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I don't know what it is this year, but my clients are unruly!


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I just had a guy come in here acting like a 5 year old yelling and screaming that he wanted his w-2s back because we were going to charge him too much money. I have never seen anything like it - well, at least not since my kids attended pre-school and witnessed a boy yelling in the lunch room about ranch dressing.

The guy and his wife had started a partnership ini 2011 and we did the 1065 along with their 1040. He was telling us how we didn't need to do the partnership return because they were married. Well, no- not telling us, yelling at us. And how he was going to go get the police if we didn't give him the w-2s. Unbelievable. And quite upsetting. The thing was, he had sent the wife in originally, and apparantly she had not told him the pricing of the returns. I know when she called the first time, my secretary explained it all, and then I went over it with her again. But dealing with this guy just made my day. We gave him the w2s and he went out the door yelling that we'd never see him again. Well, good.

Meanwhile, I have their returns done, printed, and ready to efile. I'm out quite a bit of time frocking around with this new partnership, and getting things sorted out. Not sure how to pursue that. Last year I did a bunch of work for a guy who just never called back and never answered my calls. So I just wrote that off. But this guy today was a jerk, and I hate to let this just go under the bridge.

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I just had a guy come in here acting like a 5 year old yelling and screaming that he wanted his w-2s back because we were going to charge him too much money. I have never seen anything like it - well, at least not since my kids attended pre-school and witnessed a boy yelling in the lunch room about ranch dressing.

The guy and his wife had started a partnership ini 2011 and we did the 1065 along with their 1040. He was telling us how we didn't need to do the partnership return because they were married. Well, no- not telling us, yelling at us. And how he was going to go get the police if we didn't give him the w-2s. Unbelievable. And quite upsetting. The thing was, he had sent the wife in originally, and apparantly she had not told him the pricing of the returns. I know when she called the first time, my secretary explained it all, and then I went over it with her again. But dealing with this guy just made my day. We gave him the w2s and he went out the door yelling that we'd never see him again. Well, good.

Meanwhile, I have their returns done, printed, and ready to efile. I'm out quite a bit of time frocking around with this new partnership, and getting things sorted out. Not sure how to pursue that. Last year I did a bunch of work for a guy who just never called back and never answered my calls. So I just wrote that off. But this guy today was a jerk, and I hate to let this just go under the bridge.

He will be back for tax year 2012. Make sure you increase your fees for him appropriately!! I call those kind "retread" customers. I make more money, and their attitude is usually much better. If he doesn't come back, you are the beneficiary!!

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Did he sign an engagement letter? Are you prepared to go to Small Claims Court? Personally, I would just forget it as a bad experience. He might even be back once he shops around. If so, I would refuse to prepare or file his return. IMO, it is part of our "Continuing Ed"

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The way I handled a similar situation several years ago was to send a bill with a letter explaining that the returns were completed and ready to submit. For me, I indicated that they should pay what they thought the work was worth. They didn't pay and I never saw them again. I decided it was good riddance to bad rubbish, sighed heavily at the lost time and deemed it another learning experience. Maybe these folks are under tremendous financial pressure or maybe he is just a jerk and you don't want him around any longer anyway.

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I'm out quite a bit of time frocking around with this new partnership, and getting things sorted out.

Sorry, I know this is not funny, but I had a vision of Beavis going, "He said frocking, huhuhuhuhuhu."

My own sad story, gal came in, in a big ole hurry, I get her return done in about three days, beating the usual time for the past five years I've done her return.

Call her. Had to leave message. No response.

Call her again two days later. No response.

Call her the third time, and she picks up and says, "Well, you close at 4, I am used to accountants working 24 hours a day, I don't know when I am going be able to get there."

Me: It is 5:30, I am here, come get your return.

Snippy: I'm in Vegas.

Me: As in Las Vegas? Nevada? When will you be back?

Snippy: Friday night.

Me: I will be here Saturday, as always, call me and I'll unlock the door.

Snippy: I have to work Saturday.

I mailed it to her Chattanooga, TN address, she has not returned the 8879, nor has she paid me. I'm sure she has used my return and filed it herself. Hope I never see her again.

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I feel ya - but lick your wounds and move on to something more meaningful and productive. None of us like to work for nothing, but occasionally it just gets forced upon us. I had a similiar episode a few years back and I let it ruin not just my day, but about a week of my life. I swore then I would NEVER allow that type of person to ruin even a second of my life anymore. Call the police? I would have handed him the phone after I got done talking to the police about sending someone to arrest an idiot that was threatening me.

