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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2015 in Posts

  1. Long time client. Has a rental, royalties, detailed schedule A, 2106 etc. Because they are friends, we always gave them a discount. Last year, their son talked them into going to Liberty so he could get a $50 referral payment. They also got a very heavily discounted return. Like only $17. But the bill would have been over $550 without the discount. So this year they want to come back. Sure, send me over your 2013 return. Roll the return from my software and put in the numbers from last year so I can roll the return again. Guess what, they don't match up? Why? Well, the rental has NO DEPRECIATION on the 2013 return. I keep looking at the schedule E and I don't see the depreciation. So that $17 return that got your son $50 cost you $1400 in Federal and State Taxes paid in 2013. Now I get to do the amended and the 2014. I bet they never leave again. And there will not be a discount this year. Tom Newark, CA
    10 points
  2. Sounds to me like we are all getting just a tad testy. I told my staff earlier today - screw the concealed weapon crap. For the next five days I am strapping that thing on where EVERY one can see it. Go ahead, punk, make my day!
    8 points
  3. Client: Nothing has changed so it is the same. changes found: started a side business broker sold stock to fund the start up business is profitable (consulting) and oh by the way, we had twins and nothing has changed will the fees be the same as last year? Me first we file an extenson you are bring this to me on the 10th and I have about 20 infront of you and no the cost will be at a min. 3 times as last year silence on phone I think I will call store front Me Goodbye, (see you next year to Amend this year and file 2015 and lets see about 5 times the cost)
    8 points
  4. I just moved a pile of papers and found an unopened box of peeps that I didn't know were there. How cool is that? Wonder what else is lurking under that sea of sliced trees.
    7 points
  5. I just go that question over the phone. "My daughter want's to know why her refund wasn't the same as last year" I DON"T KNOW I'VE NEVER SEEN HER LAST YEAR RETURN!!!!!!!!!!!! AND WHAT THE HECK MAKES THEM THINK IT SHOULD BE THE SAME EVERY YEAR
    7 points
  6. And I'd do them all - that's what we do for a living. And I don't care about statutes and helping people get out of paying taxes. Or that she won't get a refund. Or any fringe crap. I'm sorry, I've had enough. Or as my momma would say, "I've had enough. I've had ABOUT enough. I'd had JUST ABOUT enough." So there you have it. Hahaha, oh God, I am scaring myself now...
    7 points
  7. 'cuz we can ALL use a couple minutes' break http://fellowshipoftheminds.com/2015/04/08/we-are-super-ninja-cats-masters-of-ancient-art-of-ninjutsu/
    6 points
  8. What I hate is when the preacher's wife does it for free so the little gal can save on my ridiculous $105 fee, and the preacher's wife reduces the penalty on IRA withdrawal by the total amount of medical expenses, and the amount that exceeds the threshold is exactly zero. And you tell her she owes $208 in tax and the preacher's wife says you do not and the flying monkeys are like ok, sorry, Sister TaxProWannaBe knows better than me, get outta here, you and your little dog, too.
    6 points
  9. I have used the Comparison for as long as they have had it, and with EVERY return. Not only can I see if I am missin something, it showes the EXAC line by line of any increases or decreases. Amazing how much more the client understands!!!
    6 points
  10. She wants to file and I want to feed my kids. Win/win. I don't see how it's any different than a client coming in that wants to file a current year return. We read clients the riot act all the time about doing things right. So, if it's been long enough, they get a pass on doing what they should have done? I think that's a disservice to the people who file when they should. Gonna respectfully disagree with you, OldJack. You're still the bomb.
    6 points
  11. I found the missing second key to my office (that I just knew I put in a safe place so I would remember where it was) I totally searched for two days, gave up and about a week later moved some papers and there it was!!!!
    5 points
  12. I recently found a very rotten apple behind my pile of reference books on the desk behind me. I kept thinking I smelled something......................
    5 points
  13. Sorry you've had that experience, amigo. My experience has been just the opposite. The vast majority of my clients are clergy and over the years all but a very small handful (I can count on one hand) have been intent on doing it right. I've had my share of new clients who were clueless and made clueless mistakes but all were willing to make it right when they found out. Don't get me wrong, none of them liked having to pay taxes and they weren't jumping for joy in the instances where I discovered their previous preparer did not understand clergy tax issues and we had to go back and amend to make it right. The point is, when they realized they legitimately owed more tax, they paid it. In 29 years of tax prep I've had exactly ONE (former) clergy taxpayer ask me to do something unethical or try to sneak something past me. Maybe I've just been lucky and stumbled across the honest minority. But I don't think so. I get 'em from just about every denomination, walk of life, and age range and have clients in 26 different states. I know it is popular these days to bash 'em but at least in this area, I think it unwarranted. Anyway, that's my two cents' worth.
