issue a 1099 for this. It isn't self-employment so would it just go on Line 21 as other? I'm trying some projections as he is considering maximizing his options for deferred comp which would leave precious little to live on. The house would be paid for but he wants to mortgage it for the tax deductions and invest what he doesn't need to live on. He is about 55 but the university does not want to offer an early retirement package. He thinks he might want to retire in 2-3 years anyway as the travel will be a strain as will the relocation and having to learn so much about new surroundings. This is making me a little crazy because every little change in one thing ripples through all the rest. Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated! He and the university are both aware that if heavy pressure is applied, it will become a federal ADA case. A good friend of his is an ADA specialist who brought U of GA to its knees recently. However, since my friend is still employed there, he would like to settle as amicably as possible.
  2. A client has POA for his grandmother with dementia. He would like to efile her returns. May he sign the 8879? 8453? Thanks.
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