Eric Posted February 11, 2008 Report Posted February 11, 2008 What do you think? The question was posed last year, but the membership has grown considerably since then. Do you think the ATX Community would benefit from having an Off Topic section?
Jack from Ohio Posted February 11, 2008 Report Posted February 11, 2008 I claim the first vote cast!!! :D
JohnH Posted February 11, 2008 Report Posted February 11, 2008 I voted in favor of a separate OT section. (Even though I can't remember how I responded when the questions was asked last time)
zeke Posted February 11, 2008 Report Posted February 11, 2008 Sometimes when I am most serious is when I NEED a change of pace or a laugh. Therefor, I would prefer to just lable as NT or OT...
Byron Posted February 11, 2008 Report Posted February 11, 2008 Funny is OK here -- but endless reports on and responses to what someone has eaten or is going to eat are tiresome, stale, and boring. Get a new act, please. If you're going to set up another section, make it for reports on what is going into (or coming out of) people's bodies.
Booger Posted February 11, 2008 Report Posted February 11, 2008 Funny is OK here -- but endless reports on and responses to what someone has eaten or is going to eat are tiresome, stale, and boring. Get a new act, please. If you're going to set up another section, make it for reports on what is going into (or coming out of) people's bodies. TSK TSK.............Some people take themselves too seriously. Anal-retentive I would say. Booger
jmallard Posted February 11, 2008 Report Posted February 11, 2008 Sure, why not have an OT section. Jerry
bstaxes Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 I like it the way it is. I like finding humor when I am not looking for it. Adding another section to click on is not for me.
Lynn EA USTCP in Louisiana Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 I like the idea of creating another section for OT. Lynn Jacobs, EA Kenner, La
HV Ken Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 I would prefer a separate off topic area. I skip over the off topic posts anyway, so it will make it that much easier for me. Now if we could also find a way to parse out the, how did KC put it, "sarcastic meaningless replies to sincere questions", that would be even better!
Julie Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 I would rather see a section where serious answers with cites are copied for reference after being posted here. I like this one the way it is. I would prefer a separate off topic area. I skip over the off topic posts anyway, so it will make it that much easier for me. Now if we could also find a way to parse out the, how did KC put it, "sarcastic meaningless replies to sincere questions", that would be even better!
Gail in Virginia Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 I would rather see a section where serious answers with cites are copied for reference after being posted here. I like this one the way it is. I like that suggestion. The nuggets of humor as we work are useful, the sarcasm I usually ignore, the menus only serve to make me jealous but I would love to have a more concise way to look up answers that I remember but didn't need at the time. The drawback is that I don't know who would have the time sort the wheat from the chaff and move it to the other board. KC has the knowledge and ability, but sometimes I think we expect to much of her. She already contributes more than her share here.
jklcpa Posted February 12, 2008 Report Posted February 12, 2008 It would be more useful to me if NT / OT were separated, but I can live with it either way. I'll just skip the topics or posters I don't like to read. Even with separate sections, some OT & e-file postings would still end up in the tax section. It happened on the old ATX board too. So if it saves money & bandwidth to keep it the way it is, then do so. Two things I don't appreciate are: 1) the total hijacking of a thread onto another topic (instead just start a new topic), and 2) as KC pointed out, the growing number of sarcastic posts by a handful of individuals. These serve no purpose here other than to undermine the helpful & friendly tone we have going.
lydia33 Posted February 13, 2008 Report Posted February 13, 2008 I like both, but when I need help with taxes that is all I look at. All taxes and no fun make for a boring Lydia. I like the off topic so I do not have to think about taxes for just a FEEEEWWW minutes during tax season. I would read and post on both.
Eric Posted February 13, 2008 Author Report Posted February 13, 2008 The poll is quite close--I'll leave the voting open until the end of the week.
Bart Posted February 13, 2008 Report Posted February 13, 2008 The poll is quite close--I'll leave the voting open until the end of the week. I vote for a seperate OT/NT area.
Cat in OH Posted February 13, 2008 Report Posted February 13, 2008 I've voted (to leave as is). I do have 2 questions: 1)Would adding another section increase bandwidth used and/or the cost of the board? 2)Wouldn't another section create more work for the people generous enough to moderate/run/manage the community? Cathy PS I don't have a big practice. I don't post often. During off-season I barely come here. But I LOVE this board. Don't know where I'd be during tax season if I didn't have it! Thanks for the work that has gone into it and thanks to everyone who posts here!
Wendy Posted February 14, 2008 Report Posted February 14, 2008 I voted to leave as is. With the busy season, who has time to look at another section for a laugh of the day? This morning I was scanning the new posts and saw KC's joke. It started the day off right - but I wouldn't have gone looking for it. Wendy
Janitor Bob Posted February 14, 2008 Report Posted February 14, 2008 I voted to leave as is. With the busy season, who has time to look at another section for a laugh of the day? This morning I was scanning the new posts and saw KC's joke. It started the day off right - but I wouldn't have gone looking for it. Wendy Some of the funniest and day-making posts are stumbled upon enexpectedly....Leave things as they are I like oatmeal cookies better than chocolate chip
Eric Posted February 14, 2008 Author Report Posted February 14, 2008 I've voted (to leave as is). I do have 2 questions: 1)Would adding another section increase bandwidth used and/or the cost of the board? 2)Wouldn't another section create more work for the people generous enough to moderate/run/manage the community? Cathy PS I don't have a big practice. I don't post often. During off-season I barely come here. But I LOVE this board. Don't know where I'd be during tax season if I didn't have it! Thanks for the work that has gone into it and thanks to everyone who posts here! 1) From a performance / bandwidth point of view, there is really no difference. It would only take a moment to add a new forum, so really besides your second question, the only variable is what you folks would prefer. 2) That is a possibility. With the vote as close as it is, this might be the deciding factor for now.
Margaret CPA in OH Posted February 15, 2008 Report Posted February 15, 2008 I've reconsidered and would like to change my Yes vote to a No.
SCL Posted February 16, 2008 Report Posted February 16, 2008 leave as is. as someone pointed out, when the at(ex)board tried to split forums, the other forum got no action. keep things simple, and just skip if not interested.
michaelmars Posted February 16, 2008 Report Posted February 16, 2008 leave as is, just encourge people to but nt before such posts
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