My situation I referred to: the wife actually called me later that day and apologized for her husband's behaviour and asked if I was still willing to do the work. I was angry and irrational. I said "when your husband comes and apologizes to me and my staff, I will consider your offer." I am still waiting............................................. :)

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>>to work for nothing<<

Don't think of it that way. You have a professional practice, not a bunch of separate jobs. You can't expect to have total efficiency. But if you have 200 clients, this guy is only one half of 1%. Giving him more effort than that would be your own choice.

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Best thing is to let it go, but if you would like to get this off your chest I would call the wife and complain to her about the husband behavior and drama and blame her for the miscommunication and now you are out of $$$ dollars. And don't accept them back obisously they don't respect you or your work.


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I guess it just bothered me quite a bit. I am trying to be helpful and provide a good service. When suddenly verbally assaulted, I just wasn't ready for it, and had to tell someone about it. I just know that at some point the NYS and IRS will start looking for a 1065 and they will get a load of penalties. I guess thats the satisfaction i get.

Anyway - I will not prepare another new partnership return without all partners attending the meeting!

I like the 1099-c idea. The bill went out yesterday.

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Agree with JohnH totally. Disagree with Pacun totally. Had a guy get mad and tell me it was my responsiblity as his tax preparer to tell him which documents he receives in the mail are related to his tax return and I should have told him which ones to bring to his appointment. Hmmmm, let's see, lights out in the crystal ball and clouds have moved in. Took him off the organizer mailing list apparently he doesn't know what that is either. Oops my bad, I forgot to tell him he needed it. We have all had these kind of experiences. In the heat of the moment, whacking their heads off is appealing along with any other form of get even punishment we can muster. After the dust settles, you will be the better person for letting it go. I agree to send him a bill for your services. Chances are he won't pay and it will be more aggrevation to file in court. Expecting an apology from morons like this is useless. In the past, for every one of these jerk clients I loose, three new clients usually take their place. Good luck and look forward to a better tomorrow.

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Love reading the post and replies. Could (won't) add a few similar experiences of our own from the more than 25 years in business. What amazes me is how we manage to continue serving the close family members (parents, siblings) of the jerks without any issues. They all seem to know they have this relative who is a total a**. Seems they write that person off as an idiot who just doesn't realize what good service they are missing by going elsewhere. {relating what we here; not being boastful} So glad the occassional bad apples don't actually ruin the entire barrel.

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I agree with everyone who says send a bill. Do NOT send a 1099 anything. Extremely bad idea. Generally I find that this type of client may come back after he shops around. If not, good riddance. The ones that you try to get rid of by raising fees, etc; keep coming back. When I have someone who did not pay and calls me the following year, I tell them that they did not pay for the prior year. Mostly, they are only too willing to come with money in hand for the prior year as well as the present year. You can take them or leave them. (This is rare, but it does happen.

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>>hit him with a 1099-C.... Hit them with a 1099-misc<<

I certainly can't complain about somebody else being sarcastic on this forum, but as Randall points out this idea is dangerous. Let's be meek milquetoast bookkeeper types and turn the other cheek. Or cheeks.

Block has to serve anybody who walks in the door, and can't even add a nuisance fee. But we independents get to choose who we give an engagement letter. Occasionally we have a problem, but that's an expected part of our practice and easily resolved with very little effort or expense.

If you really feel abused (which happens), try this. Invest ONE 45 cent stamp for a simple invoice, copy attached to the front of the file and stuck back on the shelf. Then forget about it and move on. Sometimes you'll get a check. Sometimes you'll get a call from the new preparer asking for a copy of the prior year with depreciation or basis records or something. Reply that you are happy to give him all records but you can't send anything to a third party without a written release so the client will have to come in personally. When he does, there's that invoice.

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Send him a bill for the work. Send it a second time and a third time. Then hit him with a 1099-C for 2012

This gets my vote! But would I have the guts to actually do it? Probably not. I would send bills and increase each bill by a few dollars for postage , mailing supplies and time spent generating each bill.

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Who is it -- here or somewhere else -- whose sig line says, "If you loan someone $20 and never see them again, it was probably worth it." That sounds like the case here, although you're out time instead of dollar bills. Let it go.

However, if someone else ever comes in screaming, dial 911 and let the cops show up. People screaming verbal abuse can "lose it" and start swinging.

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Who is it -- here or somewhere else -- whose sig line says, "If you loan someone $20 and never see them again, it was probably worth it."

Haha that would be me. And, my lady up there that I shared about, you know - Vegas Gal, mailed her 8879 and a check. Got it today. Yay, guess I may see her again after all.

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