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  1. Yes, turn off all ATX services on both computers before moving data. And you may need to run the database repair bat files if you get errors when you open ATX on the new computer. We moved about 8 years of ATX data to a new computer and had to run the repair bat file for 3 years.
  2. You moved the data the wrong way and created a new database. It's not too late to start over and do it the right way. You learned the hard way that export/import is not a good way to move your data. You don't get any of your settings, preferences, preparers, form customizations, etc., etc.
  3. That server hosts the data from 2013 to 2019 tax years that proseries accesses. I called proseries and they said that in order to move that data, I had to uninstall and reinstall every year. Then I have to export the data and that takes time. To add the pain, they have about 20 returns each year with password. When it is time to export a file with password, the program doesn't continue until you skip it or you enter the correct password. The process takes about 3 hours but with that stoppage for passwords it could take a whole day. Then you have to go to each computer (total of 10) and install the new program. As you can see, this is not a choice of having a new server or a workstation with shared drives but using the existing server and its contents. I already have a clean install on a new server 2019 which is the KING of the forest with all the roles properly working. But if I transfer the data, I have to install on the main computer and import the files and then go to install on all 10 computer. Since there are 7 years of taxes, it is a lot of work. I guess tax software is the only field where data migration is a nightmare. Instead of improving, they are going harder each year. I remember when ATX, you would copy the database folder and you could point the program to use it without uninstalling. It is amazing also that proseries, which cost about 6K (not all states), doesn't have an elegant way to migrate the data when replacing a server.
  4. ATX programs from 2013 onward have two components, the program itself and the "server". It doesn't mean a server in a network setting, and the server component is there even in standalone installations. I believe it is part of the program that accesses the database and other files the program uses. See if this KB may help you connect the 2 pieces of the program: https://support.cch.com/kb/solution.aspx/14613
  5. This is one way it could be done. https://www.dealookup.com/subscribe.asp "Subscribe to DEA Lookup Subscribe to the fastest, most powerful, and most feature rich search software of the official DEA Controlled Substances Act Registration Database available. Quickly find DEA numbers, NPI numbers, physician state license numbers, and much more. Licensed Pharmacist? You may qualify for our Pharmacy Subscription. 1 DEA Lookup Main Login Subscription For One Year: Full search of DEA Controlled Substances Act Registration Database - 1,906,501 records. Updated weekly. Includes advanced lookup options: drug schedule, address (match any), and city (match any). Includes setup and login management tools.$1,350 Additional logins: $375 each$0 Total Logins:1 (1 admin)
  6. Looks very interesting and exactly what I think I need. Is it compatible with ATX? Can I export my atx database to them, do you know by any chance?
  7. IT might be late but here is what I did. Your case seems to be a bit different but here is the info: I had this problem after not using my software for a month and rebooting didn't help. I solved by trying so many things.... I run sfc /scannow from the DOS prompt as admin. Then, I stopped and started the ATX2018 and 2019 service. Then I restarted both services. I stopped the server service and open the ATX and it worked. I opened the software a couple of times and it worked. I went back to start the "server" service and still worked. I rebooted and still worked. I am not sure what solved it but it works now. The server service seems to be a windows 10 service and I guess didn't allow the ATX services to get to the "server" portion of ATX. I was getteing the same ... cannot connect to the server or database... on ATX 2018, 2019 and payroll 2018 and 2019 which gave me an indication that the issue was on the computer and not on the ATX installation, since there are four different installations.
  8. I had this problem after not using my software for a month and rebooting didn't help. I solved by trying so many things.... I run sfc /scannow from the DOS prompt as admin. Then, I stopped and started the ATX2018 and 2019 service. Then I restarted both services. I stopped the server service and open the ATX and it worked. I opened the software a couple of times and it worked. I went back to start the "server" service and still worked. I rebooted and still worked. I am not sure what solved it but it works now. The server service seems to be a windows 10 service and I guess didn't allow the ATX services to get to the "server" portion of ATX. I was getteing the same ... cannot connect to the server or database... on ATX 2018, 2019 and payroll 2018 and 2019 which gave me an indication that the issue was on the computer and not on the ATX installation, since there are four different installations.
  9. Sounds like you have an offsite database and a main database. Never a good situation. Preferable would be a VPN to access your main database remotely. We have 3 locations now and that's how the other 2 locations access the main database. Another option would be for the remote preparer to login into a computer on your network. If none of that works for you, It would be preferable to use backup/restore vs. export/import. ATX creates a backup every time you close a return, and puts an index number in the file name (1,2,3,...), so you could locate where these backups are and just copy the latest ones (sort by date) then restore those.
  10. If it was a tax-exempt entity, would they be listed in the IRS website database at https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/tax-exempt-organization-search-bulk-data-downloads
  11. Anyone know where I can see if an old EIN is still valid? I can't get through to the IRS (maybe I can try Friday at 7pm, but we're not there yet). Situation: friends had a small non-profit in another state. Haven't filed tax returns in years. I tried the "validate EIN" feature in Drake and it said the EIN was good - what I am not sure of is if it's valid for the type, or if it's valid (i.e., still exists) in the IRS database. I also checked the other state's corporations database and they want significant sums of money before they'll tell me anything. I've also found EIN verification tools online, all for a hefty subscription price. Any ideas gratefully accepted!