    5 points
  14. Well, bless the LORD, Y'all, the new Preach just picked up, I explained it all in great detail, and he was just fine, asked for some business cards, said the Realtor (oh great...) who told him FMV of rental was looking for a preparer and senior pastor’s accountant is on pain meds and fell asleep on him during interview, and he’s giving them my card. I am so relieved. Hugs and kisses all around!
    5 points
  15. And then there is 'my' couple who would benefit from MFS but because he is retired and has withholdings and she is self-employed but wants estimates in her name only, still want to file joint. Only been married a couple of years, age differences, etc. I spent so much time with them, so many emails, arrggghh! EMailed pdf copies but their computer couldn't connect to printer so I had to mail client copies for review, yada, yada, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
    5 points
  16. Rita, you sound as tired as I am
    5 points
  17. Like I remember what is different on your return? The comparison makes it easier to explain it. Kinda tough to read upside down, however. Rich
    5 points
  18. Maybe tomorrow I'll take the ol' broom for a spin. I just hope I don't have to unleash the flying monkeys.
    5 points
  19. Are you still here? Are you still talking?
    5 points
  20. Today was very annoying and I won't get into the details. Let's just say that this might have been me talking to a client: and this one of me contemplating his extension: ^ That one is available for purchase on the internet. I might have to buy it for my office for several reasons, one of which is that the movie is a classic and a favorite of mine.
    4 points
  21. I have a client like this. The reason they file MFS is she is able to have all her Teacher Student loans reduced and eventually forgiven by filing MFS. The husband always ends up owing so I have to actually prepare 3 returns MFJ, MFS for each showing how the wife claims the kids and receives all the credit, very little to itemize, State Tax WH, No credit for Student Loan interest or Child Care, still receives a refund. Husband always ends up paying and claiming installment plan, he receives all the normal itemized deductions (They are all in his name). Still works better than MFJ by a couple hundred. But, the time it takes to prepare the 3 returns takes forever. Besides the MFJ vs MFS comparison in ATX does not show the State side which can be significant. Then they complain about a $150 tax return fee. Grrr.
    4 points
  22. Last year I found a Santa Twix!
    4 points
  23. I always use and give the year-to-year comparison and the MFJ vs. MFS comparison. I'd been putting them after the summary, because the summary makes a nice start after the cover sheet, looks prettier or whatever. I'm starting to put the year-to-year first. Maybe I'll have the MFJ/MFS second.
    4 points
  24. Price increase for clients returning after a gap. And, charge for the amendment for the year you did not prepare. I have one on extension like that.
    4 points
  25. Wicked Witch of the West (WWW) to Dorothy "You will pay your estimated taxes my pretty.....and your little dog too!" Castle Guards singing while marching " O E O..... Pay the estimates....O E O....Pay the estimates" WWW to the monkeys "Fly.... and go get that mileage log. Kill anyone you have to, but bring me back that mileage log....in tack." WWW to Dorothy in the castle try to get off the ruby slippers "How will we get your Employee Business Expenses out of you? This must be done DEL..I...CATE..LY. You have one hour!!!!!! When the sand runs out, so does your appointment time." Obama as the Castle Guard to the republicans in congress as Dorothy.... "You killed her" Dorothy "I didn't mean to, I was just after Lois Lerner. If she would have just testified, I would not have thrown a bucket of budget cuts at her" There is so much more that could go with that movie and taxes. Oh, what a wonderful post to start the last few days of tax season. Tom Newark, CA
    4 points
  26. CLIENT: "I spent way too much of it on that outrageous tax preparation fee. Oh, and also some went to the new boat & motorcycle."
    4 points
  27. I will file returns as far back as a client can give me information to file. As far as e-filing prior years, none of us can e-file more than the current year and the two prior years if I am not mistaken because that is all the IRS is set up to accept. And as far as the client never having heard from the IRS - REALLY? Even if it was just computer generated letters that were never followed up on, I bet the letters were sent. Almost always, when the IRS grabs a refund from the current year for past due taxes, my clients have never been notified that they had past due taxes. This is the first they heard of it. Right. I know the post office occasionally loses mail, and surely the IRS occasionally misses one of these letters, BUT my money is on selective memory on the part of the client.
