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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2015 in Posts

  1. Message from wife of pastor who picked up: “Hi, Rita, I know you’re busy, but we always get a refund, can you call me and go over what changed from last year, so we know how to plan for this year?” Hi, yes, I AM busy. Can you maybe get out 2013 and note that you did NOT get a refund, and that your overpaid husband made 5,000 more in 2014, and like more income makes a difference when it comes to taxes? I know that's hard to believe, but I find that it's true more often than not. -- Thought bubble.
    7 points
  2. I really don't believe that I could survive an entire tax season without this board. Just knowing that you are all out there and willing to help is such a comfort. Thanks to everyone who contributes and to the faithful who visit here looking for answers. We are all here for each other.
    7 points
  3. I agree with everything said. This forum is the most valuable online tax community by far. Thanks everyone.
    6 points
  4. ATX also has a comparison form which I always include. It answers lots of questions!
    5 points
  5. And nobody understands I have more than one client, apparently. Or that I cannot really tell them how it is "looking" other than it looks like I'd get done if you'd quit calling. And no it's NOT in the "materials you sent" or I would be finished as I don't enjoy calling you and dragging information that you already sent out of you. Finally, my clients must think there is a Keebler elf doing taxes inside my computer while I am yakking with them. Apparently.
    5 points
  6. I will miss her...one of the few that never complained...about her taxes or my fees....always had a smile
    4 points
  7. Little Shop of Horrors. They are slow and inaccurate. Just like my clients.
    4 points
  8. I always just set down with both returns in front of us when I get that question. She hadn't even looked at 2013, and in 2014 they had less medical expense, less actual housing expense, less mortgage interest, etc. I explained this to pastor yesterday, plus, hey did you know you made $5k more? Either he didn't believe me or she didn't believe him. She needs to come at pickup rather than call me with a question like that. It's like directing the landing of a plane by telephone. Oh, and it has not escaped my notice that I never get a "What changed?" when the tax is less. Only when it's more.
    4 points
  9. Which shop are you using to get it repaired? I have resorted to a Ouija board... I may want to consider a different repair shop next season.
    4 points
  10. My program...TaxAct...has a comparison to last year worksheet. Whenever I get this question...or when I anticipate this question...I send it to them...pointing things out. Just this morning I sent one showing an increase of $18,000 in income...with a $50 increase in withholding. You know what they say about a picture and 1000 words.
    4 points
  11. Yeah, and sorry my crystal ball was in the shop, and I missed those. Hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
    4 points
  12. Or after you finish the return and print everything out and you tell them what they owe or the size of their refund they say "What about all the money I paid on Medical..." Or "what about all the items I donated to charity" And I say what about it, this is the first your telling me about it.
    4 points
  13. I also agree with all. And a special thanks to Tom and Patty again this year. I meant it when I said I quit. Patty helped me keep my business going last year with all my trauma with my mother. Six weeks into the season it all started up again. I guess I'm needed elsewhere. I still intend to cruse the board now and then. I'll miss my clients and all of you.
    4 points
  14. And a good swift kick. And how is it that people don't know better than that????
    3 points
  15. The first question I ask when clients pick up the return is if they'd like to review it in detail. They all say no, so I go over the highlights meaning that I am using that exact comparison summary page for the review. I point out all of the major changes that answers all of these type of questions. That comparison is always the first page directly behind the letter. I am also now using the very abbreviated letter format that everyone likes a lot better, easier to see, very concise.
    3 points
  16. I tend to ask... "What did you do with all that extra income?" I get a lot of blank stares...
    3 points
  17. Finished one yesterday - a Schedule C whose gross was up $40,000 to nearly $200,000 and his net was up $30,000. We called him to tell him he owed another 5 grand and he had an absolute melt-down. You would have thought that we had just shot his dog. And that was AFTER we had explained everything to him - comparing last years numbers etc. We had reason to call him again about six hours later on a different issue and he was still involved with his meltdown. Let it go man. And for the record, I have offered this guy multiple tax planning sessions over the years - but he is either too busy or just does not care. I am sensing he is starting to care.
    3 points
  18. You know how when you look in the stack and the one on deck is a favorite client, and you are so relieved because, finally, everything will be here? WELL, THAT HAS NOT HAPPENED IN THREE DAYS.
    3 points
  19. You assume that clients will read the comparison forms....
    3 points
  20. I'm there. Thought I had one yesterday. Schedule C and Schedule E info just so orderly I almost cried. She only forgot her W-2s and Schedule A info.
    3 points
  21. Ron: Almost put a shout out to you today... Did an Ohio return yesterday, first time in 16-18 years. What a PITA. You probably could have saved me 2 hours.... Why don't I use this asset when I know its available.... Thanks to everyone! Rich
    3 points
  22. I miss being able to add numbers in a field. Remember that? =34+56+32+123 You know, cause clients put all these freakin donation slips in here... C'mon, you can't even itemize. Stop it!
    3 points
  23. My wackiest is still the guy that wanted to call the money he spent for food for his fathers funeral money spent for a "Company Picnic" And no taxpayer seems to understand why they cannot deduct principal but only interest, and the principal of the asset they purchased is being depreciated
    3 points
  24. The folks on here are a joy, especially this time of year.....Thanks to all.
    3 points
  25. Got a new preacher. Been doing his own returns on TT. Brought me three years in case I need help. Only reason he needs me is he's afraid of identity theft, something about TT, blah, blah, I wasn't really paying attention. Well, we're about to see how he deals with adversity. He has not figured SE tax on wages in Box 1. Has not filled out worksheets to determine excess Housing Allowance, and I'll betcha it's significant. I think a Come to Jesus Meeting is about to take place, y'all. Is IRS even trying???? I mean, HELLO, these are so obviously and horrifically incorrect.
