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Everything posted by JMovichEA

  1. I'm not quite sure about this, but I think there is also some kind of "rollover server" that loads in memory if you roll over returns. I've got into the habit of closing and re-opening the software after rolling over. Only once this season did I have a low resource error. Overall the software worked very well, still a few 'server' problems, but a lot less than in prior years.
  2. I have the next one up in the series, the 6180. Similar, holds a full ream in the drawer which is convenient. Nice printers
  3. Must be close to the end of the season. Ate my last piece of chocolate.
  4. Like Gene above, I rarely include phone numbers. 1040s are fine. Some of the other entities require it.
  5. You might try contacting these people. http://azmo.org/
  6. My father's urologist years ago - Dr. Dick
  7. On the "official" ATX Community board there is a section for enhancements where you can post suggestions for improvements, new features etc. Other sections for specific tax questions,e-filing as well.
  8. I'm in a situation where two very close friends of mine are divorcing. I thought one of them was going elsewhere, but he wouldn't hear of it. The attorneys for both are also aware of this and I have met with all of them, (my clients and their attorneys) to discuss some of the issues regarding an S-Corp they have.
  9. I believe it's 540 NR Schedule CA https://www.ftb.ca.gov/forms/2015/15_540nrca.pdf
  10. The program allocates between the trust and the beneficiaries if not all the income has been distributed. Do the distributions equal DNI? Look at the deprecation tab for the 1041 - it will show the percentages allocated.
  11. Surprisingly, many of clients have mentioned the April 18 due date for this year. (client) "Oh, Joe we have until April 18th this year", (me) - "You don't!"
  12. I use business code 711510 for the author I have
  13. 592-B is for California withholding. https://www.ftb.ca.gov/forms/2015/15_592b.pdf
  14. I have similar error occur. Opening the 2014 program on my computer restarts the 2014 'server' and after closing 2014 I can rollover returns.
  15. I can't remember the last time I filed an 8822. Most clients don't inform us they've moved until they come in for tax prep anyway. Just correct the address on the 1040.
  16. I have never changed the default backup file(s) location for ATX. Anything post 2012 I use export/import after unsuccessfully using the backup/restore function to move files to my laptop. The files I restored using backup/restore had random errors, but all files transferred using the export/import were fine.
  17. Yes, that's right. https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f8594.pdf
  18. Haven't done many returns so far, but the few I finished and e-filed after the 15.3 update worked fine.
  19. Yes, and when I renewed for this tax year, my account manager explained there would be charges this year.
  20. I thought this issue only affected partnership returns completed last January. I have rolled over two partnership returns and the partners information was there.
  21. My recent card is a year after Gail's. Issued 4/1/2015 expires 3/31/18.
  22. 256 including the index. This was my father's, I took over the practice in 1992. I have tax return copies from 1941 also.
  23. MTG_1941.pdf I think I need a new copy
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