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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2015 in all areas

  1. Y'all know I'm not as mean to my clients as I let on, right? Well, except that one guy, he had it coming, and the boot extraction device is a write-off, and I'd be a better people person if I knew better people...
    7 points
  2. I hit the wall two weeks ago and have been going off of sheer orneriness ever since.
    6 points
  3. That's too bad, Rita. I was going to hire you to come put a few of my clients in their places, or your boot in their places.
    6 points
  4. I had 18 drop offs yesterday! I couldn't believe it. I hate people today.
    6 points
  5. How would we possibly live without you Rita? You brighten every day!!!!
    6 points
  6. No you can't bring that last piece of info (that I have been waiting for for ten days) when you come to pick it up! You don't mind waiting for me to finish it once you get here : BUT I DO! I am not going to put it in , print and assemble "while you wait" send it AT LEAST an hour before you plan to be here.... and I hope you get stuck in traffic
    6 points
  7. my 2 cats were one red and one black.....their names you ask? Debit and Credit
    5 points
  8. I've been reading Rita's comments aloud to non tax people like my roommate and the young gal that was staying in my room at the conference I was just at. They get it because they know what I'm going through!
    5 points
  9. Last extension filed at 4:45 on the 14th. Total of 39 extensions filed (including my own). Hope everyone has a manageable day on the 15th.
    4 points
  10. It's spooky quiet here today. We did all the extensions, and have had a couple people drop off info even though they are on ext. I'm just exhausted. you never realize how tired you are til you are done. Then you hit the wall.
    4 points
  11. Just an aside to your post, why would you file estimates for yourself when you are on extension? If you add what you need to pay with your 1st estimate to your extension, you have that extra hedge in case your extension is short.. Lets say I "think" I need 10k for my extension and 15k for my first estimate, I send 25k with the extension.
    4 points
  12. One would hope, but it doesn't, quite. There is always the last-minute crunch of folks who suddenly decide they want to make a payment, or call with their grown child's info so you can put in extensions for them, or who contacted you two months ago and never since until *today* when they want to know if it's too late to file an extension with you... Blech. I will be GLAD when today is over. Will take it easy the rest of this week (5-6 hour days, not 10-12) and start hitting the extended clients next week. Note for Rita: that is, hitting their *tax returns* by working on them, not dope-slapping the clients. Not even the ones who really NEED dope-slapping. Although those I will *think* about hitting. 90% of the fun, 0% of the repercussions. Except for the queries, when speaking with them, about why the sudden big grin ("Oh, nothing, just a random funny thought crossed my mind").
    4 points
  13. But not nearly as much fun! Or stress relieving!
    4 points
  14. Dang. That is probably easier than the rip it out of the wall feature. Crap...
    4 points
  15. I discovered the do not disturb feature on my phones this year! And I plan to use it ALL day today!
    4 points
  16. This is an unsolicited post. Think about all the hard work that Eric does in our behalf by maintaining this fourm.He does not have the CCH bank roll behind him.I am sure tossing a bone his way would be appreciated. I just mailed my bone, why not join me. Click on donations on the upper task bar on the home page.ERIC PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THIS MESSAGE FOR A FEW DAYS.Have a great day everyone. Regards SF BOB
    3 points
  17. 3 points
  18. I had a great season, finished the returns a little early, have already completely several clients' 1st quarter work and payroll returns, and today I'm taking it easy. I was able to add to the client base, grew the practice some, and made more money! Yay! Thanks to all who participate here to make this a great place to visit. I hope it will continue to grow and thrive, and maybe we'll will entice some that left to call this forum home once more. Finally, I want to say THANK YOU, ERIC, for providing this site and taking good care of us.
    3 points
  19. I use Michael's method. Don't risk being short on the extension, which is 2014 with all that interest accruing on any shortfall. But, I had every single client call me this year -- after explaining it in great detail in writing in an email -- asking for their ES vouchers or saying they misplaced them or even both husband and wife emailing me for 1Q amounts. I resent the email to every one of them!
    3 points
  20. NECPA, the one in the foreground on the ten key, Tribble, is black and white; the one under the 'heat lamp' holding down the papers is Bonk; the one in the window catbird seat is Cattanooga, Noogie for short. Tribble is a fluff ball named for Star Trek Tribbles. Bonk kept bonking his head on the kitchen table when sitting on my son's lap. Noogie was adopted from a motel parking lot in - can you guess? I love the Debit and Credit names, Michael!
    3 points
  21. Just because a client wants to do something doesn't make it correct. Unless the partnership had a change in ownership of more than 50% and therefore had a technical termination, then you and your client would be in error by filing 2 tax returns years, and even if they could or did this, the one for the period ending in Oct would already be late, so an extension is totally inappropriate for that situation. You need to file one extension for the entire year using the EIN and the new name. When the return is filed, you will check the box for name change on page 1 of the form 1065. The partnership can make its allocations to all of the partners for that short period based on the actual results of operations through the date in October and give only those details of that income/expense split to the partner that left. The remaining partners will also get a portion of that plus a split of the activity for the remainder of the year.