  12. Catherine

    ATX to Drake

    I'll chime in, too. The conversion program is pretty darn good, and will take your 2019 returns and put them into Drake 2019, ready to roll forward. Depreciation is always the hard one, no matter WHAT software you are switching to or from. Convert all your completed returns now, and spend the post-Oct 15th deadline time fixing depreciation errors. Also view your completed returns IN Drake and make sure they match what they showed in ATX. Most of them will (or, have taxable income and total tax within a buck or two - close enough!). The few that don't will have some issue or other - track 'em down this year. Play with some of the test returns to get a feel for Drake. The most annoying thing for me when I switched (mid-Feb 2013, during the 2012 season database debacle) was having to "view" the return when I wanted to see the form (instead of the data entry screens). However, Drake calculates and views the return faster than ATX changes screens, so it was more a problem in my head than an actual issue. YMMV.
  13. The IRS seminar and then the same speaker at my local NY/CT-ATP said $250,000 MINIMUM. By the time you hire a lawyer and a PR person and a preparer or two to cover for you while you deal with the security breach for weeks/months and credit monitoring for everyone in your database (H/W and two kids is FOUR; partnership with 5 partners is SIX, for instance) and maybe even new computers when Homeland Security seizes yours, you'll spend a bundle!
  14. I found the repair instructions for 2012 database: (EDIT: SORRY! THAT'S FOR 2011) https://support.cch.com/kb/solution.aspx/1916 ATX stores data in the hidden system folder ProgramData. You should see in the root directory of your C drive. If not, change view settings to show hidden and system folders.
  15. Your best option might be reinstalling. ATX 2012 is different from 13 and newer, so the database repair tool won't work. Let me know if you need the latest install file.
  16. Just our luck: an accountant needed to get some data from ATX 2012 and opened the program to find no data - ATX 2011 and ATX 2013 plus all other years have data. Contacted ATX support and they say that they don't support ATX 2012 anymore. ATX 2012 appears to be the weird version of the program that is in-between the file-based database and the SQL data that 2013 uses... I'm at a loss, any halp on where to even begin debugging this would help. I have tried to reinstall but unlike other programs where I can find either data flat files or MDB files for example, I can't find anything in the ATX12 folders. Thanks
  17. Usually, killing the ATX Server in Task Manager, then running ATX Admin Console will fix the 'connect to server' issue. But it sounds like your database has errors. ATX does have batch files you can download and run to repair the database, but I'd let support do that since your error is not usual.
  18. If you copied the files over correctly, ATX will find the database when you install it. If the database has errors you can run the bat file to repair the database. ATX's instructions say to copy the subfolder, but I would recommend copying the entire C:\ProgramData\CCH Small Firm Services and C:\ProgramData\Wolters Kluwer folders. (Warning: ProgramData is a hidden systems folder. You might need to change folder view setting to show hidden folders. Or just copy paste the above paths into file explorer address bar.) https://support.cch.com/kb/solution.aspx/000048812 https://support.cch.com/kb/solution.aspx/000041746
  19. Copied from Accounting Today: "The Internal Revenue Service should make more of a priority of going after tax preparers who haven’t filed their own tax returns or paid their tax liabilities and penalties, according to a new report. The report, released Monday by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, noted that as of November 2018, the IRS’s Return Preparer Database indicated that more than 30,000 preparers self-identified as being tax noncompliant on their Preparer Taxpayer Identification Number applications in tax years 2011 through 2018. TIGTA’s analysis of that database found 10,495 preparers who prepared more than 2 million tax returns for clients in 2016, but who didn’t file their own personal tax return to report the income they received. On top of that, TIGTA identified the top 100 nonfiler preparers out of those 10,495 preparers based on the number of returns they prepared for clients in 2016 using their PTIN information. Those top 100 preparers prepared between 1,000 to 6,000 tax returns for clients in 2016, and TIGTA estimates that each of those 100 preparers potentially received somewhere from $189,000 to upwards of $1 million. In addition, TIGTA estimates $45.6 million in potential taxes could be assessed if the IRS worked on 6,903 of the preparer nonfiler cases. After reviewing a draft of the report, IRS management told TIGTA it has included 449 of the nonfiler preparers in its examination plan for this fiscal year. TIGTA also did an analysis of delinquent preparer penalty and tax “modules” as of May 27, 2019, and it indicated the majority were in active collection status. However, a significant part of them weren’t in active status because they were in “currently not collectible,” or CNC, status or were in a queue awaiting assignment to the IRS’s Collection function. There seemed to be discrepancies when TIGTA analyzed those modules showing there were high-priority preparer penalty modules in CNC shelved status, preparers in CNC hardship status who were probably earning significant income nonetheless, and high-dollar modules that were sitting around aging in the queue. The IRS’s new nonfiler strategy doesn’t include specific items to address preparers who have failed to file their own tax returns that are due, and the IRS’s current preparer misconduct strategy doesn’t offer specific direction on how the agency might deal with preparers who are nonfilers or have balances due on their own tax accounts. “Paid tax return preparers (preparers) serve an important role in the U.S. tax system as they prepare approximately 60 percent of all tax returns filed, and their actions have an enormous impact on the IRS’s ability to administer the tax laws effectively,” said the report. “When preparers cannot manage their own tax affairs, or worse, if they intentionally claim credits and deductions to which they are not entitled, they could undermine the tax administration system."
