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Everything posted by mcb39

  1. Absolutely! If that end tag isn't on the CU account number, it messes them up for some reason. They explained to me that it has to be 10 numbers but when they get the electronic deposit, the last number drops off. Actually, the last number for CUs indicates whether it is savings, checking, IRA or what have you. They are also the ones who charge the fees for the slightest infraction of their rules.
  2. Why are we all doing laundry today? Two loads in the dryer here, one basket waiting to be hung out. In between washed my hair; answered phone, completed and checked two returns, interviewed a client, let the answering machine pick up a call.; (mine was a lady wanting to stop and pay me for her's and her son's returns) I sure called her right back. The neighbor lady made and sent over lunch. Told my husband to tell her she is a "wonderful" person. He embroidered it a little more and that is fine. Keep the meals coming.!!!! Fed the menfolk, back in here to read posts before next client arrives.....working tomorrow at my other job just to get away from here and see if the rest of the world is still sane.
  3. You are right, it should not; but banks and credit unions have their own rules. I guess they call it a handling fee even though they really didn't handle anything.
  4. That was a definite copy and paste. Has already gone out to several people I know, including ME.
  5. My payroll program already sent the updated withholding tables weeks ago. So far, I have not installed. For several of my clients this will be a mistake. Just dealt with a young couple last night who would have owed this year if they were not getting the first tim home buyers credit. Have asked them both to go in and change their W4s now as they are both having way too little withheld and next year will be worse. Why do they always give us the feeling that it is our fault when they owe.? :dunno:
  6. Also, there is a box on the top of the 1065 to check for "final return". You may also have to file a 8308 to report the sale or exchange of certain Partnership Interests. Get Pub 541 for detailed assistance.
  7. Gosh, John, I am so sorry. What was I thinking? (Some credit card app or other is always asking, "What was your mother's maiden name?"
  8. I am already "advising" some of mine. The people who have jobs and are working are generally doing all right. It is the ones who have lost their jobs who need the stimulus. Of course, there is an increase and extension in Unemployment Benefits, but then you see the ones who don't have enough working quarters to collect; and the circle continues to spin.
  9. Sometimes it works just the opposite. Have to use maiden name after marriage because wife did not contact SS. The women usually don't like that.
  10. It will be a paper check and it will be a lot of additional time (several weeks for sure). On top of that, client may also get a penalty (have seen that happening already, even if the account is one number off). OT...I deposited several checks; one was only for $20 for some little thing I did for a client. Because he had dated it 01/12/08, the teller said that it would probably come back and it would cost me $20 for the inconvenience. This was a perfectly good check. Needless to say, I still have it and will add it to his tax prep when he is finished. What kind of crazy world are we living in? Anyway, there is nothing you can do about your situation except wait it out. :wacko:
  11. I just tried it. It works exactly the same way. Once you draw the 6, the foot rotation reverses.
  12. In Wisconsin, I believe, their per capita payments are not taxable if they live on the reservation. I don't think it has anything to do with Federal taxes.
  13. So, does this somehow prove that we have a brain? Actually I found it pretty interesting because I am left-handed. I am happy to report that it "worked" for me.......Right foot, Right Hand!
  14. They hire separate characters and I understand that they pay them pretty well to stand out there in all kinds of weather making fools of themselves. I do find myself always waving back as we pass by.
  15. I agree with Old Jack. It is sometimes the only way to get them to pay taxes. I have a few and know it is not correct, but the IRS doesn't seem to have a problem with it as long as the taxes get paid. If they have a profit on the LLC, they still have to pay SE on the profit.
  16. I jokingly tried to talk my husband and son to stand out in the road with that getup on. I had no takers. They also have Uncle Sam at times. No takers on that either.
  17. We had gorgeous weather on Tues and Wed (not that I would know). Storm started late Thurs afternoon. We plowed out yesterday AM and came 100 miles North and plowed out again. Last night we had -22 degrees. Go figure. Sunshine today and more snow tomorrow. But, Annie, you are right. I think it is all worth our wonderful Spring, Summer and Fall!
  18. They ran out this year...had them on back order, then sent a letter that they would not be available. I usually just print it off the website and tape it to my desk for quick reference. They are NOT keeping up with the schedule this year anyway. Fed used to always be on a Fri...now they are coming in any day of the week and usually AFTER the Fri shown on the cycle.
  19. Naughty, Naughty!!!! Glad you made it home OK. I need you to bounce things off of. Have a great day. Sun is shining! Tax Returns are piling up just like the snow banks. :D
  20. Teri....I went to e-services and updated my original application from 1995 to allow me to e-file other than 1040 returns. Last year all of my 1065s rejected for that reason and I ended up just paper filing. Finally found out why. If you have a password to e-services, go in, bring up your original ERO appl and update it. Hope this helps.
  21. Hey Sara....at least it held off until later than they thought. It sure is pretty though! Be careful...cuz I NEED you. Times like this, a Home Office is nice. ;)
  22. At the top of the page, go to Forms, drop down to Lists, Open Lists and click on Create Statement
  23. Are you exporting them to your laptop or saving them there.....seems to be a step missing here.
  24. No, sometimes you have to open it in the "2007" Program before you roll it over.
  25. I had that message with one client. It was because his file didn't have the latest updates on the 2007 return. I guess if you have the archive disk for 2007, I would install it and then open each return in 2007 that you want to roll over before you roll it into 2008. I know I have to be really careful that the returns I export to my flash drive are at the same level of upgrade as the update level of the program on the laptop. So, I always update laptop ATX before I import a program. :scratch_head:
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