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Everything posted by FDNY

  1. He doesn't have to file as his standard deduction of 3,100 would wipe it out. You helped me yesterday and I could help today, like deja vu all over again.
  2. This may be taxable in the US. I would look at the US Canadian tax treaty to be sure, but it sounds like it's taxable to me. And you'll have to convert the currency of course.
  3. Code 11 is Estate and Trust income. You may need to file a Canadian tax return but not enough info to determine if it is required. Was there any withholding?
  4. As a related issue, I never have to buy paper clips and now have a ton of those really good black clips, you know the ones with the handles that fold down, all different sizes too.
  5. I've gotten a few with rebate checks that makes me wonder if they even give the envelope more than a cursory look.
  6. How many times have you gotten an envelope with a check in it?
  7. As a relative newbie here I found this board during the 2012 debacle. The first time I was here I saw all the animal pictures (I'm an animal lover), familiar names like Rita, NECPA, jmdaviscpa, easytax, michaelmars,Gail, Margaret, and mcb39 among others from the official board. Then I saw Jack's twin towers 9/11 picture, something I have an unfortunately close relationship to.... that sold me to stay here because I knew this was a special group. After being here I can see Eric, KC, and Judy are special people, unselfishly giving their time for all of us. Congratulations to all and Thank you!
  8. The cover letter to my clients includes the sentence, "Please remove all your documents from envelopes to reduce your mailing costs and save the life of my shredder. I'm up to 90% compliance. I like to train my clients well to make it easy on me.
  9. Much less of a struggle than MA, in fact a walk in the park. If your people are retired there is an up to $20,000 pension and annuity exclusion each, for the period they were NY residents if over 59 1/2, includes IRAs. Don't they know it snows up there....a lot.
  10. Wow, was I wrong, I thought you looked to be much younger than 32.
  11. It's the repeaters that get to me after you told them last year to reduce an exemption or two. Or have more kids, they don't like that comment, but I get a kick out of it.
  12. Glad everything went well. Sounds like he will have a good nurse this week, I just hope he's a good patient. You know how us men are good at being patients.
  13. FDNY

    NC SOS ID#

    Thanks John, I just got back from the site and put in the leading zero, that's it. Thanks for being up early. Bill
  14. FDNY

    NC SOS ID#

    For a NC S Corp I am getting a red error that the Sec of State ID# should be 7 digits. I've been using a six digit # for a few years. I'm thinking there may now be a zero in front as my guy's # is in the high 900K area. A million S corps in NC? You guys must be really busy. Thanks for saving me a call if you can.
  15. FDNY

    Scam e-mail

    That would be [email protected] As an added level of protection, I tell my clients to set up a personal account on the SSA site and click on add a extra level of protection where they will send you a text with a code to log in. Scammers who get personal info from phishing or wherever (doctors' offices are notorious) for people who are near age 62 and can hijack your account. Takes a couple of minutes. There is so much we can do to protect ourselves, I know, my ID has been breached twice, and when I catch the little twerp there will be hell to pay.
  16. All the best to you KC, Happy Birthday! Is there cake?
  17. I know Judy, some of us have crazy hours, but we sure know how to get the work done. I've always considered this profession akin to firefighting, we're apt, daring, and a little crazy. And thank God for the dogs to keep us company, just like those Dalmatians.
  18. Sorry Marilyn, I went to bed. Now 3:15 and back to work, I'll have 2 returns done before the marines get up. Yeah I know, I'm crazy, one more week of craziness. On the NY 203 at the bottom after the page numbers the 3rd tab over begins the allocation tabs. The 1st one is of course the main one you are looking for. Also, do you have your screen maximized? For some reason that has been happening to me this year with disappearing tabs.
  19. Your first line says it all for me too. And the rest....I'm right there with you Bonnie. One week to go and we can turn up the music. Bill
  20. Doesn't sound like you'll need that, it's No Tax Status or Limited Income, I think something like PA's Tax Forgiveness form. Don't get me started on PA. I was going to ask you something on a DE resident form but looks like it's straight forward, like they all should be.
  21. Yes. I've been fortunate with Sch B as there are some direct entry spaces and found the worksheet tabs to be helpful. Instead of overriding line 2 I have excluded dividends on line 6. The line 6 worksheet has a line if you need to write something in to identify it. Did you use Sch XYZ for line 11 (also a worksheet with many choices off Sch X line 4).
  22. There's a tab at the bottom of the NY 203 for allocation worksheet. Also I think the next one is for allocation of unearned income if needed.
  23. Are you using NY's hotline # 518 457 5451. I was given this by an agent a couple of years ago instead of using the 518 457 5181 # for personal taxes.
  24. The allocation sheet on the NY 203 is your friend. Aren't you happy ATX calculates all the non res tax credits automatically.
  25. I could vouch for that as I know exactly what you mean. Been doing them for the last 20 years and I still have to think about it, especially that line 14 is correct. You get prompted to open the R/NR form, sometimes it's appropriate, sometimes not. But what I've done, to remember year over year, is make a note in my state instructions file to help for next time. I hope you do the same, so if they come back to bite you next year, you'll be happy you noted it and that 45 minutes will become 5. Catherine could probably fight them with one arm tied behind her back!
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