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Everything posted by Eric

  1. I considered going in and changing the value to like 5000 warning points, but it's no fun if everyone else can't see it :P
  2. Using an unpatched version of Windows, accessing the internet with old/unpatched versions of Outlook, Internet Explorer, Flash, and Adobe Acrobat is more like running back and forth across a busy intersection with your eyes closed.
  3. IE 8 is fine. IE9 is better, and a lot less ugly. IE10, which isn't even out for Windows 7 yet, is even better and ALMOST half as good as every other browser out there. I've already stopped supporting IE6 for most website projects that I do, and will soon be adding IE7 to that list. Microsoft is HORRIBLE at keeping up with web standards. I swear they're hell-bent on holding back innovation on the web. Web standards compliance isn't the most important reason to upgrade IE, however. Security vulnerabilities are patched with every new release and hotfix. Keeping your system up to date means better overall security for your computer.
  4. Eric


    I'm using Windows 8 on one computer, which is a home theater PC. For that purpose, I find it works well. As far as stability/crashing, I haven't noticed any change from Windows 7. It runs and especially boots faster than Windows 7. Sleep/hibernation is also improved. It's got a Storage Spaces feature which I like, it protects against hard drive failure by making data redundant across multiple drives. The new interface (Start Menu/Screen? Whatever it's called?) would likely drive me crazy to use on any computer where I'm trying to get actual work done, switching back and forth between the new and old desktop. It could be that I'm just too used to the old start menu, but I'm doing my best to keep from installing one of the third party start menu programs to see if I'll eventually become more comfortable with the new interface. I've found that I'm using keyboard shortcuts more than I used to. Without a touch interface, all of the horizontal scrolling in the new apps feels wrong. At least a mouse has a scroll wheel, but I feel like trackpads are awful for precise scrolling. Anyway, Microsoft is moving to yearly Windows releases so that they can continue to compete with Apple, which have a similar release schedule for OSX. http://www.theverge....update-low-cost They say Windows Blue will be bringing further big interface changes to Windows. Hopefully those changes streamline the Windows 8 experience a bit--I think I'm going to wait and see how Blue turns out before upgrading the rest of my computers.
  5. It's an interesting talk, KC, but I think this type of filtering exists because most people actually want it. I find that most people would rather be reassured that their beliefs are correct and give considerably less thought to whether they're accurate, especially when it comes to politics. They choose their sources of information based on how it aligns with their political ideology. The result is that they are comfortable, but haven't ever even heard or given serious thought to the other side of the story. The other result is people who take an interest in politics end up moving further to the far left and far right ends of the political spectrum, consequently annoying friends and family on Facebook with constant regurgitation of pundit talking points. I wish political pundits would disappear off the face of the planet so that people can get back to thinking for themselves. That way, anyone too dumb to actually form an opinion of their own would at least shut up. I'm grumpy this morning. Time for another coffee.
  6. I've just finished the last couple tasks and now everything should be working 100%. The Google Search, myATX and Donation buttons have been re-added to the navigation bar at the top. A medium-sized forum upgrade will be available soon with some minor improvements to the editor and some other small features. I'm waiting to see how it turns out before deciding on whether to install it before or after tax season.
  7. It turned out to be a lot more complicated than I anticipated, sorry about the delay! The problem turned out to be some incompatibilities between the software and some recent server upgrades. Not being able to log into the back-end administration panel didn't help the situation, and there are still a few more little things that I need to correct, but for the most part, everything should be functioning.
  8. His day job is as a technical writer, so I guess that does apply here. Thanks for the help!
  9. Disclaimer: As I'm sure you're all aware, I am not a tax professional. A friend of mine did a little bit of work writing some copy for a website project I was working on. It was a very small job--the invoice he sent to the client was for less than $500. He's paranoid about the IRS coming after him, so he wants to report the income, but he would also like to avoid the hassle of complicating his otherwise simple tax return. I offered to ask for suggestions about how to report the income as simply as possible, so here I am.
  10. Why stop there? It costs less than $2million to buy every possible combination of numbers. About $3.5million if you pay the extra dollar on each ticket to double the jackpot. How many winners could there possibly be?
  11. I'm ashamed to admit that I bought a ticket. But honestly, after spending $80 to fill the gas tank, what's another dollar?
  12. Against my better judgement, I'm going to post in this thread one more time. Just one question. Would you be comfortable making a purchase online over a connection without SSL encryption?
  13. I didn't see the thread TaxCPANY was referring to, but here's another: If you're having trouble with any of the steps, let us know which one(s) and we'll try to help
  14. Email accounts are hacked regularly due to weak passwords, but I'd say it's usually limited to webmail services. I'm embarrassed to say that it happened to my Gmail account once, and that password included two special characters and it wasn't a dictionary word. All of my passwords are now 20 random characters, upper and lower case, numbers, and special characters. Impossible to remember, but quite secure. (I use a KeePass database and my browser to remember passwords for me) Another thing to consider (or maybe not, Idunno) is that by design, your email is not only received by your ISP's and the recipient's ISP's servers but also many servers in between as it makes the trip. Of course, it's making that trip with millions of other emails, and I would assume that most people who have access to those servers and your accounts at the ISP are trustworthy enough. But just because you're not paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you (haha)
  15. Here's the breakdown, in case anyone is curious Newbie = 0-24 Member = 25-99 Advanced Member = 100 - 499 ATXaholics Anonymous = 500-999 ATX Master = 1000-1499 ATX Supreme Master = 1500-1999 ATX Guru = 2000-2499 ATX Supreme Guru = 2500-2999 ATX Grand Poo-Bah = 3000+ There's nothing above Grand Poo-Bah.. maybe I'll make it so that anyone with more than 3500 posts gets to choose their own title :lol:
  16. I only have Windows 7 as a reference, but this is how I'd do it. Drag the shortcuts from your desktop (the ones that already have the icon changed) down to your taskbar. They should retain the changed icon. Then you can delete the old shortcuts from your taskbar.
  17. A few pics of the babies, they turn 6 months tomorrow. Merry Christmas! Claire & Isaac Isaac, those aren't food. Claire Isaac & Claire
  18. You're right.. or were right. I changed some permissions, and now everyone can edit the topic titles for topics they have started. As I mentioned though, it can only be done in the "Full Editor"
  19. When you choose to edit your post, it loads a quickie editor without reloading the page. But just below the quickie editor, there should be a light blue button that says Use Full Editor. It's right next to the dark grey button that says Save Changes.
  20. I didn't know that to be true.. and still can't verify it since I'm an administrator and can edit everything. Quick question, when editing the first post in your thread, did you click "Use Full Editor"? The full editor is the only place you can make changes to your post outside of the post body itself (such as title, attachments)
  21. Just curious, but what do these companies charge for initial setup and monthly fees?
  22. If i can get some suggestions for the name and description for the new forum, I'll make it happen
  23. Anyone want to come up with a forum name and description? Is there anything else industry specific that one might want to buy or sell? Just trying to figure out whether the forum's focus can be widened to include any other types of transactions.
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