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  1. Catherine

    Drake Download

    I noticed a lot of changes, many due to increased security protocols. Medlin (on the general forum) mentioned something about database structure for Drake, too.
  2. Does AICPA keep a public database? Does the IRS keep a public PTIN database?
  3. Customer asked us to print the full SSN on a pay stub for use with ID.ME. We mask the SSN on the stub, per CA regulations, per common sense, and since no state (which is where the stub regulations come from) requires the full SSN. It is normal, but still shocking, a stub, which anyone can "create" on their own, or via app, can be any sort of identification for any purpose. The one exception I could even envision is TX, where the stubs are supposed to be signed by the employer. ID is more subjected than some realize. Example, for my software downloads, we obtain and use a "code signing" certificate, to avoid the "unknown/possible dangerous" app warnings. There is a simple (cheaper) option where it is likely only automated identity verification is performed, such as looking at a business name in the DUN database, and access to the designated email. There is an "extended" verification which is supposed to be more thorough. I suspect it is still automated, as it did not require anything further from me than the regular method. The difference is for the signing process, I now have to use a secure USB stick, which contains my "key". The theory is I have to know who I am, the password, AND have the secure stick, to be able to sign my file. Granted, the stick means no one can copy my signing certificate, but it can still be lost or stolen. The whole identity "thing" is interesting to play with. When I have to give ID, sometimes I use my BIA ID or my passport card, just to see what the person looking at my ID says. Until my next BD, my state DL is still the "old" style, not a real ID, nor does it say not federally accepted. This puzzles some as they expect one or the other to be noted in the upper right. IN any case, the ID.ME process is another case proving privacy is a fallacy.
  4. We've had an issue in our area with ID theft involving 16 year old dependents. Several of our clients' children have had rejects due to a prior return being filed using their SS#. None of these dependents had filed a return ever and they are all 16 years old. My theory is some kind of hack into the Secretary of State's database of new drivers, but that is just an educated guess. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just my paranoia?
  5. Is anyone having problems with efiling with the client's privacy pin? I've efiled 4 of them this morning and all were rejected as not matching with the IRS database and I know I entered them correctly from the IRS letter.
  6. The IRS has a database of the "short names" that get submitted along with the Tax IDs and they do a matchup. I've had problems this year also and my tax software insists it isn't on their end. Here was my solution: Trust name for the last 20 years is "J L Smith Irrevocable Trust". For always the software used a short name of JLSM but this year the IRS required me to change the name to Smith J L Irrevocable Trust" to generate the correct short name of SMIT. If you are using Drake I think you can do a short name override? Don't know about the rest. My software provider said they'd never heard of such a problem. They could see that I'd filed it that way with their software for over 5 years and couldn't imagine the problem.
  7. I keep getting the database validation error when E-Filing a client's Federal Trust Return. The error states that the Filer's EIN and Name Control in the Return Header must match data in the E-File Database. Does anyone know what this is referring to? The name control and last name of the individual listed on the 1041-EF are the same as in years past.
  8. So far two of my 3 clients with household employees have rejected by the IRS. I have filed all three successfully in the past. The reject code says the employer EIN must match what’s in the IRS database. Has anyone else had this problem and what did you do about it? Am I forgetting a box somewhere? Is the IRS database full of cockroaches?
  9. If you mean at the windows file structure level, you can't because ATX is a database. What are you trying to accomplish?
  10. Sigh, that was back when the program was a extremely large complied spreadsheet, before CCH's 2012 debacle of rewriting the program using a shareware database program
  11. Married clients filed MFS. His return included Form 8962, was accepted. Her return did not include Form 8962, was rejected by IRS. Message reads The e-File database indicates that Form 8962 or a binary attachment with description containing ACA Explanation must be present in the return. What is a binary attachment? I tried to load Form 8962 into her return and click on no PTC. But it will not allow the form.
  12. After lots of pressure from many different sources: WASHINGTON — The IRS said Monday it will suspend the use of facial recognition technology to authenticate people who create online accounts after the practice was criticized by privacy advocates and lawmakers. The agency said it would no longer use a third-party service, called ID.me, for facial recognition. Critics of the software said the database could become a target for cyberthreats. They also expressed concern about how the information could be used by other government agencies, among other concerns.
  13. Hey there, I’m trying to open ATX 2017, however, I’m unable to get it open. I keep getting a Database Server Error that reads “Unable to self-repair the database. Prior status was attempting self-repair”. The UDP Server started, as did the Web Server. The SlidingWindow Server however, is stuck on starting. Also get BackupRestore Server, which is just stopped, and also saying the error message “Database not available”. Any ideas on how to fix this?