    4 points
  28. I include one (Comparison) in every return (except the child / dependent / college student w-2 income only). I actually use a highlighter and highlight AGI, Itemized Deductions, Taxable Income, Total Taxes, and the Balance Due vs Refund. Also I highlight the Child Tax Credit and if their child turned 17 (or will the following year) to note the difference. I put in to the left side of my 2 pocket tax folder so they see that first. Then the complete signed return in the right side pocket. It has helped save many repeat telephone conversations. Even if it is a new client and you have a copy of the prior year return from the ex Tax Preparer, you can quickly fill in the info for comparison.
    4 points
  29. Not gonna lie, this was me last night: This is me today:
    3 points
  30. I will personally put it in the hand of my new client who tried to tell me how to do my job. She is picking up this afternoon. She was trying to squeeze more money out of the system and I was having no part of it.
    3 points
  31. Rita, you now have officially turned into your mother!
    3 points
  32. I've started adding the comparison to most of my returns. I think I'll start putting it in all of them.
    3 points
  33. Have you calculated the return yet? Maybe the IRS didn't bother if her withholding was high enough to cover the tax on the wages, distribution and the early withdrawal penalty all combined.
    3 points
  34. I tend to ask... "What did you do with all that extra income?" I get a lot of blank stares...
    3 points
  35. Got a new preacher. Been doing his own returns on TT. Brought me three years in case I need help. Only reason he needs me is he's afraid of identity theft, something about TT, blah, blah, I wasn't really paying attention. Well, we're about to see how he deals with adversity. He has not figured SE tax on wages in Box 1. Has not filled out worksheets to determine excess Housing Allowance, and I'll betcha it's significant. I think a Come to Jesus Meeting is about to take place, y'all. Is IRS even trying???? I mean, HELLO, these are so obviously and horrifically incorrect.
    2 points
  36. So I got a new client that told me she hasn't filled a return since 2004! She also said she hasn't been contacted by the IRS or anything but wants to file. Now her lowest wage was in 2005 when she had W-2 income of $31,451 and a 1099R code 1 of $6,678 SO WHERE THE HECK IS THE IRS.? I just done get how some people can go so many years like this and other NOT.
    2 points
  37. Message from wife of pastor who picked up: “Hi, Rita, I know you’re busy, but we always get a refund, can you call me and go over what changed from last year, so we know how to plan for this year?” Hi, yes, I AM busy. Can you maybe get out 2013 and note that you did NOT get a refund, and that your overpaid husband made 5,000 more in 2014, and like more income makes a difference when it comes to taxes? I know that's hard to believe, but I find that it's true more often than not. -- Thought bubble.
    2 points
  38. go on line, most big companies have a way to do this, you enter original purchase and then the will calc all dividends reinvested and spits to give you a current basis.
    2 points
  39. It's drawing to a close, folks.
    2 points
  40. Why haven't I got my refund....????..Yet.?
    2 points
  41. Yes, I've just about had enough. Hahaha.
    2 points
  42. >>Gonna respectfully disagree with you, OldJack.<< That's fine. I also have prepared prior year tax returns for those that have failed to file for many years. I just make sure the decision is theirs so when they get the penalties later they don't blame me for anything. It was their decision not to file and should therefore be their own decision to file now.
    2 points
  43. I don't care about the weather, but I get a much needed haircut, date night with my husband and can schedule a pedicure.
    2 points
  44. You needed a different tech. Drake runs peer to peer. Check for malware on your computer. Use Malwarebytes to find it. I will bet you a banana split you have a bug.
    2 points
  45. I have a lot of PA non-resident returns because we are close to the border. Used to be PA was super easy and always filled in properly. Now it has become a PITA and opens every version of the federal form you have open. And the simple little PA w-2 that you want to flow over, doesn't flow over anymore. So you have to go in and override numbers and delete all these extra forms. Not sure why they changed all that. When you have NYS resident return open, and mark PA as non-resident, only the input that indicates PA should flow to PA. It's been a time waster this year.
    2 points
  46. so how do you claim husband as "dependent", and not file joint return? (not that i haven't felt my husband is a bit dependent sometimes.......)
    2 points
  47. I miss being able to add numbers in a field. Remember that? =34+56+32+123 You know, cause clients put all these freakin donation slips in here... C'mon, you can't even itemize. Stop it!
    2 points
  48. If the dividends are being reinvested to purchase more shares (mutual funds or drip plans), then yes, the brokers are including this for the dividends paid that are considered "covered" securities. For funds that were held prior to the brokers being required to track this, then there will be some transactions that are "not covered" securities, and some are showing the basis that isn't reported to IRS and some aren't. Most of the broker statements that I've seen this year do have all of the information on them. The ones that haven't had it were because the clients had switched brokers or advisors at some point in the past and the information was not available to be included.
    2 points
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