    2 points
  26. Today was very annoying and I won't get into the details. Let's just say that this might have been me talking to a client: and this one of me contemplating his extension: ^ That one is available for purchase on the internet. I might have to buy it for my office for several reasons, one of which is that the movie is a classic and a favorite of mine.
    2 points
  27. I scan it and attach the PDF to the efile as long as the information is reported in the correct order. Check to see if you have to make any adjustments. I enter the numbers and use the brokerage name for the description.
    2 points
  28. I just called support and received what I felt was a ridiculous answer regarding the new input for the Nebraska Schedule II for tax credits paid to another state. The 1040 has two K1 attachments for composite state returns filed in other states. I can no longer just add the information to the schedule II because all of the boxes are grayed out unless you add the other state tax return. So I have to add a tax return from each state, even though I won't actually be filing it. This is programming that they should have left the way that it was. It has worked fine for years and now this is just another stupid step and I sure can't bill for it.
    2 points
  29. And I'd do them all - that's what we do for a living. And I don't care about statutes and helping people get out of paying taxes. Or that she won't get a refund. Or any fringe crap. I'm sorry, I've had enough. Or as my momma would say, "I've had enough. I've had ABOUT enough. I'd had JUST ABOUT enough." So there you have it. Hahaha, oh God, I am scaring myself now...
    2 points
  30. Completed taxes for a client that had several pages of 1099-B transactions...was glad to have it done..spent at least two hours digging through the investment company's Combined 1099 statement. What does client receive in the mail yesterday? A REVISED Combined 1099 statement....and almost everything is different! Most stock transaction have the same gain/loss, but some have different purchase dates and have moved from LT to ST and vice versa....Dividends and capital gains are much higher. What's the use of sending a statement when you're just going to change everything? I will tell client to send the bill for the amendments to his investment company.
    2 points
  31. I had one client a couple of years ago with a broker's 1099 and 3 subsequent corrected forms that followed, the last being received on 4/11 and that was 2 days after we both thought it was safe to file the returns. The broker had this client invested in REITs that would report amounts that were later revised. Client got out of the REITs and the problem with the corrected forms has gone away. I just finished one of my larger personal returns yesterday that involved 9 separate brokerage accounts having a lot of activity and a large pile of other docs from a bunch of bank accounts, mutual funds with Vanguard,IRAs and on and on. Today when I called to set up an appt, the guy tells me that his sister *thinks* there will be a correction to one of the brokerage accounts that involved inherited assets from their mother that died in 2014. Sister is the executrix and is making a total mess of it, and doesn't know if it will affect 2014 or only 2015(!?!). Thankfully sister is NOT my client, but my guy doesn't know what it is that is changing or why!
    2 points
  32. I just looked at the Home Office Expense form (not instructions) and the options are Daycare or Simplified (Safe Harbor) Method or the actual. On 8829 there is more detail for daycare which includes used regularly for daycare, not exclusively. Then another input to multiply days time hours used for daycare. So maybe not so simple.
    2 points
  33. "I hope this won't change my taxes." Bahahahaha, OMG the things clients come off with! I double-dog dare you to say "Nah, that won't change your taxes," and see what reaction you get. Sometimes I just say stuff like that to call people out and saying stupid crap that they know is incorrect.
    2 points
  34. My sympathies! I lost two older clients last year, sadly. It's always hard to finish those last returns, too, because of the unavailable answers.
    2 points
  35. My son just did that to me last night. Oh, and he needs it today, because he's going out of state on business on the 12th. LOL Thank goodness for pdfs and email, he scanned them as soon as he got home, and got them to me 30 min later. Finished return before midnight.
    2 points
  36. I have one in front of me right now; beautiful detailed spreadsheet with info on only ONE of the two rental properties...
    2 points
  37. That is exactly right, but it's easy to miss the manual adjustments, and clients may not be able to get their heads around the worksheet. I would do the MFJ first, then duplicate it twice and delete info for hubby on one and wifey on the other.
    2 points
  38. I have the same issue with Ga. Client has 8 composite returns plus a TX LLC fee that is passed on to the shareholders now as a payment made to another state. I cant even add TX.
    2 points
  39. Well said! I agree completely. I very much appreciate all of you and extend my sincere thanks for all of your support!
    2 points
  40. Boy I need to change my structure immediately so I can limit my liability too.
    2 points
  41. You could print your own custom labels using Excel and a set of blanks form Office Depot/Staples, etc. That way you could make it more personal, such as: "This Return has been E-Flung: Don't even THINK about signing this form or mailing it in !" (Or something along those lines)
    2 points
  42. 2 points
  43. One of my funniest was the client who said her son formed an LLC to save taxes. (He was operating as a SMLLC, disregarded entity). When I asked for a clarification, she said the LLC means his company's tax liability is limited.
    2 points
  44. 1 point
  45. I can't say it any better. Thanks to all for being there.
    1 point
  46. Sounds like it was never placed in service as rental property because he changed his mind before he made any effort to rent the property. As far as whether it is long or short term, I would say that depends on how fast he is able to sell the property. It would be a capital gain in any event.
    1 point
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