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Everything posted by FDNY

  1. I'm in a good place too. Same two clients every year will call me and tell me the same story about how time got away from them and please send in an extension. Luckily for them they always pay what was due last year. And I don't mind charging extra. Yesterday I washed out the garage of all the winter salt, cleaned out the junk and tinkered with a bicycle, all while listening to classic rock. That really felt good. Later this morning I will watch the Boston Marathon while I do a little carb loading to keep my energy level up. This is a happy day for us.
  2. I incorrectly stated my price as $1610, but it was $1809. I don't think everyone gets the same price. People negotiate, scream, curse, and threaten to hold their breath. Not sure which course I will take but the increase doesn't seem fair. Social Security only increased about 3%. Not like we're getting any added value. Program still has its problems but we stay because we.......I don't know, you finish the sentence.
  3. I usually send client to IRS website and let them set it up on their own, it's easy enough and no sweat for us.
  4. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I'm taking my phone off the hook when it hits. USA Today had an article on it yesterday https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/04/09/tax-withholding-irs-release-new-more-complex-w-4-form-year/3401811002/.
  5. FDNY


    In the past I have gained two new clients each whose former preparer died from a heart attack. Both of them were fairly young and about my age at the time. That got me thinking that this job does come with its health risks. While I do work long hours they are interspersed with stretching, exercise, and drinking water. I never allow myself to get stressed and smile when a client is freaking out on the phone about their tax bill (I do no face to face). As it has been said, it's just not worth it, they can't pay us enough to have their stress transferred to us. I've only done 3 extensions since yesterday as my cut off is 1 week before due date so from here out just extensions will be prepared, and that is a really good feeling. Take care of yourselves everyone, life is short, don't let them make it shorter.
  6. Don't give them any ideas.
  7. Got mine today, $1,610 for Max, shipping, tax, and tip included.
  8. Tax preparers, teachers, cops, and firefighters are all unsung heroes and forgotten until something happens to put them in the spotlight. Much of my client base is teachers, cops, and firefighters and over the years I would do my best to deduct for them whatever was reasonable. Sometimes in a police precinct or firehouse word gets around that someone deducted a new watch every year, or a haircut, or gym membership. I would politely explain that if you were not a cop you wouldn't want to know what time it is? Or to the firefighter you would never get a haircut (more on this later). If you didn't need to you would not go to the gym for personal health. If all that were true we would have a bunch of hairy, out of shape public servants who couldn't give you the time of day. Those people would not be good public servants. Back in the early 70s we had a fire commissioner who didn't like the idea of new firemen coming on the job who were veterans of the Woodstock era. Regulations were put in place for parochial school haircuts and mustaches that couldn't go past the corners of your mouth. I was one of those long hairs and we took the FD to court. We lost. That started the haircut deduction frenzy, but it wouldn't fly.
  9. FDNY

    1040X Return

    I didn't like it either for the same reason so in Return Mgr I put a big X in Client# column so I know which one to roll over next year.
  10. FDNY

    1040X Return

    I think you would bring up the 1040X then correct the box on 1040 info sheet. This will produce a corrected 1040 that you can attach to the 1040X. Of course in the explanation of changes area you tell them what you did. That checkbox is a real pain, something I check on each return. Probably should be the other way around so you know to check if they are claimed elsewhere, that makes sense. And don't forget to print in red on top of new 1040 "For Amended Return Purposes Only."
  11. Just tried and it works now. I got the menu.
  12. I was going to say form 8949 for sale of principal residence and use worksheet for depreciation but with sch E that won't work, so I think your calculation works. Any land included?
  13. I got one free with my new Staples stapler, works great. BTW, my 2 "jam free" Swinglines jammed.
  14. FDNY


    This did get me thinking as to the why so many of us put up with the dreaded error message. As any of my Psycho Analyst clients would tell me, (we do talk psych stuff once in awhile, after they pick my brain), it's the classic Love/Hate syndrome. They would probably tell me, you need to pick one. As with any relationship, if you can't deal with one, you have to leave. Or, if you do put up with both, are you a martyr or nuts? So you ask yourself, what will it be? For me, as with any other relationship, love always seems to win out and I put up with the hate. I guess I may be a martyr, or more likely, nuts.
  15. FDNY


    Yes, that's funny, but he's right. I've been fairly fortunate this year, but every once in awhile I get that pain in the hip error message and I have thoughts of going somewhere else next year. But then it passes.
  16. https://www.state.nj.us/treasury/taxation/amountofproptax_rent.shtml Hope you get to sleep soon, me too.
  17. Yes, she would get the allocable property tax deduction for her period of residence as it was her permanent residence for part of the year. amountofproptax_rent[1].shtml
  18. My mistake, should have checked before I asked, it looks like in LA individual shareholders don't have to file a separate return when taxes paid on their behalf by S Corp. MS is another one that I had last year and totally forgot about it. Thanks Lee.
  19. I have a client who is a shareholder in an S Corp that did business in Louisiana. His share of tax liability to LA has been paid on his behalf by the S Corp. The only place I can see to enter the amount other than estimated tax, is line 30 on non res return that states, "Amount Paid on your behalf by a Composite Partnership filing." The worksheet does not have a place for a corporate filing. I can guess which one to use but would rather not because a know there is someone here that is a veteran of a few Mardi Gras'. Thanks in advance.
  20. Probably not as permanently disabled but they qualify for Qualifying Relatives. They would have had to lived there all year. Your client will be bankrupted by rehab costs, I've seen it happen too many times.
  21. This was very helpful Judy, thank you for taking the time to put it together. Last year I was one of a few "firefighter" preparers who was conservative on this subject as some of us did prepare a 1040X for the '17 returns. Some taxpayers did see the relief but others were asked by IRS to get a corrected 1099R which is not possible. It all depended on who was at the other end of the 1040X. I've attached the memo put out by NYC's Law Department for their feelings on this issue. I can see where they are coming from and it is the reason I didn't believe it was worth preparing an amended return last year. But with the few who did receive relief, good news spreads fast (we had a saying, telephone, telegraph, tell a fireman). So it's the luck of the draw, and I may as well join in. Thanks, Bill WTC Disability Memo V2 - (# Legal 8411565) (004).pdf
  22. Thanks Catherine, maybe someday it will happen. All the city has to do is request a ruling.
  23. Thanks Bulldog, I will give it a try attaching the disability determination letter which does state pension was granted due to WTC related illness. I will also attach the corresponding section of pub 3920 to help along the agent whose desk the 1040X lands on. The explanation from the city's corporation counsel is aware of this but the fact that a certain part of the pension is from accumulated additional contributions and interest by the retiree it is not considered part of the regular pension. The letter also states they would like to see a more substantial authority from the IRS. Worse that can happen is IRS asks for a corrected 1099R. We know where that will go. I will pass along your thanks to those members who were affected, all of them came down with weird form of cancer. Thanks again, Bill
  24. Publication 3920 states that terrorist attack related injuries and illnesses that contributed to retirement would be totally tax free. Since 2009 the City of New York has made taxable a portion of all disability pensions for monies received after 20 years of service. The publication states that taxpayers should have agency (fire and police in my cases) issue an amended 1099R. City won't do it stating legal mumbo jumbo issues. I have a few guys who would like to file an amended return with attached documentation from pension bureau stating pension is due to WTC related injury or illness. Do you think this will fly and worth a try?
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