    3 points
  22. OK, then there's the CORRECT answer... LOL. Go, Judy, you are MVP for 2014 without a doubt.
    3 points
  23. From the IRS site regarding excess contributions and deferrals: Correction of excess deferrals after the year. If you have excess deferrals for a year, you may receive a correcting distribution of the excess deferral no later than April 15 of the following year. The plan can distribute the excess deferral (and any income allocable to the excess) no later than April 15 of the year following the year the excess deferral was made. Tax treatment of excess deferrals not attributable to Roth contributions. If the excess deferral is distributed by April 15 (of the following year), it is included in your income in the year contributed and the earnings on the excess deferral will be taxed in the year distributed.
    3 points
  24. Not done by a long shot. Will take a few days off for medical appts and R and R. Back to the extensions on Monday. I would rather get it all behind me. I truly love and appreciate everyone on this board.
    3 points
  25. Hope your head feels all better this morning, Joan!
    3 points
  26. 18! Wow. Cool. Think of all that revenue after April 15th! Keep smiling everyone! It is Christmas every day around my office right now. Rich
    3 points
  27. I've got about 75 extensions filed (including my own) and waiting to hear back from a client that owes about $16k, how he wants to pay. Got a few more to review. So frikkin tired AND have a headache. Still have to figure out my estimates and review my assistant's return-wife bought a PTP. Really tempted to just go to bed right now though.
    3 points
  28. Some or these folks must have bumped their head on every branch of the stupid tree they fell out of.
    3 points
  29. Absolutely NOBODY has been on time today!!!!!
    3 points
  30. I've been known to turn the ringers off on the phones during peak hours.
    3 points
    3 points
  32. New greeting: "Hi, this is Rita. Come get your shit."
    3 points
  33. No, your date of birth is not on the return from your previous preparer, just tell me your date of birth, it's not that hard, and now we know why you didn't get along with the aforementioned previous preparer. Yes, yes we do. OMG.
    3 points
  34. We have had six returns dropped off today so far. I have e-filed the last one for this season. And we should be able to put a sign on the door and be gone by 10:00 tomorrow morning. Frankly, at this point, I am wondering why we are coming in at all.
    2 points
  35. Another Tax Day has come and I am finished with what needed to be done for today. Extensions await me but that can be handled over the next month or two. Thanks to everyone on this forum for their support and sage advice. It's very much appreciated! My best to each of you for an "off season" filled with nothing but good health and good cheer!
    2 points
  36. That was the problem!!! I guess I will just mail the brokerage statement with the 8453. Stick a fork in me. I am DONE!! Thanks to everyone for all your help and input this year!
    2 points
  37. Just finished my last return
    2 points
  38. I am on the porch swing right now - I may not move from this spot for several hours.
    2 points
  39. We closed the office at 10:30 (instead of 10 only because we had to wait for the Schwan man.) Then went to lunch, shopped for some pond supplies and I just got up from the first of what should be several naps over the next several days. Catherine, I am all about that!
    2 points
  40. Got our own extensions in for IRS, CT, and IL. Did the clients that needed calculations to mail in payments a few days ago. A few finally got me signatures today to e-file their returns. Now trying to pick up speed on extensions for those that always get refunds, their w/h is greater than their tax liability. And, some that tell me that but it doesn't always work out that way when they get me all their docs! Discovering new states as I dig into the folders or make calls. Long day. I'm so tired. Promised a biz client that I'd be at her office Thursday.
    2 points
  41. Extensions take Apr 15 off the table and can make it just another day at the office (or away from the office, as the case may be).
    2 points
  42. Thanks, Judy. That has been my feeling about it all along and I told them I thought that was the way it had to be done. They probably won't like it but at this point I don't much care.
    2 points
  43. Gotta get some more extensions, don't know how many, I hope a lot. My door is open. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses. And your slackers. I'm here for you. Just want to confirm that the ACA did not improve my health, but it didn't do me in, either. And my motto today is: "April 15 doesn't tell us, we tell IT."
    2 points
  44. Wow! Thanks for the prompt response. This board has been a tremendous help!
    2 points
  45. That is my life every day, except there are three of them sitting on everything that I need.
    2 points
  46. You've been known to be a genius.
    2 points
  47. I looked at Eric's link, and loved this one. I bet at least half of us have had this conversation with a client. April 11, 2015 I’m a photographer and my client was several hours late and I could not get a hold of her so I assumed she was a no-show and moved on to my next appointment. Awhile later, I finally got a text from the client. Client: OMW Me: I’m sorry but you were several hours late without warning and I had other clients booked today. Client: Well you didn’t tell me I had to be on time.
    2 points
  48. I had one guy who was supposed to drop off last night and never showed. Same guy asked for account approval on my file share portal today. Guess there will be ONE more tomorrow. Otherwise, all my extensions are IN. Unless you count the two that, today, decided they wanted to send in payments as well - can I please have a payment coupon? <<<<tthhiiss>>>> close!
    2 points
  49. No, I cannot call you to tell you what you owe IRS and me. You will live until you get here today or tomorrow. But maybe not long after that.
    2 points
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