  20. Hey there! running into an issue getting my ATX 2019 to launch. I attached a screenshot of the gui but i was able to get the full details, here it is: {"raven":{"Id":"raven","Name":"Database Server","EndPoint":"","State":-1,"StatusMessage":"Could not load file or assembly 'Esent.Interop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8dd49bbdae3f61af' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.\r\nPrior status was ''","ExpectedStartupTime":"2020-06-07T16:05:50.4425867+00:00","Info":{},"Config":{"Port":"60667"},"Actions":{}},"udp":{"Id":"udp","Name":"UDP Server","EndPoint":"udp://DESKTOP-IJ3N8EK:60666","State":2,"StatusMessage":"","ExpectedStartupTime":"2020-06-07T16:05:50.4583929+00:00","Info":{},"Config":{"Port":"60666"},"Actions":{}},"WebServer":{"Id":"WebServer","Name":"Web Server","EndPoint":"https://DESKTOP-IJ3N8EK:60668/","State":2,"StatusMessage":"","ExpectedStartupTime":"2020-06-07T16:05:50.4583929+00:00","Info":{"MachineName":"DESKTOP-IJ3N8EK","AdminEndpoint":"https://DESKTOP-IJ3N8EK:60668/admin/endpoints","DataEndpoint":"https://DESKTOP-IJ3N8EK:60668/data"},"Config":{"Port":"60668","FilesLocation":"C:\\ProgramData\\Wolters Kluwer\\ATX 2019 Server\\ATX 2019 Files"},"Actions":{}},"SlidingWindow":{"Id":"SlidingWindow","Name":"SlidingWindow Server","EndPoint":"","State":1,"StatusMessage":"","ExpectedStartupTime":"2020-06-07T16:05:50.5047658+00:00","Info":{},"Config":{},"Actions":{}},"BackupRestore":{"Id":"BackupRestore","Name":"BackupRestore Server","EndPoint":"","State":1,"StatusMessage":"Waiting on Database","ExpectedStartupTime":"2020-06-07T16:05:50.5047658+00:00","Info":{},"Config":{"BackupLocation":"C:\\ProgramData\\Wolters Kluwer\\ATX 2019 Server\\ATX 2019 Backup"},"Actions":{}},"nancy":{"Id":"WebServer","Name":"Web Server","EndPoint":"https://DESKTOP-IJ3N8EK:60668/","State":2,"StatusMessage":"","ExpectedStartupTime":"2020-06-07T16:05:50.4583929+00:00","Info":{"MachineName":"DESKTOP-IJ3N8EK","AdminEndpoint":"https://DESKTOP-IJ3N8EK:60668/admin/endpoints","DataEndpoint":"https://DESKTOP-IJ3N8EK:60668/data"},"Config":{"Port":"60668","FilesLocation":"C:\\ProgramData\\Wolters Kluwer\\ATX 2019 Server\\ATX 2019 Files"},"Actions":{}}} Any ideas? Thank you!!
  21. My associate is working on two separate returns tax returns (both for 2018) and ATX is giving him an error message that the PIN does not match e-File database. FYI he is getting the 2018 PIN off the IRS letter, so I am wondering if these PIN's expire, anyone?
  22. G2R

    rejected e-files

    Did you ever get a solution for this. I too and getting this 77 error code, "You have transmitted an EFile using a transmission relationship that is not valid in the EFC Client Database."
  23. Try running the 18 repair database batch file. You have to download it here: https://support.cch.com/kb/solution.aspx/000041746 Make sure you close all ATX services and run the batch file as administrator (right click).
  24. ATX has dropped the 2014 database repair file and added the 2019. I cannot recommend enough that you download these files every year. I have 14 if anyone needs it: https://send.firefox.com/download/36b94dad48ad57d0/#i-gvch7OTmEBF3Yh_cULog
  25. Most likely your computer was So, you think that a tech guy will be able to remove the password from ATX 2018 without you investing over $50K? If they "steal" my phone, they have to also steal my thumb or contract an Israeli company to hack my phone as the FBI did when they had an iPhone without password. Going back to to the original poster. Since you are talking about 2006 taxes, the hard drive, most likely, was not encrypted, you can get the ATX 2006 software from the vendor or your download folder from within that old computer. I would pulled out the hard drive from that XP machine and attached it to a Win7 machine, copy the database folder, install ATX 2006 on the Windows 7 machine and you can print that return. If needed, you might want to run Win7 in XP compatibility mode to install/run 2006 ATX
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