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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2024 in all areas

  1. I opened the storage area to where they all are and said someday I'll get to those. Closed the door and did something else. I've probably done that each time the topic has come up over the years. Today is the day! . . . maybe.
    5 points
  2. Ah Abby such a treasure you are.
    2 points
  3. While it seems a bummer that mechanics can't deduct the cost of their tools, don't forget that they own them and can take them home or to their next job or sell them. Many mechanics are fervent about their tools. My husband was never a professional mechanic but started working on cars when he was a boy. Today he has this tall chest of tools and can tell you when or how he acquired most of them, specific jobs this one or that one is good for, and tasks from way back when one or the other saved the day. When one of our sons neglected to put a screwdriver or whatever back where it belongs, he got in more trouble than if he was beating up his brother. So while tools are an expense, they can also become part of a person's identity.
    2 points
  4. I have a client who has a commercial vehicle brake, frame and alignment shop. They require their mechanics to provide their own tools. It's a common industry practice. Unfortunately it falls under the 2% misc itemized deductions category which the TCJA eliminated. Since she probably takes the standard deduction it's probably a moot issue.
    2 points
  5. Inherited IRA Rules.pdf Here is the section of the seminar (now that I am in my office I can actually look stuff up). I don't think Spidell will sue me for putting this out here. Hope this helps Tom Longview, TX
    2 points
  6. I used to send an organizer to everyone. Over time, this has dwindled only to those requesting such. All clients receive a cover letter, yes/no questions and engagement letter.
    1 point
  7. Preferences, Print, Print without zeroes. One of the first things I check every year.
    1 point
  8. I will get some popcorn and read the responses later this afternoon
    1 point
  9. Thanks for this information. They have been here since 2021 at least. I asked for only the last 2 years of returns so will have to confirm actual date/year of arrival. They did file single, correctly, for 2021 so likely only 2022 is an issue. I think I will advise again to amend 2022 and be done with it. Update: For some reason I didn't post this reply when I wrote it a couple of days ago. I discussed with the clients and they decided they wanted all 2022 returns amended. Pacun, the federal return was NOT filed correctly. They filed all returns as single although married in mid-year 2022. I have now amended the federal and state returns with no change in taxes although the joint MD return would have saved about $100. They chose to correct to MFS for all. I gave them the options. It's done, filed, accepted. Clients are satisfied and I am, too, knowing that they are all now correct. Thanks again!
    1 point
  10. IMO, this is one of the saddest changes in the tax law. With the exit of the 2106 form, many employees are shot in the foot. I particularly notice it with OTR truckers who are employees as opposed to SE owners. This issue of mechanics and tools is also huge.
    1 point
  11. I agree with bullldog Tom. Having receipts that the person paid the credit counseling company means nothing unless you read the whole contract, have all the credit cards statements from 2 years ago, you added them up, you add the interest accumulated until the debtssss were paid off or discharged and THEN add all the one time fee for the counseling fee and monthly fees. Then you see how much he paid and how much the 1099-C should read. Again, I think we make things bigger sometimes. If he has a 1099-C, just work with that... see if he was insolvent the day before the debt was discharged and report it. My crystal ball tells me that no one was scammed in this case.
    1 point
  12. Well, woodpecker deterrents should be useful to my younger daughter and her husband. They had quite the problem last summer with woodpeckers trying to make holes in their house.
    1 point
  13. I gave up on organizers long ago. However, if they are a Sch C, I send them a work sheet. This works out well most of the time. I did have one client that entered their Gross Sales to include his UI ($27K) and his wife's W-2 ($50K). I questioned him o how he came up with his numbers and that's when it came out. No harm done.
    1 point
  14. I only give them to clients who request them. That equals about 3 to 4 clients. Otherwise they bring them back still in the envelope. These days, I email Organizers to those who want them and let them print them out on their paper.
    1 point
  15. Medicaid is a college class of it's own. Sometimes family members can receive money tax free as a care-giver, but be careful how that contract is written. The money has already been paid with little forethought so - hey - let us know. I'm at that wonderful stage right now where my mother with dementia has given away loads of money that Medicaid is not happy about it. But I don't think Joel Olsteen is going to be writing a check back to the nursing home now. I'm a little late getting the power of attorney that I needed months ago, partly my own fault because I was not realizing how wacky she had gotten. Not exactly close to her, and certainly not happy trying to figure out what she's done with all her money.
    1 point
  16. I've never used organizers and never will. Some I've seen are more complex that completing a return. I mail 4 pages in January. One is my letter where I discuss recent legislation and other things I want to discuss. Second is basic info such as phone, email, cyrpto, foreign accounts, estimated payments and lines for them to enter any changes they want to make me aware of or discuss. Third is sheet for dependents with yes/no questions that I need to complete 8867 or know to ask more questions. Fourth is checklist of items in 4 parts; part 1 is income items which includes a line "any other items of income", part 2 is for adjustment items, part 3 is for itemized deductions and part 4 is for credits and state specific items. Just a one line description as a trigger of what forms or documents I'm looking for. At bottom is a place to sign that they reviewed the list and provided documents on it that pertain to their situation. When preparing the return I open the pdf of prior year documents to see if they may have missed something such as an investment statement, 1099R, etc. Also if code W on w-2 I specifically ask about 1099SA.
    1 point
  17. We used to hang the AOL disks in the garden near the tomato plants to scare away birds and groundhogs.
    1 point
  18. Darn I thought I was the only one that does that. Some of mine I drilled a hole in and put a heavy washer on it. Wind blows makes a noise the birds don't like.
    1 point
  19. @Catherine, they will make great targets! Especially the 2012 disks. I bet you can hit them at 150 yards... Tom Longview, TX
    1 point
  20. There are a lot of advanced search features. One I use is to exclude things with a minus sign, like -pinterest or -pdf. Also, there's a page for that you should bookmark: https://www.google.com/advanced_search And a useful list of operators for Google search: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/
    1 point
  21. @Tax Prep by Deb Did you go to a Spidell update seminar? If so, look in the book on pages 1-42 and 1-43 and especially the caution box on page 1-43. The employer has the right to force you into the 10 year rule. Tom Longview, TX
    0 points
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