  14. Run the ATX database repair batch file for 2019 and 2020. Read every word of the instructions carefully, or it won't work. https://support.cch.com/kb/solution/000048310/15000
  15. I use it for database and the portal but not very happy with it. Still looking for a better database management system.
  16. Things to try: Run the 2014 Admin Console. (Should be in your windows menu under ATX) Start or restart the ATX Server Service in Windows Services. Reinstall 2014 ATX. Download and run ATX database repair batch files. (2014 is no longer available on ATX's sites, so I'm attaching it. These should be downloaded every year, just in case you ever need them.) If these things are too techie for you, call support. ATX2014DataBaseRepair.bat
  17. Copy your data first. Don't use ATX backups or exports. Copy the ENTIRE DATABASE FOLDERS. Then when you install ATX, it will see the database and not try to create a new database. This will work flawlessly most of the time. If not ATX has database repair batch files you can download and run. If you search this forum, you'll see my post from January of 20(?) where we moved all years of ATX to a new Win10 computer, and I provided step by step instructions.
  18. Late last week I took a free IRS online CPE class about the new Tax Pro Online System which the IRS will be rolling out next month. The Tax Pro Online System will require both the Tax Professional and their client to have active "Secure Access" accounts set up. A very key issue is that you and your client have to both be using the same address which has to be an exact match with the address in the IRS database. Using abbreviations like St, Ln or Dr won't work.
  19. We have 5 or 6 users and I noticed some slowing down too. Of course you're never sure if it's heavy network traffic or the ATX database bogging down. And our phones use the network as well. Our ATX database is on a computer that no one uses so only the necessary background programs are running on that computer. I suspect our slowdown was due to multiple users creating efiles at the same time. That really seems to bog down ATX. And we have Large Address Aware installed on our server computer.
  20. We are having a very hard time opening and saving the return in the last few day off the season every year. We do have 10 users and large volume of database. Anyone have a similar issues and any solutions
  21. If this is helpful, here are the rules that govern non-IRS POAs and what IRS requires in order for them to be acceptable, and how to perfect a non-IRS POA. It comes from Pub 947 but has the code sec cite of when the person with authority may sign a return and those requirements: Processing a non-IRS power of attorney. The IRS has a centralized computer database system called the CAF system. This system contains information on the authority of taxpayer representatives. Generally, when you submit a power of attorney document to the IRS, it is processed for inclusion on the CAF system. Entry of your power of attorney on the CAF system enables IRS personnel, who do not have a copy of your power of attorney, to verify the authority of your representative by accessing the CAF. It also enables the IRS to automatically send copies of notices and other IRS communications to your representative if you specify that your representative should receive those communications. You can have your non-IRS power of attorney entered on the CAF system by attaching it to a completed Form 2848 and submitting it to the IRS. Your signature is not required; however, your attorney-in-fact must sign the Declaration of Representative (see Part II of Form 2848).
  22. Always suspect your security software first. Turn it all off and see if the problem persists. Some security software is hard to turn off but they usually have a pause feature. Or you can try killing the tasks in Task Manager. Have you tried (or even heard of) the ATX Database Repair batch files? https://support.cch.com/kb/solution/000048310/15000 https://support.cch.com/sfs/solution/000041746/000041746
  23. This is all related to ATX choosing a shareware database which was not suited to this kind of program, when they did a total rewrite of ATX 9 years ago.
  24. I agree with Lynn, sometimes it's just way easier and faster to stick a stamp on an envelope and shove the 7004 in. Mail and it's done. If you want fancy, you could include the EIN letter and the e-file rejection. But why bother? By the time they open the envelope it will be in the IRS database.
  25. If you have bad or duplicate payers in a return, and the 'Add to Payer Manager' box is checked on that input form (W2, 1099's), when you rollover that return or open/close that return, those bad payers get added back. This is why I add multiple W2's and all categories of 1099's in Customize Master Forms and click the 'add to payer mgr' box TWICE so it's unchecked by default. The missing feature of ATX Payer Manager is the preference to have the 'add to payer mgr' checkbox off by default. Then you can check the box if you find a payer is not in your list, and you think you'll use it again. Would also be great if you could choose which forms you want to use Payer Manager with. For example, I'd only choose W2 and 1099R. People often enter account numbers or account names (escrow, rental, etc.) after the bank name on 1099 INT and DIV which you do not want in your payer database. But honestly, duplicates, crazy long names, incorrect EIN's, typos, etc., are not really that big of a deal, especially if you sort payers by EIN instead of name, which is the better of the two ways to use payer manager.
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